Be honest. Down deep inside, haven't you always wanted a server where the enemy couldn't disengage? Now is your chance. With cheap attrition units being the weapon of the day we are going to give it a try.
Ready your g-suits. Make sure your air tanks are full. Double-check that your seatbelt is tight. Bruces, return your tray tables to an upright position. Lazy cats...... WAKE UP!!!
Squadron Commander 2: The Second Wave will go live Saturday night at 8PM EST. I plan to have the (small) installer online in the wee hours tonight.
Be prepared for initial shock! It has been a while since we've had a server that allowed fleets bigger than one ship. At first you may find that keeping all your boats in a useful formation is like trying to herd cats. Have no fear, the fleet skill does comes back to you in a bit. Just remember, the AI follows gentle maneuvers better than it does violent maneuvers, and you don't have to maneuver nearly as often
after the enemy is DEAD!-Herr Burt