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Topic: Bad news for our forum members in Hawaii  (Read 6184 times)

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Offline Commander Maxillius

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Re: Bad news for our forum members in Hawaii
« Reply #40 on: September 11, 2005, 06:49:18 pm »
You've got a point about the oil running out.  I've decided that my next vehicle will be a hybrid of full electric of some type, because when this car is paid off gas is gonna be over $5/gallon, and I'm telling you it's not going to get any cheaper.  Those of us here that are under 40 or so will see the end of the oil.  They're predicting 2050, and that was at 1995 usage.  Barring any big wars, I think we'll be lucky to have any oil in the ground by 2040, and it's going to become economically useless to any but the upperclass by 2015-2020. 

I'm just guessing here, but my generation is in for a bumpy ride, thanks to the wasteful bastards that came before us.

Thanks  :thumbsdown:
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Offline Jack Morris

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Re: Bad news for our forum members in Hawaii
« Reply #41 on: September 11, 2005, 10:07:13 pm »
The new Toyota Prius gets 61 mpg in the city. I met an asst. football coach for U.T. at my neighborhood 7/11 and I inquired about his new Prius. He fills up every two weeks, and it's all mostly city downtown driving as U.T. is right by downtown in Austin.

Toyota has already stated they will make all of their models with a hybrid option. Next year's model release will be the hybrid Camry, and I imagine people will be snapping them up as the Camry is still the number one selling sedan in the U.S.

Offline Dracho

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Re: Bad news for our forum members in Hawaii
« Reply #42 on: September 11, 2005, 10:22:50 pm »
Lexus has a hybrid SUV hitting the market in 2006.  It gets 35 MPG, which is pretty darned impressive for an SUV (Although those crappy mini-vans people drive to their eco-meetings to berate SUV's don't get very good mileage either).  My Tahoe gets 18 MPG on the highway (unless I am towing), and that's better than many mini-vans.  My old Z-28 got 28 MPG on the highway.
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