using BPV to purchase all things usually means that Mirak get slow drones in order to have bigger ships. Happens ALL the time in GSA as they will say, as example, total BPV for battle is 480. This would include all mines, marines, shuttles, fighters, and speed drones additional to standard loadout. What it ends up doing is forcing the Mirak pilot to be THAT MUCH BETTER just to be able to even compete. Happens with Hydrans to a degree too as they cannot get the same class ship and good fighters for it. They must take a slightly smaller ship with good fighters, or a proper size ship with garbage fighters.
This also happened to be a hot issue in non-Dyna campaigns as well. All ships there get the standard loadout only, but the droners(klink-mirak, even feds to a degree) are forced to pay a premium price for their ships_sidenote_only drone ships and carrier ships were taxed_, to COMPENSATE for their loadouts of 3 loads of current era speed drones. Yes, 3 loads, not 4. Hydrans are also usually charged a premium price for their ships, to compensate for their fighters, but they at least are allowed full topofline fighters. All other carrier ships also got the luxury tax, so to speak. It was done this way because no one would want to enter as a Plasma race or Lyran if the droners and Hydrans got their ships at same costs per class as the Non-droners.
My coming to Dyna, and finding out that ALL people here fly with FULL loadouts of drones and fighters, at ALL times, was nearly a culture shock to my system. Did it make me fly only droners? Nope, flew as Gorn twice, and now Mirak-ISC-Lyran. Are there any non-droner pilots here? Hell yes, many.
Now, despite the fact that non-Dyna campaigns(the ones I have participated in) do charge extra, and only have 3 reloads, the races that lasted till the end for those that I was in was either Klingons or Mirak. Was it because the drones made all the biggest differences? To a degree it did, but as much as that it was tactics on which ship combos and which battles to press that made most of the difference. To be successful in those campaigns, you needed a great economical base in order to afford drone ships or carriers as their prices were high.
Back to Dyna, where a D5D or MDC or even light carriers can be afforded by nearly all pilots, and most multiple times, along with near no cost parts of all sorts, and where people dont cry foul because you fly a droner, now I know why I like it here so much. Besides, where else can you go and blow up your ally, and know he, and you, can afford it

Why did I post this? NO IDEA, but thought it might give insight to different points of view on BPV.