Funny that you didn't quote this bit
> I don't want to be in that role again
That by itself might have put the original post into context. But since you went on and posted, let me respond...
Concidering PBR was ur idea and how hard most of us (including me) pushed the concept u want to just drop it?
When the hell did you push PBR? I remember you specifically being one of the chief naysayers, with comments to the effect of "I did that in SFB, I don't want to do it in SFC"
As for me dropping it, your a little late with your reponse. I made it pretty clear months ago that after my last update to the Rules and Matrix I would not be updating it anymore. I would either give it to Kroma to host, or failing that, leave it up on my site indefinitely.
Is it ur thought that mabe in this type of format KHH may have a chance at winning a championship?
(now this ^ was in fun i hope its not taken the other way 
The whole rest of your post is insulting, but this was in fun right? Ok, sure.
Maybe the breeze has shifted in here....but I suspect you voicing your opinion in here is a waste of your time
we [ISC] do not wanna see PBR changed to that mini crap,
Aww, shucks, does that mean you won't be playing...darn.
[ISC] would continue to fly to help keep it going!
Excellent!! So I guess you are volunteering to admin it? Better get to it!!
Since the whole point of your post seems to be to say that PBR is great and you want to see another Cycle and you are mad that I might kill it off, then let me put your fears to rest:
If I manage to finish the site, PBR - as it exists now - will be tucked into a little corner for the purpose of supporting 'pick-up games'. If somebody wants to run a league around it - be it in here, or CUGS or whomever - they are welcome to it. I wouldn't erase it for the simple reason that I put as much work as I did into pulling that crap together. That was always my intent...and I apologize profusely, to you in particular Phaser, my dear, dear Phaser, you ardent supporter of PBR. I apologize for not making that more clear in the original post.
So that there isn't any further misunderstanding, let me synthesize the intent of the original post to it's simplest form:
I, Jakle, will not lift a finger to either admin, lead, manager, whatever, another Cycle of league play, using PBR or whatever.
I, Jakle, have not interest in playing PBR as it is built now, so should someone take the lead to set up a cycle, I wouldn't particpate. If KHH did, I'll support KHH as a pilot when needed, but that's it.
I, Jakle, am interested in pursuing the mini-camp concept because it's fun for me, ....and Duck, Mini-me, Dfly, Mrogue, 762, Bearslayer, Green, DH and maybe Mutilator and the FSD boys too.
So, I am sure you now clearly understand that I am in no way standing in the way of another Cycle of PBR league play. I am just one, measely player. My work is done. Everything that's needed to pick up and play another cycle is at everyone's finger tips. Have at it!! Good Luck!! God Speed!!
PS. let me finish by saying, with full affection, that you - sir - are a complete and utter TOOL