Obviously it is squat according to the Dept. of Labor's numbers for the average American worker's salary.
Cable tv can run near 100 a month, add another 40 a month for Roadrunner cable modem, plus the cost of the electricity for all those electronic gadgets and that is about 200 a month for luxury items alone.
Then as many people forget, in today's world it's no secret that it takes two to tango. If both spouses work, and you figure the average salary in, that is over 6k a month! I would say that is more than enough to live on and raise a family in my book.
I also fail to see how the owners of NWAC are being greedy or lazy, seeing how the stock is NEGATIVE in dividends payout, and is riding on an appreciation or depreciation of monies invested or withdrawn.
http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=NWAC-14.42 EPS, yup, darn those greedy investors with their dividends payouts!