Klingon C7AD New Stasis CruiserAfter several years of battle testing, the Klingon fleet began to develop a greater understanding of the battlefield usage of the Stasis Field Generator.
First of all, stasis ships are frequently targetted for destruction as soon as they are identified.
Thus, the smaller statis ships were too easily destroyed (resulting in the loss of an expensive SFG).
The SFG would be used in two modes. In offensive mode, the SFG ship would trap several opposing units -- while it would be exposed to considerable enemy fire.
Usually a large drone strike would then be coordinated to strike at the trapped ship -- with the field being released just before it strikes.
In defensive mode, the SFG ship would hang back and freeze key friendly ships to protect them from enemy fire.
On the basis of the analysis, several prototypes of a new stasis cruiser were then designed.
It was based on the heavy C7 design to be survivable.
The power-hungry disruptors were replaced with drones and special sensors.
The special sensors helped the ship defend itself, while the extra power gave it the maneuverability to come into position more easily.
http://www.battleclinic.com/docks/files/dist/index.php/file,af77d6bb058c40498236af1fac17cbd6.zipThere ya go and yes those black circular areas are missile silos. Nuff said.
Enjoy !!!!!