Actually it (kinda) proves my point.
You should try and get someone from all the races to train the new guys.
I mean I really don't mind when I fight a new Fed or Klink and they
try and overrun a BCHP , but maybe a quick run through what all the races can do.
maybe if someone would have taken the time way back when I wouldn't have such issues
fighting plasma.

But serioulsy- have it set up so the new guys flya against all the races, I remember when I started flying Lyran
that all I was told was "Lyrans are great close up"
So I proceeded to lose god knows how many (I'm sure in the hundreds) of matches to t00l and Bearslayer
before I finally wised up and said, hmm overrunning Hydrans= dead ship.
Really, I think if you're going to set up and run Fun IP games for free the least you could do it do it properly.