Topic: Thar she blows part 2  (Read 928 times)

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Offline Jack Morris

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Thar she blows part 2
« on: August 26, 2005, 01:18:04 am »

And now a firsthand opinion of the hurricane season and life in Florida.

Well, its to early to guess where "Katrina" will end up, but the Weather Channel has us once again in the center of the cone, should she come up this way.  Once she comes across Miami into the Gulf, my guess is that she will strengthen to a Cat 4 before she hits land again, be it us or some where else, hopefully Texas.  Remember last year, this is the time we (Florida) was hit with a number of storms, back to back, all Cat 2 or higher, all lined up within two days of each other.  Well, once we move out of Florida, the storms will probably quit coming up here.  Good for Florida, bad for us, as we wont have any thing to write to you all about, except, what we are doing in each of the states we visit.  I think we should spread around our bad luck to everyone, starting with Derek and Amanda in Texas, you deserve it the most!  Then we will work our way West, spreading as much of the bad luck as we can, so get you lotto tickets now, before we come and you go and waste your money.  Maybe you can stay ahead of us, win the lotto, and move before we get there.  Well, anyway, those of you who don't like dogs, we will be staying with you an extra two months, you will be able to name all of our dogs before we leave to the next lucky friend or family member.  Well, enough said, just wanted you all to know about "Katrina", if you havnt already heard about her yet.  Just one more in the many to come, I am sure.    See you all soon,     Steve and Judy
p.s.  If I were Derek and Amanda, I would be packing right about now!

Man o man, Steve sure does have a sense of humor!  ;D

Offline Jack Morris

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Re: Thar she blows part 2
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2005, 02:25:00 am »

New Orleans, hmmmm. We discussed this last year, did we not? Looks like it might finally happen, we shall see what happens when a hurricane strikes a city that is BELOW sea level.

What's really going to bu fu Americans is that our production is going to be cut for a while Katrina does her thing in the oil patch. The bright side? If you invest in the markets and in maritime, this is usually the time it goes up in those sectors, as many of us remember last Oct. and Nov.

Can we say Cat 4 and a possible Cat 5? That storm is HUGE!  :o

Offline Jack Morris

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Re: Thar she blows part 2
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2005, 10:04:37 am »;_ylt=AoKycHfmkFpCdrhQoDb9qzys0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA2Z2szazkxBHNlYwN0bQ--

Can we say New Orleans is screwed? 175 MPH winds? Not to mention the oil terminals and rigs put out of action.