The Vudar ships on the image you posted make me think of turtles. Do you have any information on their armament etc?

Bet they are good at starcastling with that turtle look.
Here was what I could find on the web
The Vudar are a race that is rarely encountered by the Federation, living on the far side of the Klingon Empire against the Galactic Barrier. Tall, thin lizard-like humanoids descended from gecko-like reptiles, they are excellent swimmers and have a reputation for being peaceful in nature, as well as for their academic and scientific achievements.
Their home system is close to a weakness in the Galactic Barrier, through which floods dangerous ionising radiation. The atmosphere of the Vudar home world protected them from this, but was still too high for a Klingon occupation force during the time the Vudar were a Klingon client race. Space travel for the Vudar proved difficult because of the radiation, but they developed technologies to solve these problems. Indeed though the Klingon military rarely employed Vudar aboard their ships, because the Vudar needed radiation, the Klingons valued them for their knowledge of ion technology and Vudar mastery of impulse drives.
It was this mastery that enabled the Vudar to successfully rebel and drive out the Klingon Empire between 2241 and 2249. Though the high ion output of their starships make them easy to detect, they are actually difficult to scan and this was a key factor in the rebellion. The Vudar Enclave was formed in 2249.
Though not expansionist, the Vudar do work hard to protect their own space and often employ small groups of special forces units known as 'Storm Teams' to do this. Where they have to operate outside areas unaffected by ionising radiation, they carry a portable ISG or 'Ion Storm Generator', which will create the ionising radiation they require to survive. Engineering teams will then set up a more permanent generator if a world is to be colonized or held. In combat the Vudar carry the deadly Ion Rifle, which fires ion particles at a target.

(picture from Planet Mudd)
Vudar ship and weapons
They are armed with Ion Cannons (heavy weapons like photons, except they use 2d6 and are thus less effected by EW); and they defend themselves with Ion Pulse Generators, which can either aid EW or damage all seeking weapons within 2 hexes.
Weapon damage table

Some SSDs capacitor rules