Mirak fast cruisers suck
Ray Charles can see that. No debate their. Everyone has something that sucks.
The Z-BCH sucks vs plasma
You comparing it the the KCR and CCZ? What doesn't suck versus those ships?
Mirak DNs suck vs plasma
Again, what DN isn't inferior the the PRA?
Not everyone is a fighter jock
Then why fly Mirak? It's your races strong area. If you like drones, good fast cruisers and bad carriers fly Klingon.

Mirak without drones and fighters is like beer without Alcohol.
X-Ships suck by definition 
Wrong. They fix gapping holes in balance that OP has by them not being there. This game is based on SFB, it did not matter in SFB if the Gorn and Kzin BCHs were weak becaause by the time they came out the races were building X ships instaed.
I notice no mention of the greatest HDWs in the game while you are speaking of late era ships

NCC is a good ship (great vs Klingons) although limited with retarded FA arcs (despite the much much older Z-CC having great arcs and this being an "upgrade")managing 4 phaser ones to a broadside, inferior to the NHK. True the NHK can't chase it down, but shouldn't ned to. He can make the mirak eat plasma on a regular basis if the NCC tries to chase him at anything but long range. Its still a winable if very uphill fight.
WHY WOULD YOU CHASE DOWN AN NHK??? You give an example of a bad tactic not working and them blame it on the ship? Try that in and F-CB/NCC you'l die just as quick.
I've have 3 hour PvP's versus plasma, it takes a long time. ANY fight when you opponent has more cruch than you requires patience and time.
Now it gets even worse vs Fast Cruisers and other ships that can arc the S torps over the shoulder. Try vs a G-BF. And what do you fly vs the BCHs and DNs?
You might sell me on a better Fast cruiser, we'll get back to that

I don't mind having certain racial weaknesses, but thought I'd point this out as something that would need attention if we try to bring the other races up a bit in the area of the mirak strength of hex flipping.
I've never advocated weakening the Kzin hex-flipping abilites, nor do I expect every race to flip as well as the DF. Argue that with the other guys

We have to have best of everything, and we have to have a worst. Kzinti are the best at Hexx flipping and I have no issue with this. IMHO, evey race can be decent and have been with recent mods.
I Like Racial flavor ad do not advocate watering it down.
I'm sure you will enlighten me as to better tactics when you are recording Plasma boat kills left and right when you are flying Kzin on the next server DH (shameless recruiting
) I get more kills when flying Federation or Lyran than as Kzin, so maybe I'm flying the wrong race, perhaps your high sucess rate with mirak ships in that future server will make a Kzin out of you 
You Know that we'll find a Gorn underneath that fur if we use enough Nair.

PS. I'm kinda busting your balls, don't take me too seriously.