To me it would seem if you take on superior numbers and win you're a hero, if you lose you're an idiot for fighting .
Same for fighting a bigger ship, fighting while low on supply, etc. But I'm not surprised that you'd want a system that rewards stupidity somewhat, it will allow you to get on the scoreboard

I'm sure the Klingons were proud of all those "moral victories" over Captain Kirk

Also it seems that you are rewarding the pilot that picks away at a damaged foe for 30 minutes rather than one who goes in and ending it quickly despite incurring some damage, that aspect seems very Federation-like, true Klingons wouldn't mind having a few battle deaths in a victory.
I like calling a victory a victory and a defeat a defeat, anything else is an excuse in some form or other. You got the same shiplists, there should be no excuses.
Additionally this system will discourage flying without a wingman even more, if they give up points for fleeing opponents of superior numbers without engaging to the point of risking destruction.