Topic: R-NHK vs F-CB  (Read 27276 times)

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Re: R-NHK vs F-CB
« Reply #40 on: September 07, 2005, 06:30:45 am »

Nevertheless, 90% (at least) of SFC is SFB.  You can't have the former without the latter.


Not exactly correct, the former couldn't have been developed without the later, but now that we have it, any of the later can be tossed into the wastebasket at will if it doesn't fit.  ;) 

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Re: R-NHK vs F-CB
« Reply #41 on: September 07, 2005, 07:23:39 am »
Playing the game the way it came out of the box...... Hummmm >>>>>

Interesting concept....MB we should try it sometime !!

 :rofl:       :rofl:       :rofl:
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Re: R-NHK vs F-CB
« Reply #42 on: September 07, 2005, 08:17:59 am »
Playing the game the way it came out of the box...... Hummmm >>>>>

Interesting concept....MB we should try it sometime !!

 :rofl:       :rofl:       :rofl:

lol Carlos

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Re: R-NHK vs F-CB
« Reply #43 on: September 07, 2005, 09:12:56 am »
If the Fed pilot is willing to risk his ship by being "Bold and Stupid" (tm)*, he can win quite handily against a R-NHK.

*"Bold and Stupid" is trademarked by Dick Hertz, Inc.

DH, why is it that when ever we decide to get 'Bold and Stupid' we end up winning?!?!?!?

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Re: R-NHK vs F-CB
« Reply #44 on: September 07, 2005, 09:15:32 am »
#1 Frey is right :)

#2 Thursday night it is!

#3 Hexx must duel DH in a CLC vs NHK so we can settle this once and for all.

#4 I suspect Hexx won't pull it off, but I've become so amazing recently that I'm willing to try it in a mere frigate with 50-60 less BPV.  I'll go ahead and rematch with an F-XFE.  With only ELEVEN power at speed 31, it cannot possibly hope to fire overloaded X phasers every turn forever while shooting its As as well.  If you ever got to launch plasma at it, I would then have to waste further power on those stupid short range GATTLINGS which waste it 4 times a turn.  Not to mention, even as a frigate it still doesn't have a turn mode of 1.  At least its shields are ok.  But I'll TRY anyways.


Yeah so I've been looking through the X ships in more detail and noticed they are out of whack.  My favorites would have to be the XCBs, with up to 6,000 pts of heavy weapon damage + 8000 pts of weird phasers + 300 pts reinforcement with 40 ECM.  And the useless ships still can't break speed 31.

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Re: R-NHK vs F-CB
« Reply #45 on: September 07, 2005, 09:21:35 am »
Usually DH plays by the book and wins. But when he is out-shipped... Many peeps learn bold and stupid from me. It's one of many 'Dizzy's Bag of Stupid Tricks' stunts, guaranteed to kill get you killed quicker than you can say lickety split when you mess up even slightly... which is why most peeps don't use them. But some people just cant see it coming and somehow get pwnd horribly... :D

Offline Corbomite

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Re: R-NHK vs F-CB
« Reply #46 on: September 07, 2005, 09:36:46 am »
Or, better yet, just look at how absurd the Taldren creations are.

Oh yes, we all know there is nothing absurd in SFB!

Advanced era - Produced for OP to add some new features in order to sell a game that was already on the market in another form - much like Heavy War Destroyers in SFB and several other worthless modules.

SFC3 - Only one word needed here - Activision.

R-SPZ - It has short ranged weapons and no Cloak. If you get owned by that you just suck.

F-NCM - A tribute to the show that gave the impetus for the entire idea of ST gaming. Its not a bad ship either, flown correctly of course.

F-BCE - Same as above. What's the matter? Rear firing Photons give you nightmares? The D7T must make you crap your pants.

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Re: R-NHK vs F-CB
« Reply #47 on: September 07, 2005, 11:35:29 am »

EDIT: I hope this sort of arguing isn't bothering anyone..I'd hate to be the annoying know-it-all new guy that in fact knows nothing..I was hoping this is interesting.

You've asked intelligent and polite questions.
You've opened a discussion on tactics.
And you've started a classic SFB/SFC flame war!

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Re: R-NHK vs F-CB
« Reply #48 on: September 07, 2005, 01:15:19 pm »
Usually DH plays by the book and wins. But when he is out-shipped... Many peeps learn bold and stupid from me. It's one of many 'Dizzy's Bag of Stupid Tricks' stunts, guaranteed to kill get you killed quicker than you can say lickety split when you mess up even slightly... which is why most peeps don't use them. But some people just cant see it coming and somehow get pwnd horribly... :D

I will admit, I did learn "bold and stupid" from Dizzy.  The "Dizzy Chasesdown" should be a mandatory tactic taught to all new pilots as it is amazing how many people fall for it.

I honestly think the only reason I get away with "Bold and Stupid" is because I am a textbook pilot so when I do this, people are not expecting it and it catches them by surprise.
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Re: R-NHK vs F-CB
« Reply #49 on: September 07, 2005, 01:19:48 pm »

CB has the advantage that it can take a hit better if the pilot makes a mistake.

Bingo.   If it comes to a close range knife fight against plasma, you WILL get hit by some of it and you need to be able to survive a 70 point volley without getting wrecked.   The CB can do this, CLC cannot

CLC's a better ship though.

Less fire power, less hull, no HET, dead meat against another direct-fire ship,  Hmmm,,,,,,

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Offline Dizzy

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Re: R-NHK vs F-CB
« Reply #50 on: September 07, 2005, 02:05:21 pm »
But it turns quicker!  ;D

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Re: R-NHK vs F-CB
« Reply #51 on: September 07, 2005, 02:17:51 pm »
They are command cruisers, not BCH's.

Mind you they are very good command cruisers.
So I guess the H-CHC is a heavy battlecruiser then?

I always find it amusing to hear from those who swear off SFB as being irrelevant, and follow the gospel of Taldren instead.

Quote from: The Holy book of SFB, Module R4, P6, R4.72:
valid.  This ship is considered to be a heavy battlecruiser.
Designed by Jeff Smith.
This ship is a "Heavy Hawk;" see (R4.N3).
SSD and counter are in Module R4.

A check of the SFC 1 manual shows the NHK doesn't get much of anything outside the obvious (that it's the CC-version of the FHK).

While we're on this discussion, could someone remind me what the status of the I-CCZ is again?  Remember, it's a "measily" command cruiser, carrying a whopping 1 extra HW and 4 more power than the CA version of the same hull... ;)

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Re: R-NHK vs F-CB
« Reply #52 on: September 07, 2005, 03:33:25 pm »
But it turns quicker!  ;D


Therefore it's the better ship. (Although the HET is annoying)
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Re: R-NHK vs F-CB
« Reply #53 on: September 07, 2005, 04:23:04 pm »
Julin, the CCZ is a BCH equivalent, one that is easily capable of destroying DNs and fully kitted-out BCVs. That one extra heavy weapon and the extra 4 power makes a huge difference in comparison to the CAZ.

As for the CLC-CB comparison, the war cruiser leaders are more fun to fly (for me at least), but as DH says, they are far weaker in terms of durability. You cannot afford to make 2 mistakes against the bigger hulls in a war cruiser.
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Re: R-NHK vs F-CB
« Reply #54 on: September 07, 2005, 04:41:43 pm »
CLCs' slower regen rate seems to have gotten left out of the analysis...
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Re: R-NHK vs F-CB
« Reply #55 on: September 07, 2005, 05:21:44 pm »

While we're on this discussion, could someone remind me what the status of the I-CCZ is again?  Remember, it's a "measily" command cruiser, carrying a whopping 1 extra HW and 4 more power than the CA version of the same hull... ;)

You really need to get a clue.
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Re: R-NHK vs F-CB
« Reply #56 on: September 07, 2005, 05:27:54 pm »

As for the CLC-CB comparison, the war cruiser leaders are more fun to fly (for me at least), but as DH says, they are far weaker in terms of durability. You cannot afford to make 2 mistakes against the bigger hulls in a war cruiser.

War Cruiser leaders WERE more fun to fly until OP+ and the Fast Cruisers/HDWs made them totally out-dated.
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Re: R-NHK vs F-CB
« Reply #57 on: September 07, 2005, 06:03:07 pm »
yeah, but talk about glass jaws....
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Offline Hexx

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Re: R-NHK vs F-CB
« Reply #58 on: September 07, 2005, 06:19:05 pm »
While I kinda like the Fast Cruisers(  ::) ) the Heavy War Destroyers are a travesty.

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Re: R-NHK vs F-CB
« Reply #59 on: September 07, 2005, 06:50:55 pm »
While I kinda like the Fast Cruisers(  ::) ) the Heavy War Destroyers are a travesty.

I wouldn't call them a "Travesty," just a little too much.   Throw in the X DDs and things kinda even out among the races after 2282 in the small ship catagories.

Fast cruisers are a much more "complicated" issue . . .
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