Who will decide if you "fought well?" Why should a player choose whether the situation is good for them to call it a "Honor" match? If you're caught low on supplies or in a smaller ship then such is the fight. Allowing Klingons to choose seems merciful, and mercy is for the weak!
2 points for a kill is good. An extra point for a capture is silly, do you score 3 if the marines were there but I self destruct?
All PvP battles should be reported and score points according to the end result. Maybe:
Destroying an enemy ship and suffering NO (ZERO!) internal damage: 3 points
Destroying enemy and sustaining damage internally to you : 2 ponts
Being destroyed by the enemy : 1 point
The enemy flees the map like a coward : 1 point
Adjustments for multi-player example:
1) Kreug and I Die fighting Chutt and Soreyes, both of them damaged: 2 points us, 4 points them.
2) We Die, but kill Soreyes and Chutt took zero internals: 3 points to us, 5 points them.
3) I fly off the map , Kreug Dies, and they both live but took damage: 1 point us, 3 points them.
4) We flee the map after killing Chutt, neither taking internal damage: 3 points to us, 2 points to them.
Each player scores the highest point value on the rung they qualify for.
Being outnumbered adds a +1 to appropriate scoring
1) I kill Dizzy but Diehard blasts me in a 2v1. DH took internals: 3 for me, 3 for them. DH took no internals would be 4 points each team.
The outnumbering team do not all score separate points for a singular ship's demise, but would still score the point for being killed.
Tried to keep it short and simple for easy posting of the battles. i.e :
Had a battle today 3v3. My whole team died, killed one of them and damaged the other two: 4 points us, 6 points them.
Kreug, Duck and I killed Mutilator and Hexx. We all took damage but survived: 4 points us, 3 points them.
IF they had killed one of us: we get 5 points, they get 5 also. IF they had killed 2 of us we get 5 they get 6!
I think its a fair scoring system giving kudos to sticking it out when outgunned, and adds the klingon mentality of Death before Dishonor and praise for fighting to the end.
I think if a Klingon leaves the map he should cost his unit 5 points (since we cant really stick them with some sort of klink knife thingy)
And a more likely scoring scenario will be Duck and Jakle battle LK and LS........