It will take longer to lose the saber dance but you will lose it just the same. If you over-rely on those split arcs you show him your rear every time. Eventually it drops and the internals start racking up. Your weapons get miziaed, you run out of parts, and things get p00py real fast.
Yep that's what I guessed in my first post on this issue, but Dizzy wasn't shooting my rear shield everytime so I was fine proceeding with dancing in THIS case, though I see it's wrong in general.
Chasing him all the time won't work either (as you discovered), because of all his transporters and rear firing phasers.
Yeah, and to hell with T-bombs.
This is not to say the fight is hopeless by any means. It just becomes a question of timing, knowing when to use each tactic. Occasionally overloading and luring him into range 8 is a good middle ground, if he bites. Mix that up with the starndard range 15 saber, and try for an overrun when the timing is right. The timing is right if:
1) You are mostly loaded
2) He is mostly not
3) He is being aggressive, not running away from you
4) You think you can catch him by surprise
So let's say I'm at range 15 with normals charged (including fusions) and he just fired: I can overload the fusions in half a turn, meaning I can get a solid shot before he rearms. What if he turns away? Since I can't chase him into T-bombs do I take a range 8 alpha and turn away again? Also having to centerline for a good shot is impossibly restrictive, would it be better to go with one OL HB and OL fusions for higher speed and just fire at an oblique if he's trying to turn away from the overrun? Or use everything but burn an HET? What would be helpful is a video of some excellent Hydran/Klingon players duelling...
And don't forget a repel. That is VERY important.
Roger that. I'll never be able to figure out how much to use. He could possibly go with a level 4 and be shooting standard disruptors and low phasers at pretty good speed, and I would never realize it.
If you died trying this against Dizzy it does not mean the tactic is invalid. It just means you have to work on your timing.
No it means Dizzy was trying to get me killed. He wanted me to crash into the T-bombs. I'm afraid, Dizzy, we can no longer be friends

There is of course a third tactic, which is to castle. But I wouldn't recommend trying it until you familiarize yourself thoroughly with the moving battle.
Screw castling... ships should have a stall speed of 12-15... yes in space. We'll say their warp drives fail if not kept above 12-15.