Topic: Hailing Frequencies  (Read 64000 times)

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Offline _Rondo_GE The OutLaw

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Hailing Frequencies
« on: August 25, 2005, 02:46:26 pm »
Incredible.  I've found links to this rare and rather interesting magazine  (fanzine).

Issue #1

Cannot get a lock on issue #2

Issue #3

Cannot get Issue #4

Issue #8

Anyone have other links I think they deserve to be here on this forum or these forums.

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2005, 03:15:39 pm »
Rondo... I went and Stickied this, as I can recall when those came out. It might be worth IT to an Enterprising Member to Try and start those back up.

Thank for finding those, Good on you.

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Offline toasty0

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2005, 03:20:02 pm »
I believe Dennis Green (aka Shadow) still has them archived on his desktop. Anyone with his email might ask him if he is willing to upload them for hosting on another system. In fact, I'm sure Frey would be more than happy to have D.Net host them.
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Offline _Rondo_GE The OutLaw

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2005, 12:52:03 am »
I think if we could get all of them it would really be a tribute to the game.

I'm going to download these because you never know how long these links will last.  It's incredible they are still there.

Offline E_Look

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2005, 11:07:05 am »
Can DNet host these files?

Offline Rat Boy

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2005, 11:24:54 am »
Now there's a blast from the past.

"Chaos Theory, Part II" now available.

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2005, 10:13:26 am »
Hailing Frequencies #1 - #5 are on the bonus CD that some may have acquired with SFC2:EAW  email me at starbase459 <*at*> yahhoo <*dot*> com if you'd like a copy.


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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2005, 10:52:07 am »
Task Force Delphinus

Long live the fleet.

Offline E_Look

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2005, 01:43:46 pm »
Whoa baby!  I'm going to check my old bonus disc tonight!!

Offline _Rondo_GE The OutLaw

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2005, 01:17:18 am »
I have started a thread in the strategies section of SFC OP that extracts some of this wisdom and encourages falks to add their own.  Who knows  that will lead to? 

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2005, 09:18:49 pm »
Hey Rondo- good to see you're still around ;D

Check this out- I uploaded this a little while back, just for you lol
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Offline _Rondo_GE The OutLaw

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2005, 06:47:02 pm »
Hey Rondo- good to see you're still around ;D

Check this out- I uploaded this a little while back, just for you lol


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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2005, 10:30:28 am »

I finally had a little extra time to hunt through my email address book to find Shadow's email addy. Dennis Green may be contacted at .

Good luck.

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #13 on: September 18, 2005, 12:01:56 pm »
Thanks toasty...I havent talked to dennis in ages...I hope he's still ticking...

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #14 on: October 12, 2005, 09:14:01 am »
Email sent :)
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Offline SFCShadow

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #15 on: October 12, 2005, 11:28:10 am »
Greetings All,

Unfortunately a couple of years ago I had a Hard drive meltdown, and lost all Hailing Frequencies materials.  As a matter of fact I just recently rediscovered my old SFCC campaign materials online and have those.  It has been over 5 years since Ed and I put out that Fanzine after all.  I am still in contact with Ed (S'feret) Crisler and I'll ask him if he has any of his copies, but don't hope to hard.  I was going to point out that EAW2 has 5 of the issues with it, but I see you found those already.


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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #16 on: October 12, 2005, 11:39:16 am »
OMFrigginG !!!

Dennis, great to see you!!

If there is anything we can do, just let me know.

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #17 on: October 12, 2005, 12:58:42 pm »
Damn Dennis..GOOD to see you! ;D

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #18 on: October 12, 2005, 01:04:01 pm »
Wow! Did a double take when I saw SFC Shadow listed as "newest member".

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Offline Sfaret

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #19 on: October 12, 2005, 03:18:09 pm »
You know there is an old saying the imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. I disagree, the most sincere form is when something has died off and is all but forgotten, to have it revived by others, that truly warms the heart.

I recall when we did Hailing Frequencies, we where beginning to feel the community did not really care about our effort. It seemed a chore to get articles together and there was some mess with Taldren at the time as well. I don't even recall what that was all about now, it has been so long.

I do however recall long nights with Dennis and I chatting over comms trying to get the last article in place, editting material or me trying to make the PDF look just right.

I have looked and cannot find the disk that had the archives of all the material we did. I am afraid it is lost, actually makes me sad now thinking about that.

I came in here a while back to say hi, almost got out my OP CD. Guess I need to find that CD again and load up :-) I know the Gorn always need a few good hatchlings..

E.L. Crisler

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #20 on: October 12, 2005, 03:35:48 pm »
Sfaret !!!!

Dude, how cool is this?



Besides, we got Volumes 1-5 of Hailing Frequencies, and who knows? Perhaps the bug'll get you again now that you see how much we appreciate it (notice the lack of the "D" there you two:) and we'll have another edition of Hailing Frequencies ....


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Offline _Rondo_GE The OutLaw

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #21 on: October 12, 2005, 06:07:41 pm »
Greetings All,

Unfortunately a couple of years ago I had a Hard drive meltdown, and lost all Hailing Frequencies materials.  As a matter of fact I just recently rediscovered my old SFCC campaign materials online and have those.  It has been over 5 years since Ed and I put out that Fanzine after all.  I am still in contact with Ed (S'feret) Crisler and I'll ask him if he has any of his copies, but don't hope to hard.  I was going to point out that EAW2 has 5 of the issues with it, but I see you found those already.



Thanks for posting though.  I appreciate it.

The search goes on....

Offline E_Look

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #22 on: October 12, 2005, 09:51:57 pm »
If you gentlemen will start it up again, I'll bet there'll be more of us who'll be into it...

... consider: we are now a time-hardened fan base; we know what game we like, we still play it and it would be a super kick to have a continuing magazine devoted to it.

Of course, now, there's also more material, if you ask me-

there are now FOUR SFC games, myriad mods, and lots of brag stories and beer-drowned, tear-stained loss stories.  I'd say it would be a rich field for such a magazine!

Here's to hoping!

Offline KBF-Crim

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #23 on: October 13, 2005, 04:26:07 am »
Here's a blast from the past...

Stonyface interviews Dennis...

 Starfleet Command: Inerviews: SFCShadow

By Captain Stoneyface (hawkeye) for BlackOps Station, 2001-06-04

SFCShadow aka. Dennis Greene
Writer and Inner Circle member

(Interview conducted over ICQ)

I had the chance to talk to Dennis Greene last night, better known in the community as SFCShadow. As the author of the Starfleet Command 2 Strategy Guide and a member of the Inner Circle of Beta testers, and all around cool guy, he had much to say. Look for the Starfleet Command: Orion Pirates Strategy Guide soon from him. This interview was conducted over ICQ and also had some interaction from the GameSpy Arcade crowd in the SFC2 room. With that said, let’s go to the interview...

Hawkeye: Will this work for you

Dennis Greene: No away.

Hawkeye: So, you were saying you were just invited to a convention, tell us about it.

Dennis Greene: Yes, one I used to "hang out" at when I was just a geeky eyed fan, meeting friends I haven't seen in a year from last time, and now I'm being asked to be one of the panelists.

Hawkeye: You don't walk around in the StarTrek Next Generation suit do you? You know, the overly
tight ones. <grins>

Dennis Greene: I don't do that.
Well I used to do the circuit though for Sci-Fi and Gaming conventions around the country (when I was younger and apparently a lot richer, though I don't recall being richer. LOL).

Dennis Greene: I met my wife as a matter of fact at a Star Trek Convention for the release of the Second Star Trek movie (The Wrath of Khan). But this is more a local convention here in Tucson, sort of a lesser cousin to LepreCon and HexaCon in Phoenix and Scottsdale. (Which I used to hang out in too).

Hawkeye: So how is the book going?

Hawkeye: The next book being the SFC Orion Pirates Strategy Guide

Dennis Greene: About usual, lots of frustration, panic and desperately trying to do a great job in a very short time.
I've written about over 98,000 words for it so far. :)

Dennis Greene: Correct, I'm writing the next strategy guide for SFC:OP

Hawkeye: How many words was the SFC2 Strategy Guide

Hawkeye: What, are you counting right now lol.
(Hawkeye: picks up his copy. 1...2....3....4.) LOL

Dennis Greene: Umm...well, not that many. <smile> I think it published with about 58,000.
There were only 23 chapters and 3 appendixes.
This book I had hoped to do about 47 chapters with 3 appendixes. But I'll probably end up doing about 34 to 35 chapters and 2 appendixes.

Hawkeye: Had you the choice, anything that you would have done differently with the first one?

Hawkeye: HeeHee as long as this is fun for you.

Dennis Greene: Oh hell yes! LOL More time! As a writer I have really very little say in what time I'm allowed as a
writer. The first book I was given 4 weeks to write it, and we ended up spending 7 or 8 weeks I think. There is so much I wanted to include in the last book (which I hope to address in this book), but a lot of things can conspire to prevent many things from happening, but the biggest one is time.
This book I've had three weeks so far. Writing strategy guides is all about VERY short deadlines.

Hawkeye: What do you want to cover in more detail?

Dennis Greene: Well, this book will include a (well as complete as I can) compendium of EVERY ship, for EVERY race and Cartel present in the game, something like 2000 ships. That's a complete history and description for every model, variant and ship present.

Dennis Greene: In addition to more strategies, and tips on how to improve your game from newbie to veteran.

Hawkeye: All those ships, with histories is a big undertaking.

Dennis Greene: Yes it was, a MASSIVE research project and it took a lot more effort then I thought it would.

Hawkeye: So, also will this be a Dynaverse 2 Strategy guide as well?

Dennis Greene: The goal was so that EVERYONE, that played the series whether they had the SFB background or not, had a common frame of reference.

Dennis Greene: That is one of the things I hope to cover in this book, a lot of that depends on Taldren/Interplay at the moment and unfortunately I can't make comment on that right now.

Hawkeye: So what do you use for references on that kind of project like that, in regards to ships and races?

Dennis Greene: Well first I contacted Chris Taylor through Taldren. I told him what I was doing (at that time I was just doing it as an independent effort and was going to privately publish an addendum to the game manual for SFC2). He sent me his original manuscript for the SFC1 manual. From there I looked up references in SFB material, websites and people I knew who might have the information I needed.
When I was offered this book I knew I wanted it in that book because it would reach a much larger audience then I could reach by myself. So I expanded it to include all of SFC2 and SFC:OP as well, which as I said is over 2000 ships now.

Hawkeye: Wow. Do you want to give us a brief overview of the rest of your work?

Dennis Greene: Work as in writing work or in General?

Hawkeye: Writing mostly, but anything else that you find interesting enough to mention

Dennis Greene: Well lets see, credits listing: Written for the following paper magazines:

    * Battle Technology
    * White Dwarf
    * The General

Written for several online magazines like:

    * Shocked
    * Gameaxis
    * CombatSim

Developed my own online Magazine (put out like 8-9 issues and the first 6 issues were included in the SFC2 bonus CD published by Interplay) Hailing Frequencies.
Worked on a tremendous amount of computer games as a beta tester, over the last 8 or so years, the titles would take forever to write out.
Worked on a couple of computer games, both as a lead tester and tester as well as some work for Taldren: StarFleet Command II: Empires at War Starfleet Command: Orion Pirates
Masters of Orion writing contest, placed fourth out of 57 entrants. (I had only a 12 hour lead time, I'm betting I could have won it if I had known about it sooner. LOL).
Published two books:

    * StarFleet Command II: Empires at War Official Strategy guide (by BradyGAMES)
    * StarFleet Command: Orion Pirates Official Strategy Guide (by BradyGAMES).

That a good enough summary?

Hawkeye: Wow, amazing!

Dennis Greene: Realize though that as a writer, professionally I'm just getting started. I really just started to do this professionally in the last two years, and been trying 'professionally' in the last three.

Dennis Greene: So I'm still pretty new. :)

Hawkeye: Do you go to the Fan Fiction Forums much at Taldren's forum

Dennis Greene: Yes, I know a few of the writers there, some of them I speak to on a regular basis and give as much encouragement as I can.
I love writing fiction (I'm much better at it then at strategy guides), but I needed to break into the "biz" somewhere, you strike where possible and this was possible. :)
I want to write fiction and plan and hope my career goes in those directions, but I'll take any work I can get. Most writers I know would. I'm no different.

Hawkeye: Plans for your novel career? Is this your favorite genre?

Hawkeye: And did you go to writing school at all? or just pure born talent? ;-)

Dennis Greene: I love Sci-fantasy or sci-fi. Yes I hope to get published in those areas this or next year.
I've already gotten a trilogy written that is Sci-fantasy based and I'm going to take a stab at sci-fi as well. (I've already started an outline for a book or two in that direction), and as soon as I'm done with this book I plan on "hitting the pavement" as it were to get them done and published.
This industry has a funny kind of catch 22.

Dennis Greene: LOL... I wish!
No, I never took any writing lessons or anything like that, I curse the days I didn't pay attention as much in English class in high school as I wish I had. So I guess it's all raw talent, though probably more raw talent combined with long experience. I've been a hobbyist writer for almost 20 was just that I had a career and never had to pursue it like I have to now. Necessity is sometimes the source of all incentives.

Hawkeye: True.

Hawkeye: So, with your busy schedule, do you get to play very much?

Dennis Greene: Not when I'm actively writing. When I'm on the job so to speak I write or research 16-18 hours, I average 14-15 hour days when I'm in "writers" mode.
When I'm not actively writing, well before I starting pursuing this as a career I had a lot more time, now. Not as much, because I'm always thinking about the next project and the future, but I do have more time then now for example. LOL

Hawkeye: lol

Hawkeye: What is you favorite race to play when you have a chance and do you have favorite tactics?

Hawkeye: Which Dynaverse2 server is you favorite?

Dennis Greene: I play them all, I have no real favorites. My favorite is the one I'm currently playing. I find some like the Romulans and Lyrans to be pretty simple, but I am as skilled with any race and have not specialized, or perhaps I should say that I've specialized in SFCx as a whole and not on just one facet of it. But Dependent on my mood, it can be any this about describes me in SFC....

Hawkeye: Okay, shoot.

Dennis Greene: I play them all, I've mastered them all. Currently the Federation and Klingons are the ones I've been playing a lot. But that can and does change at any time. I have the heart of a Klingon Warrior, the convictions of a Federation Starfleet Officer, the cunning of a Lyran commander, as ruthlessness of a Mirak leader, flexibility of a Hydran merchant, the Mystery of a Romulan Centurion, toughness of a Gorn Warlord, and lay down justice like a member of the ISC.
As for favored tactics, well the ones that allow me to win of course and I study them all and I try to master them all. :)

Dennis Greene: I enjoy Arcticfire’s and Elfe Wolfe's servers the most I think.

Dennis Greene: Actually that quote was an old quote, I've been playing more Lyran and Hydran of late. :)

Hawkeye: Excellent, very eloquent response. So much like a writer. Who is the quote from?

Dennis Greene: From me, the website put up about me for Task Force Delphinus.
It's about a year out of date now, but that's where I got it. :)

Hawkeye: Excellent, I will have to check that out.

Hawkeye: So, how is the testing for SFC:OP going. When does the serious Beta testing take place

Dennis Greene: Ummm...I can't comment on that. It goes.

Hawkeye: Okay, understood. Can you discuss your opinions or impressions at all?

Dennis Greene: I think it will be a lot of fun. It adds a very important element into the game that has been in each of the series before it, playable Orions. It will have outside of SFB, the most comprehensive ships to date, as I said over 2000 ships. It will do everything SFC2 does and then some, I'll be using it when it comes out and I'll buy a copy of it (like I have for every SFC title).
I just hope I'll have time to enjoy it with the many friends I've come to know in the over two years I've been involved with project. That is probably my greatest regret is that doing what I do, is that it takes time away from the friends I've made along the way. Despite that, I make EVERY effort to remain in contact even if it’s only to have a quick chat.

Hawkeye: Very cool. I will be buying it too. I can't wait, no matter what.

Dennis Greene: :)

Dennis Greene: I do hope that more play the game then debate about it though in future. That is probably a vain hope, but I do hope it just the same. LOL

Hawkeye: LOL

Hawkeye: I like a lot of the player made scripts because you can play as Orions in a limited way. How much do you get to play around with the modding community?

Hawkeye: Be it either ships or scripts

Dennis Greene: I love a lot of what the mod community has done and think it's incredible. I get to see and get invited to test some of the material that goes out, which is cool. I really look forward to its maturing and coming out with stuff we think is impossible now.

Hawkeye: Yes, amazing stuff is available. Right now we have a hosted Dynaverse2 friendly mod pack by Rick (Pneumonic81) and I love to see his ships in the Dyna. I am glad that Taldren asked some of the Community for involvement with SFC:OP

Hawkeye: I love the ships I have seen so far by he and Cleeve.

Dennis Greene: :)

Hawkeye: What do you think of the ships so far. Have you seen them In-Game?

Dennis Greene: No, we've not gotten to see the new models or artwork yet.

Hawkeye: Hmm. Oh well...Have you seen the screenshots from the various sources?

Hawkeye: How is it working for Taldren?

Dennis Greene: Like any job I imagine, it has it's ups and downs. Taldren is a group of great guys and
I'm honored to have gotten to know them. I wish them nothing but the best, they've earned it in my opinion. I'm not currently working for pay with them, but I will always support them.

Hawkeye: Absolutely, I will support them as best I can Too.

Hawkeye: Do you mind if I get say 3 questions from the community?

Dennis Greene: Ah, sure, fire away.

I then opened the floor on the SFC2 chat on GameSpy and told the room that I was interviewing SFCShadow and I would take the first three questions for him.

<nevian> SFCShadow: What was your favorite part of working with OP?

Dennis Greene: Getting a chance to write the next strategy guide. :-)

<afCUB-K9> SFCShadow: what’s is you favorite race to play and why?

Dennis Greene: (Interviewers note. Dennis gave the same answer as above for convenience.) I play them all, I've mastered them all. Currently the Lyran and Hydrans are the ones I've been playing a lot. But that can and does change at any time. I have the heart of a Klingon Warrior, the convictions of a Federation Starfleet Officer, the cunning of a Lyran commander, as ruthlessness of a Mirak leader, flexibility of a Hydran merchant, the Mystery of a Romulan Centurion, toughness of a Gorn Warlord, and lay down justice like a member of the ISC.

<EFF-Ams_-Murjuri> SFCShadow:: What’s it like turning SFB into 3 different games?

Dennis Greene: Fantastic

Dennis Greene: But you have to realize, that I didn't really turn anything into anything. Taldren did.
I been there for the ride perhaps, and in whatever small way I've contributed, but they did the work and they deserve the credit.

Hawkeye: Thanks Dennis. That's all I have for now.

Dennis Greene: No problem, wife wants to watch a movie anyway. :)

So, there you have it, all. I want to thank SFCShadow for taking time out of his busy schedule to do this sit down. I also wanted to thank the community for being able to provide interviews and for their questions on GameSpy Arcade. Dennis is very busy right now with the next strategy guide and is one of the most professional people I have met in this humble community. My appreciation to you, sir.

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #24 on: November 09, 2005, 09:43:51 pm »
All I can say is WOW

I never would have expected to hear from both Shadow & Sfaret again... it's good to know you're both alive & well  8)

I just checked out the archive of Issue 8. Lo & behold, there's a link to Starlance.
 I say "Can it possibly work?" It sure does!! Mind you, it doesn't have the whole site, but I found the front page to the General War SFC2 League. It actually took my breath away. I was instantly right back to that time...MAN! What a rush...Click on the signup page and it takes you to a snapshot of the SFC1 Final Frontier site- the month I joined up! SO COOL! There's actually a record of 9th Canuck winning a battle too(let it scroll on the right).
I'm friggin bowled over LOL
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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #25 on: November 16, 2005, 11:21:47 pm »
Hehe, my old online campaign website is also still up and funcitoning, except where I had others host some of the materials (those links are broke. :/)

Anyone remember it?


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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #26 on: November 16, 2005, 11:52:59 pm »
Remember it?

Hell..I still have the 1.04 rules printed up on hard copy *waves big stack of papers*

I still have the SFCC box for the PBEM program somewhere...uh...on my old PC I think...

Man...if we could just interface the D2 with that system(with Bonks SQL breakthroughs it may be possible) would ROCK...

He's got a remote web based ship yard working that interfaces with interface webmap...battle result tracking...and a few other things in the wings...

I know you think the D2 kinda made your system obsolete....but I personally feel that your system for the general war would make a GREAT template for a true SQL based D2 server....

Firesoul poured much of his time into continued expansions of the OP shiplist...SFB ships translated into the SFC environment....all kinds of varients.....we use OP+ 4.0 as a baseline now....and the list is now well over 4000 ships....Tugs....carriers....more X varients...even some pre-x varients...

Tracy G and Karnak have even got a few Andro features to work via scripting methods....'s great to see you.....well...your text... ;)

I sincerly hope you find the time once and a while to visit us and maybe provide some input to our efforts.....the D2 is STILL evolving...even to this day...

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #27 on: November 17, 2005, 01:24:39 am »
Heya Krim,

I have the rules too (up to 2.0 I think, which included economics and a whole slew of other "neatness", and I found the "Boxed" set just a couple of months ago, and I think I still have my "Design" set as well on an old HD I just recovered recently.  (However I still haven't found but bits and pieces of HF and then only up to like issue 8, but not a complete issue beyond 5 or 6).

I never thought D2 made my system obsolete, I didn't think my system was appropriate for MANY players unless they were good friends. LOL  All that bickering is what killed the game, if it didn't have an automated system where people didn't try to "Bend" the rules (he he), it would have been great!  I've used the system I created for private games and it worked wonderful.  Especially great for preventing family, pets and other "natural" (he he) disasters from ruining the setup and tracking.

Yeah it would be truly wonderful for it to be setup as a true online experience, or at least with a hosting setup/system. 

I got the bug recently and reinstalled EAW, but for some reason my 20 CD Key no longer works?  Bummed me out, I got OP reinstalled though and I'm using that, but it's a lot buggier then I remember. LOL  I was hoping to get EAW working again, but I guess that's not possible any longer with Interplay/Taldren out of business.  No one to talk to about getting a replacement key.  Though it still seems odd that my old key no longer works. :/

Ah...the old days. lol



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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #28 on: November 17, 2005, 01:30:23 am »
Uh..dennis...we CAN fix your key problem...there is a request thread for that very purpose...

I hate to ask this question..but did you get the last OP patch?.....

Pestelence put out a GREAT OP enhancment package that has everything you need and even a couple DLL fixes...

BTW..with the smaller players base....a D2 server based on your system would probably be a big hit...

Well...I'm off to bed..need to work in the AM....

GN bud....good to see you round...

Be well...

Edit...just saw your other post and see you updated OP...

I'd still suggest the enhancment pakage has a couple extra fixes not in the last patch...

oh yeah...and make sure you DirectX is up to 9.0c....

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #29 on: November 17, 2005, 01:36:50 am »
Ummm...I think I got OP patched to or something like that.  I don't have any of the patches outside of Taldren or from Mag or anything.  Or was Mags work?

Thanks for the tip on the key, PMing an Admin now.


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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #30 on: November 17, 2005, 01:46:33 am »
heh..I lied...I stayed up to see your responce...

actually...Dave Ferrel did all the final patching to OP....

Frey got the directory servers for EAW and OP...and owns them now to keep them up for SFC players......

DV,net got the source code for the server kit...and there are still improvments being engineered for it by Bonk...(SQL stuff)

We have a host of new missions that are more stable and bug fixed....

Mags is back now and then though...they have something cooking with the SQL improvements...but I'm not aware of any type of schedual...

OK I really need to go to bed now *snicker*...I cant fly four more battles   ;D (god that was the only hang up with SFCC....getting battles done on a week night...shew)

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #31 on: November 17, 2005, 07:53:53 pm »
Ya hit it on the head there Crim LOL

Ghis's General War campaigns were strictly designed for 'single' players too! I remember staying up late a number of occasions and catching holy hell for it! The wife may forgive, but she never forgets ;) One of my worst moments was finally getting a battle together and playing it through. There were like 10+ ships on the field, including a SB. After about 1/2 an hour into it, I made the mistake of launching a shuttle, and botched it up. Remember how shuttles wouldn't die and the AI kept targetting them? I still feel guilty about that one & that was probably 4 years ago LOL
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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #32 on: November 17, 2005, 09:17:15 pm »
LOL...yeah I remember that...

God what great battles though....

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #33 on: December 01, 2005, 10:47:51 pm »
I am still lurking around here at times.  I have a friend that finally found OP in Sam's of all places.  Was the only copy.  He found another place locally that had a number of SFC1 boxes (unopened) but have a couple of copies of that already.

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #34 on: December 04, 2005, 03:28:24 pm »
Great to see you too HE....

You're invaluable work is still used all the time...

Who knows..this may spark a revival of some sorts...

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #35 on: February 02, 2006, 09:04:55 pm »
Wow, talk about a blast from the past.

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #36 on: February 21, 2006, 08:41:44 am »
I remember the campaign too, I was talked into playing Fed Think that was where I met Kirk jr, is he still around?

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #37 on: February 27, 2006, 06:40:56 pm »
... and another really old guy makes an appearance!

Back when I was playing SFC1 & 2 regularily, I used the name: Messiah

I was never really famous back in the day, not at all in fact, but I did play a lot with these guys (Shadow, Kirk Jr, Crimson, etc).  In fact, I owe my love of SFC (the videogame), and my improved play to Shadow :)  I met him early on in my SFC1 career - If I remember correctly, he complete kicked my ass and afterwards we got to talking and he 'trained' me after i asked him to help me get better at the game.

After a while, i met all the other Old Guard and had some great times.  If I remember right, I was around when Shadow was putting up that website for his campaign and I'm pretty sure I helped with certain things here and there on the website end - at the time I was trying to find a job as a graphic designer/web artist.

To Shadow and everyone else i mentioned; How are you?  I don't even know if you remember me, but I have a few memories of you guys and the good times we had playing. 


Maybe I can kick start things again?  Am I correct in assuming that the only onlline campaigns that exist now are for Orion Pirates?  I currently have SFC3 (found it a while back for cheap), and I recently d/led the Generations at War mod.  If I want to play online, do I have to get Orion Pirates?  Also, the servers running, do you only use the Original Series look?  Call me shallow, but I do like the newer ships :p  I think I'd really like to get back into SFC and playing online against serious gamers.  So any help would be fantastic!

- Messiah

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #38 on: February 27, 2006, 08:50:22 pm »
Hell yeah I remember you!

Welcome back!

Yes...the SFC2 fanbase that's left plays OP now....(they fixed a couple of the campaign killing bugs)

Best thing about OP?

Klingon Boom arcs ;)

Good news ...OP is pretty cheap....I payed 5 bucks for my last copy on E-bay....and that included shipping... ;D

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #39 on: February 27, 2006, 11:09:32 pm »
Haha, cool, I'm glad you remember me!

Yeah... now it looks like I have to pick up Orion Pirates, haha  ;D

I assume that these servers are using mods?  I was lurking here and there on the site and noticed that mods change the ship models to the TNG era and I do love my TNG ships!  Crim, what server are you playing?  Is it too late to get in?

Also, I guess SFC3 is looked down upon huh?  Haha, I know that Taldren 'dumbed down' the game so I guess, if I want to play with you guys, I need Orion Pirates.  If I do buy it off Ebay... I gotta wait for it to get here, grr.... lol.

Oh and Crim... you're STILL playing the Klingons?  *sigh* when are you going to ever learn? *tsk, tsk*  :flame:
Grr... just looked on and every copy of OP costs A LOT!
« Last Edit: February 27, 2006, 11:19:47 pm by imdahman »
- Messiah

"Love keeps her in the air when she outta fall down;
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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #40 on: March 02, 2006, 01:02:39 am »
Man.... no one responds... is everyone playing Orion Pirates?!?  >:(
- Messiah

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #41 on: March 02, 2006, 06:34:38 am »
Sorry... yes, most of us are playing OP. Sounds like you would enjoy the UAW mod and server.

I think Amazon has OP for cheaper than you'd find on ebay: ($28).

I vaguely remember a Messiah... did you play Hydran mostly? I seem to remember that name in purple.

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #42 on: March 02, 2006, 07:12:36 am »
Wow....the past is alive...good to see the old ones return
Comes a time when the blind man takes your hand
Says "don't you see?"
Gotta make it somehow
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You got an empty cup
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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #43 on: March 02, 2006, 02:42:45 pm »
Sorry... yes, most of us are playing OP. Sounds like you would enjoy the UAW mod and server.

I think Amazon has OP for cheaper than you'd find on ebay: ($28).

I vaguely remember a Messiah... did you play Hydran mostly? I seem to remember that name in purple.

No, actually I was a Fed player... I think I was still 'learning the game' as they say then real life impeded and I eventually had to move on.

AND YEAH!  I found a copy and lucky for me the CD key worked!  It took a little doing, but I d/led all the necessary patches and the game is working great!  When I logged into the gamespy dynaverse I saw 3 server:  Tavern, Forge & Beta... I went onto the beta and checked things out - it was good times!  I've still got some refreshing to do on my skills though.
- Messiah

"Love keeps her in the air when she outta fall down;
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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #44 on: March 02, 2006, 03:05:12 pm »
Glad to hear it!  :)

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #45 on: March 02, 2006, 07:15:01 pm »
Sorry... yes, most of us are playing OP. Sounds like you would enjoy the UAW mod and server.

I think Amazon has OP for cheaper than you'd find on ebay: ($28).

I vaguely remember a Messiah... did you play Hydran mostly? I seem to remember that name in purple.

No, actually I was a Fed player... I think I was still 'learning the game' as they say then real life impeded and I eventually had to move on.

AND YEAH!  I found a copy and lucky for me the CD key worked!  It took a little doing, but I d/led all the necessary patches and the game is working great!  When I logged into the gamespy dynaverse I saw 3 server:  Tavern, Forge & Beta... I went onto the beta and checked things out - it was good times!  I've still got some refreshing to do on my skills though.
Heh..we were Noobs on M-plague.....

Those were some great sparring matches though...

We talking about running a SFCC style campian some time soon...should be a blast..

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #46 on: March 03, 2006, 12:37:45 am »
That sounds shiny.  I'll be in and hopefully I will have improved by then.  So far the computer is OWNING me in space battles, I've won about 2 out of 6 and of the 2 I won, it took a LONG while for me to finish it out.
- Messiah

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- Malcom Reynolds; Serenity

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #47 on: March 03, 2006, 12:40:30 pm »
That sounds shiny.  I'll be in and hopefully I will have improved by then.  So far the computer is OWNING me in space battles, I've won about 2 out of 6 and of the 2 I won, it took a LONG while for me to finish it out.

Well you know the drill as far as the AI goes, just tractor em and they are as good as dead.

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #48 on: March 03, 2006, 02:54:16 pm »
LOL.... seriously?  I didn't know that.  Okay... time to start farming prestige!
- Messiah

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- Malcom Reynolds; Serenity

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #49 on: March 20, 2006, 09:32:39 pm »
My gosh, do you know how long its been since I used this name? *dusts off his old hydran uniform*

I went searching for the old Taldren forums on a whim, and tracked it down to here.  Great to hear from you again S'faret!

Just goes to show you, in this age of the internet, anything you write will survive anything.  Shame thats not some of my best work.

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #50 on: August 03, 2006, 10:20:08 pm »
Holy moly, this brings back some good memories.

Here's a story I wrote for Hailing Frequencies #8:

I miss those good old days...

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #51 on: August 20, 2006, 10:40:06 am »
WOW the way back machine brings back the  good ole days of massive competition and camaraderie

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #52 on: April 02, 2009, 12:48:56 pm »
HE HE  :crazy2:

Nice one, I will now have to retrieve the cat from the rubbish bin and apologies to the neighbours, police, ambulance services, fire services, family and  friends. I also need a new girlfriend, lol


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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #53 on: May 23, 2009, 09:26:46 pm »
OK- I had a revelation moment today! I finally found the online version of Volume 6 today- WOOT! I've wanted to see this again, with no luck, for years! Anyway, I might as well add a couple extra links I also have:

Online version of Volume 5:

Online version of Volume 6:

Online version of Volume 8:

Have fun!
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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #54 on: May 24, 2009, 03:35:36 pm »
Thanks a lot - these articles are a goldmine! I never knew there was one written on the D7, or a detailed frigate article.

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #55 on: May 24, 2009, 10:02:20 pm »
Ummm...I think I got OP patched to or something like that.  I don't have any of the patches outside of Taldren or from Mag or anything.  Or was Mags work?

Thanks for the tip on the key, PMing an Admin now.



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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #56 on: May 27, 2009, 11:34:10 am »
Where is everyone these days? I play on Strayy's tavern.. and like.. no one is there.

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Re: Hailing Frequencies
« Reply #57 on: December 16, 2010, 01:22:24 pm »
Anyone have a clue about finding issue 7? Was there an issue 7?
Here is a link to a story I wrote for issue 8
