I simply use that downloadable MODEL EDITOR kitbashing freeware package. It is actually quite a powerful tool as one become familiar with it. You can even create models from sctratch, but compared to a epensive 3D package, it takes longer due to a lot of lacking features such as area selecting whn highlighting or deleting.
Lets just say that it is rather like a moped ro Milkshape's and 3D Max's motorcycles.... it'll still take you from A to B but at a far slower pace (and may need some user assistance up steep hills!!

How to convert an SFC 2 model to SFC 1 using the above package:
Load in the SFC 2 model.
Click on "Select All" and the click "Copy"
Load in any race and size appropriate SFC 1 model.
Click on "Select All" and then unslect just one mesh panel. This is very important if you don't want a screw up!!
Click on "Delete" and you will be left with just the one mesh panel.
Click on "Paste" and the SFC 2 model mesh will appear, with sometimes all textures intact, some misplaced or all textures misplaced.
Remember that last mesh panel?? Deltete it!!

Now click on "Select All", then "Select All Polys".
Using the A, Z, S and X keys, position the SFC 2 model where the "Ghost" of the previously deleteted model used to be centred. Pressing <CTRK> will show the "Ghost".
Save the new model under whatever name you want. It is now a SFC 1 model.
Now for the textures!!

Rename all the textures to suit the SFC 1 model that you copied on top of. If it was a Federation CA then they will have to renamed FCA_1_1, FCA_1_2, FCA_1_3, FCA_1_4, FCA_2_1, etc. NOTE that FCA_1_5, FCA_2_5, etc. are ot used as these are for damage only!!
If there are more textures than the four FCA_1_s can cope with, use the FCA_2_s and FCA_3_s.
Next, using the <and > keys, move through the textures and use the left mouse to highlight areas of mesh with the wrong textures. Using the "Replace" option, correct any texture errors.
Now here's a strange piece of magic, if you correct on key texture, all the other mismatched textures will fall into place!! It is figuring out which one is the key one though. Fiddling with the texture name order (FCA_1_1, FCA_1_2, etc.) will sometimes have the same effect.
At the moment I'm converting a SFC 2 Texas (NCC 917 USS Japan) over to SFC 1 and the two textures in the SFC 2 model were renamed as FCA_1_s. Needless to say the textures were a mess. However, renaming Hull 3 to FCA_1_4 made all the after hull stern and both warp nacelle textures automatcally line up, as did the belly, torpedo tubes and a few other things. Only the command section top and front top of the secondary hull required fettling.

The conversion took hallf-an-hour.

When done SAVE the model file!!
Next come the hardpoints......
Using the + and - keys on the numeric pad scroll through the hardpoints. 11 is the forward Phaser mounbt on Fed ships, 12 the right and 13 the left. You'll have some idea of where you want things to shoot from.
The ones labelled "rd point" controll where you tractor beams come from and even though they're not numbered, there are six of them. Youcan place them all in one place on the model or spread them around, tus having tractors from various locations.
The ones labeled "damagepoints" do what they say and you can place these where you want.
The ones labeled "sp point" sets where the shiled bubble will centre when it is lit up by a failed to penetrate hit.
Save the model after every hardpoint is placed as there are some hardpoint tags which will cause a crash. These are rare on the stock models but when putting in the hardpoints on some third party SFC 1 downloads, any cock ups that were made when they were putting them in will crash the package, thus loosing half-an-hours work, so you'll ahve to start all over again, unless you saved as you proceeded.
Once the hardpoints are sorted, it's onto the LODs!!

SFC 1 uses LODs on some models, some don't cother, others use two but most use three. It is to help speed up the game when fielding the a lot of ships.
OK click "Select All" and the click "Copy".
Press the ] key to go to the next LOD down.
You'll see the original ship that you copied over, or rather, its next lower LOD.
As before delete all but one mesh panel.
Paste in your new model and delete that last panel.
Move the new model down and use the [ and ] keys to match allighnment between LODs. This can be annoying and you have to highlight and pick up the model again everytime you hit the [ key to check allignment and then move the lower LOD model to suit.
When done SAVE the model.

Repeat the LOD rotine again for the third LOD, if there is one.
The break model from SFC 2 won't work in SFC 1 and so just delete it. After all, in th eheat of battle, having a mini-nova with chunks of starship flying around isn't realy that important and some break models really do suck!!

I just like the mini-nova effect.
Et Voila.... the SFC 2 model is now an SFC 1 model complete with hardpoints, LODs and textures!!

I have managed to convert the odd low poly (under 6,000) SFC 3 model to SFC 1!!
The same process works in reverse as well!!

To convert SFC 2 single textured ighters to SFC 1 just copy it onto a shuttle, delete the shuttle and relabel the texture the same as the shuttle texture it replaced. The fighter can be saved to any name but the texture must always carry the same name as the original model's that is is replacing.
I hope that this explains the simple process of converting between models versions.