Topic: Photon Torpedos!  (Read 7613 times)

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Photon Torpedos!
« on: August 25, 2005, 12:16:31 pm »
Researching my contention on another forum that I saw an article on solid state storage devices for antimatter that was very very very interesting:

It is possible to construct a thermonuclear weapon in which the three to four kilograms of plutonium, necessary for the ignition, are replaced by one microgram of antihydrogen. In this hypothetical bomb, the antimatter is in the center in the form of a pellet a tenth of a mm in diameter. It is surrounded by, and isolated from, the thermonuclear fuel (a 100 g hollow sphere of Li2DT). After compression by explosive lenses, the fuel comes into contact with the antihydrogen. Annihilation reactions start spontaneously, providing the energy to ignite the thermonuclear fuel. If the chosen degree of compression is high, a bomb with increased mechanical effects is obtained, and if it is low, a neutron bomb (see La Recherche September 1983). In both cases the electromagnetic pulse effect and the radioactive fall-out are substantially lower than that of a conventional A- or H-bomb of the same yield (1 kt).

The thing is about 6 inches across!

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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2005, 12:22:34 pm »
and notice this article gives you an answer to how much antimatter gives what effect! a tenth of a milimeter yields 1 Kiloton.

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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2005, 05:02:16 pm »

Been onto this one for a while (back to 1994 when benchtop antiproton storage times of up to 10 minutes were reported).

Which lead me to the antisocial prediction of the development of a "planetary deadman switch"... remember the superconducting supercollider? Just the thing for the job...  :skeptic:

The "photon torpedo" is a little less antisocial way to present the concept.

For pure destructive power antimatter annihilations are the way to go. All the matter goes to energy... the details of how are fascinating as well, how the particle-antiparticle pairs orbit one another before annihilation and emit only photons at 180° after the event ... fascinating.

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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2005, 05:08:43 pm »
indeed. but that which destroys can also create. both literally and in the sense that it can enable realisitic space travel times.

Offline E_Look

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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2005, 11:39:13 pm »
Hey... do I sense magic in this thread?


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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2005, 12:05:22 am »
Oh Noes!

Offline Sethan

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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2005, 01:05:30 am »
indeed. but that which destroys can also create. both literally and in the sense that it can enable realisitic space travel times.

True - but we'd best get the planet's loons under control before this technology becomes as accesible as nuclear weapons are today.

Imagine Glorious Leader over in NK with the very real ability to destroy the planet if he doesn't get his way...
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Offline Bonk

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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2005, 10:53:47 am »
indeed. but that which destroys can also create. both literally and in the sense that it can enable realisitic space travel times.

True - but we'd best get the planet's loons under control before this technology becomes as accesible as nuclear weapons are today.

Imagine Glorious Leader over in NK with the very real ability to destroy the planet if he doesn't get his way...

That is the true beauty of this technology, when a single man can destroy the entire world in one simple action, everyone must be content, soon we will no longer be able to ignore the abundant injustice and misery in the world. Utopia must be achieved or a global dictatorship is inevitable.

Although as Alfred Nobel said: "Justice is to be found only in imagination."  A worrisome thought, no?
Another gem of truth from Nobel: "Contentment is the only real wealth"  Very appropriate here...

But we tread on the edge of H&S content here... shall I move the thread?

Offline E_Look

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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2005, 10:59:24 am »
Move it wherever you want, so long as there as link!

Anyhow, these either-or propositions don't sit well with me.  On average, there is a 50-50 chance of it going either way.  Not very pleasing odds.  But if it comes, it comes, and I'd rather the United States hold it (except we're not too good at guarding secrets and superweapons and borders and all that) simply because I think we're the only country in the world that won't use it to enforce a global dictatorship.

I KNOW some of you are already begging and drooling to differ.

Offline Bonk

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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2005, 11:02:21 am »
Pretty sure the US already does hold this technology.

"Manifest Destiny" ring a bell? ;)

(I'll leave the thread here as long as it stays relatively tame...)

Offline E_Look

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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2005, 11:19:46 am »
Tame?  I'm married.  What do you think?

No, we possess the basic science and the most rudimentary engineering with respect to this system right now.  In five to ten years however, that may change.

But Manifest Destiny was a different time and place; the world was still under the Kiplingesque white man's burden (read, superiority and dominance) zeitgeist because the Kiplingesque held the power.  And, expansion was easier as the people expanded against had no ability to exert back even an equal pressure.  That has all changed... for America.

Now, we face a form of manifest destiny in he hearts of the Muslims, the Pink Chinese (well, they ain't 'xactly red anymore, and they still aren't liberal democrats [in the textbook sense, not Dynaverse H&S sense], and maybe even the East Indians.

I am of complete Chinese descent myself, but I must still stand my ground that all these other forces in the world do not bode well for humanity and that the hope for a decent if not even better sociopolitical future for humanity lies with the continued dominance of America.  No offense, but Canada does not project the amount of force to coerce the geopolitical rogues to heel or even pay attention; otherwise, Canukistan isn't such a world actor, either.  North America is politically healthier in a moral way (does that make sense?) than just about any other spot on this sorry globe.

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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2005, 11:33:12 am »
Yes, I understand and pretty much agree with your assesment, well said. Though I think Canada has more sway than you think, we live by example, but then I am biased... ;)

Tame? I'm married. What do you think?

 :rofl: hahahaha!  ;D

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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #12 on: August 31, 2005, 12:13:52 pm »
Canadian as well here. What sway and what example? Canada is a country about speaking politically correct, not acting it.
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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #13 on: August 31, 2005, 12:37:44 pm »
Lets leave political correctness out of it. An entirely bogus concept in my opinion.

The sway of our example and quality of life, technology and relative harmony with our environment. (partly just because we are richly blessed)

Offline Stormbringer

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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #14 on: August 31, 2005, 01:03:27 pm »
If any of you think man is going to evolve anytime soon to a state where utopian dreams are practical reality you'll be sorely disappointed. there will be no point in our future history where we are incapable of harming each other or of greed or lies. There will be no point in our history where a misanthrop evil person does not pop up with dreams of empire, conquest or simply kingship.

Those who say technology must wait in abbeyance for such a development in biology of mankind should abandon all technology and seek to go back into the trees. I say damn the tyrants full speed ahead!

Offline Stormbringer

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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #15 on: August 31, 2005, 01:09:04 pm »
Furthermore it is our agressive nature when channeled properly that makes us push for the limits, without it we would still be picking nits out of each others fur and eating them.

Offline Sethan

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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #16 on: August 31, 2005, 01:22:02 pm »
indeed. but that which destroys can also create. both literally and in the sense that it can enable realisitic space travel times.

True - but we'd best get the planet's loons under control before this technology becomes as accesible as nuclear weapons are today.

Imagine Glorious Leader over in NK with the very real ability to destroy the planet if he doesn't get his way...

That is the true beauty of this technology, when a single man can destroy the entire world in one simple action, everyone must be content, soon we will no longer be able to ignore the abundant injustice and misery in the world. Utopia must be achieved or a global dictatorship is inevitable.

Problem is, I'm pretty sure Glorious Leader isn't entirely sane - and we know for sure there are other people out there who are definitely not sane - but who have access to large amounts of cash.  When one of these folks gets ahold of this sort of technology - and they will - all bets are off.  It doesn't matter to them how utopian the world is if they don't get what they want.
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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #17 on: August 31, 2005, 01:45:07 pm »
Move it wherever you want, so long as there as link!

Anyhow, these either-or propositions don't sit well with me.  On average, there is a 50-50 chance of it going either way.  Not very pleasing odds.  But if it comes, it comes, and I'd rather the United States hold it (except we're not too good at guarding secrets and superweapons and borders and all that) simply because I think we're the only country in the world that won't use it to enforce a global dictatorship.

I KNOW some of you are already begging and drooling to differ.

Yes, I beg to differ about the USA being the only country in the world that wouldn't abuse it.
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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #18 on: August 31, 2005, 01:54:25 pm »
I think you have all completely misunderstood my hypothesis here. Perhaps I was not clear. Let me try again.

Given that shortly (if not already) there exsists a device that can destroy the entire earth in one fell swoop, and that said device could be obtained by any individual determined enough to get it:

Everyone in existence must be happy enough not to want to use such a device to hold the human race hostage, we must make everyone happy. I know, I know the old saying, "You can please some of the people..."  but we must get beyond that thinking, because this will soon be the reality of it, we will not be able to ignore any individual's concerns.

Let me try and simplify further.

Joe is unhappy. Joe builds/buys doomsday device. Joe holds humanity hostage to get what he wants/needs.

as opposed to

Joe is happy. Joe already has what he wants/needs. Joe has no interest in a doomsday device.

If it is not possible to make everyone happy and meet everyones needs, then we are surely doomed.

I think it is possible to make everyone happy, how is just not immediately obvious to many.

Offline E_Look

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Re: Photon Torpedos!
« Reply #19 on: August 31, 2005, 02:39:48 pm »
I think you have all completely misunderstood my hypothesis here. Perhaps I was not clear. Let me try again... I think it is possible to make everyone happy, how is just not immediately obvious to many.

That's kind of like Sethan's discomfort with "not been proved to be harmful" with respect to RF emissions.  I understand how he feels.  There are times I feel like that too.  This is one of them!