People need to accept the response of someone if they say no or yes !
What he said. In the interests of the community, no should be forced to fight in a PvP match if they do not want to. Any challenger should not be a wade about the challengee not accepting the challenge either. Unless the challengee is asking for it by being a wade first.

Before I moved onto SFC, I was in Age of Sail games where PvP duels and multi-player PvP games were most prevalent. Basically, all matches were scheduled many days in advance and done via direct IP. These matches can become really stressful for some people and some people cannot handle the pressure. In addition, the ego displays on the forums could get really over-done sometimes. Players quickly developed into two types: the killer duellist or the fleet action team player. Sometimes, the killer duellist would call out another person they did not like to settle a vendetta, and the ensuing flamewar was really bad. But, the same duellist would not do well in fleet actions cuz they need to be more of a team player. It was also common to see some players that always played on the same side to never contemplate challenging each other in a duel if one of them moved to a new fleet.
I started out as a dominant Fleet Action player and did really well leading teams of 4 to 7 players in a fleet action setting. But, eventally some of the killer duellist PO'ed me so much on the forums that I took a few weeks to become a killer duellist myself and became 2nd best in our league. Just so I could shut some of those loud-mouth PvPers up at their own game.

SFC is more of a duellist PvP type game, so it's very important that people can decline challenges without fear of peer community pressure otherwise you will most probably lose that player from the game.
As an aside, I think one of the biggest appeals of MMORGs is that a player can totally and anonymously immerse themselves in various PvE activities and are safely away from PvP as much as their comfort zone allows. In SWG, you can set your faction setting to neutral or "on leave" status so that it's impossible for a PvPer to challenge you in PvP play, but you can still be a Rebel or a Imperial or a Neutral faction. Of course, any PvPer being a wade on SWG forums are harshly dealt with. For example, those constant screenshots of Hexx would find the poster in the ban zone. The admins. would not get the joke. These features plus lotsa social spaces is probably why SWG has one of the highest female player participation rates among all the MMORGs. And, for SOE, more female players means they are getting more revenues than comparable competing MMORGs. I actually met a female SWG player at work and she's paying for two accounts (ie. $30 per month), but she only does PvE and never PvP.