Topic: Photon Torpedos!  (Read 7820 times)

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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #20 on: August 31, 2005, 10:51:32 pm »
I think it is possible to make everyone happy, how is just not immediately obvious to many.

"Everyone" cannot include the insane or clinically depressed, unless those people are identified, incarcerated, and pumped full of enough happy drugs that they'd be singing the Barney song if you burned them alive.

So far, we have been spectacularly bad as a species, at doing that sort of thing.
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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #21 on: September 01, 2005, 10:35:34 am »
I think it is possible to make everyone happy, how is just not immediately obvious to many.

"Everyone" cannot include the insane or clinically depressed, unless those people are identified, incarcerated, and pumped full of enough happy drugs that they'd be singing the Barney song if you burned them alive.

So far, we have been spectacularly bad as a species, at doing that sort of thing.

Right, we absolutely must make a world that does not create insanity, and those that are born with mental handicaps must be treated with the utmost care and love.

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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #22 on: September 02, 2005, 12:09:04 am »
I figure that will come shortly after the heat death of the universe, or about 1 day after the sun goes nova - whichever comes first.
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. --Aristotle

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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #23 on: September 02, 2005, 07:09:27 am »
I figure that will come shortly after the heat death of the universe, or about 1 day after the sun goes nova - whichever comes first.

Way to be positive!  :P  But then a pessimist is never disappointed... I can relate, being a pessimist for the most part, as my prediction above of a "planetary deadman switch" should indicate. ;)

But is there any harm in trying to create such a world? (a very loaded question for you I know... ;)) Aren't we obliged to at least try and love our fellow man?

edit: I was sure that "love thy neighbor" was one of the big ten... but on looking it up, it is not!  :o

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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #24 on: September 02, 2005, 08:08:20 am »
Bonk, there is nothing wrong with trying to create that kind of a world - but you have to realize off the bat that some people will not want it.  That leaves you the choice of forcing them - which goes back to my 'idealism' thread in H&S.

Further, some people start out insane or psychopathic, and some of those learn to 'blend in' before they can be identified as such.

That's why the stereotype of the serial killer is his neighbors all saying "He was such a nice, quiet man," after he is caught.

In a world where a planet destroying weapon isn't too difficult to acquire, by the time you do identify that person - it is too late.
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. --Aristotle

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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #25 on: September 02, 2005, 09:05:04 am »
I can accept the logic of your view, but cannot bring myself to accept our doom so easily. Something can and must be done, there has to be a way.

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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #26 on: September 02, 2005, 09:45:06 am »
Perhaps the pessimist is merely a disillusioned idealist. That's how I'm looking at myself.
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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #27 on: September 02, 2005, 10:37:01 am »

Offline FPF-Tobin Dax

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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #28 on: September 02, 2005, 11:50:15 am »   Shows the big simalarities between mercury poisoning and autism which notes schizoid tendencies. A very interesting chart is there if you hang in long enough to scroll down a bit.

The schizo stuff reminds me of more than a decade ago when I was admited to hospital for a serious gastric bleed and the nurse ran down a medical checklist and asked if I had any history of mental illness. I had lost several pints of blood and was in shock and said "what"?  the nurse said, "you know, like schizophrenia." I replied without missing a beat, "both of me are fine". The tough old broad never even cracked a smile, but my wife liked it. Maybe it was reassuring to her that I still had my sense of humor.  ;D
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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #29 on: September 02, 2005, 12:52:24 pm »   Shows the big simalarities between mercury poisoning and autism which notes schizoid tendencies. A very interesting chart is there if you hang in long enough to scroll down a bit.

You're on to my train of thought...

The schizo stuff reminds me of more than a decade ago when I was admited to hospital for a serious gastric bleed and the nurse ran down a medical checklist and asked if I had any history of mental illness. I had lost several pints of blood and was in shock and said "what"? the nurse said, "you know, like schizophrenia." I replied without missing a beat, "both of me are fine". The tough old broad never even cracked a smile, but my wife liked it. Maybe it was reassuring to her that I still had my sense of humor. ;D

 :rofl: ...but,

It is a very common misperception that schizophrenia is the same thing as multiple personality disorders. Two very different conditions. Schizophrenics very rarely (if ever) also have multiple personality disorders to the best of my knowledge.

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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #30 on: September 02, 2005, 01:29:47 pm »
Approximately 1 percent of the population develops schizophrenia during their lifetime – more than 2 million Americans suffer from the illness in a given year. Although schizophrenia affects men and women with equal frequency, the disorder often appears earlier in men, usually in the late teens or early twenties, than in women, who are generally affected in the twenties to early thirties. People with schizophrenia often suffer terrifying symptoms such as hearing internal voices not heard by others, or believing that other people are reading their minds, controlling their thoughts, or plotting to harm them. These symptoms may leave them fearful and withdrawn. Their speech and behavior can be so disorganized that they may be incomprehensible or frightening to others.

The first signs of schizophrenia often appear as confusing, or even shocking, changes in behavior. Coping with the symptoms of schizophrenia can be especially difficult for family members who remember how involved or vivacious a person was before they became ill. The sudden onset of severe psychotic symptoms is referred to as an “acute” phase of schizophrenia. “Psychosis,” a common condition in schizophrenia, is a state of mental impairment marked by hallucinations, which are disturbances of sensory perception, and/or delusions, which are false yet strongly held personal beliefs that result from an inability to separate real from unreal experiences. Less obvious symptoms, such as social isolation or withdrawal, or unusual speech, thinking, or behavior, may precede, be seen along with, or follow the psychotic symptoms.

I find the onset happening earlier in males interesting as well as schizophrenia showing up in autism. It should be noted that boys are 3 to 4 times more likely to get autism, than girls. Early onset for males with schizophrenia and much higher autism with boys. Hmmmm.  That brings up the mercury/toxic metals link. Mecury is more damaging to the boys in autism as it has been found that mercury and testosterone are synergistic.  Estrogen winds up protecting the female brain better from mercury as it inhibits demyelination.

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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #31 on: September 02, 2005, 01:43:20 pm »
Interesting post (got a link for a source? - I like to give credit...)

Estrogen winds up protecting the female brain better from mercury as it inhibits demyelination.

But unfortunately, it is the most potent carcinogen known.  :(  Most carcinogenic compunds are toxic because they mimic the effects of estrogen.

Though research in this area is actively suppressed.

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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #32 on: September 02, 2005, 03:26:55 pm »
I'll see what I can find. I have gone through so much in this area, it's hard to remember where I saw some stuff.

This is not the article I was thinking of, but goes in the right direction. Not everyone makes the connection to heavy metal toxicity for the demyelination. References are just left as an immune systems left switched on and inflamation etc. Heavy metal toxicty will cause the inflamation and leave the immune system on.

This takes a long time to load but shows you what happens when you allow mercury to get to your brain. It does cross the blood/brain barrier.

You might want to read "evidence of harm"  by David Kirby
Lots of info and documentation in the book can be viewed this link.  lots of good reading here, but skewed towards autism.

I guess we are way off topic here now? :carmen:   
This one is something you probably need to read considering something you have mentioned to me.
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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #33 on: September 02, 2005, 04:02:00 pm »
lol, yup, waaay off topic now, but we got here in a logical way... Thanks for the links, I'll take a look!

P.S. My grandfather was instrumental in the founding of what is now known as:

Offline FPF-Tobin Dax

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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #34 on: September 02, 2005, 04:08:17 pm »
Cool. I added the site to my favourites and will check it out.
Suspected leader of Prime Industries, #1 Pirate Cartel