Topic: Armstrong: Mars Easier Voyage Than Moon  (Read 2401 times)

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Armstrong: Mars Easier Voyage Than Moon
« on: September 07, 2005, 09:44:47 am »
Link to full article

"It will certainly be 20 years or more before that happens," Armstrong said during a global leadership forum.

"It will be expensive, it will take a lot of energy and a complex spacecraft. But I suspect that even though the various questions are difficult and many, they are not as difficult and many as those we faced when we started the Apollo (space program) in 1961."
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Offline prometheus

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Re: Armstrong: Mars Easier Voyage Than Moon
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2005, 10:45:04 am »
Link to full article

"It will certainly be 20 years or more before that happens," Armstrong said during a global leadership forum.

"It will be expensive, it will take a lot of energy and a complex spacecraft. But I suspect that even though the various questions are difficult and many, they are not as difficult and many as those we faced when we started the Apollo (space program) in 1961."

Easy for him to say, he was there and back in seven days...  I wouldn't go to Mars until the day the last of my family and friends pass on and I have no repsonsibility to anyone...

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Offline E_Look

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Re: Armstrong: Mars Easier Voyage Than Moon
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2005, 10:48:09 am »
Link to full article

"It will certainly be 20 years or more before that happens," Armstrong said during a global leadership forum.

"It will be expensive, it will take a lot of energy and a complex spacecraft. But I suspect that even though the various questions are difficult and many, they are not as difficult and many as those we faced when we started the Apollo (space program) in 1961."

Easy for him to say, he was there and back in seven days...  I wouldn't go to Mars until the day the last of my family and friends pass on and I have no repsonsibility to anyone...



Offline prometheus

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Re: Armstrong: Mars Easier Voyage Than Moon
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2005, 10:55:55 am »
Out of curiosity, what forum was it he was on?   I've always wanted a chance to talk to an astronaut...

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Offline Bonk

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Re: Armstrong: Mars Easier Voyage Than Moon
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2005, 01:46:24 pm »
Out of curiosity, what forum was it he was on?   I've always wanted a chance to talk to an astronaut...

I'm pretty sure they mean the "in person" kind there Prometheus... ;) (#3a below)

From Webster:
1 a : the marketplace or public place of an ancient Roman city forming the center of judicial and public business b : a public meeting place for open discussion c : a medium (as a newspaper) of open discussion or expression of ideas
2 : a judicial body or assembly : COURT
3 a : a public meeting or lecture involving audience discussion b : a program (as on radio or television) involving discussion of a problem usually by several authorities

Back away from the keyboard, get up gingerly (an atrophied body injures easliy, take my word on this....) and step outside... that bright light that burns so, they call it the sun... strange I know, but there it is. I'm pretty sure you'll need some sunscreen a wide brimmed hat and some sunglasses...   (sorry, couldn't help myself...)


Offline prometheus

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Re: Armstrong: Mars Easier Voyage Than Moon
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2005, 03:54:48 am »
Out of curiosity, what forum was it he was on?   I've always wanted a chance to talk to an astronaut...

I'm pretty sure they mean the "in person" kind there Prometheus... ;) (#3a below)

From Webster:
1 a : the marketplace or public place of an ancient Roman city forming the center of judicial and public business b : a public meeting place for open discussion c : a medium (as a newspaper) of open discussion or expression of ideas
2 : a judicial body or assembly : COURT
3 a : a public meeting or lecture involving audience discussion b : a program (as on radio or television) involving discussion of a problem usually by several authorities

Back away from the keyboard, get up gingerly (an atrophied body injures easliy, take my word on this....) and step outside... that bright light that burns so, they call it the sun... strange I know, but there it is. I'm pretty sure you'll need some sunscreen a wide brimmed hat and some sunglasses...   (sorry, couldn't help myself...)


That's even worse than EElooks Nanu Nanu joke...  ::)  If I had a gun that fired into internet land...  ;)

To make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the Universe!