The reason I'm saying what I'm saying:
1. The Mirak are the only drone race, and odds are all the Fed & Klink droner pilots would fly Mirak because of that. Also, this will lead to cries of "unfair hex flipping advantage". By giving everyone "refugee droners", the argument is moot.
2. Not everyone is comfortable with plasma, ESGs, Hellbores, etc. In an effort to keep player participation high, I want an option of displaced Klinks / Feddies to fly with weapons they are comfortable with.
Now, whether I do it with a "refugee" system where races get an assortment of Fed / Klink ships, using them to balance the races (races with the most players get the Fed / Klink DDs, the least played races get Fed / Klink CAs), or I just "anarchize" the fleets to have a Photon, Dizzy-heavy and Drone boat CA, I haven't quite decided yet (though I'm now leaning more twoard the anarchist ships instead of moving the Fed/Klink ships around...
Anarchist system:
Each "Anarchist" ship will be relatively cookie cutter, as each will share the exact same loadout. They are:
Anarchist Fed: 8xPh-1, 2xPh-3, 4xPhot, 1xG-rack (with associated AMD-6), 34 power, 4 batteries, Turn Mode D, etc. as a F-CAR+R
Anarchist Klink: 3xPh-1, 6xPh-2, 4xDis-3, 2xDro-B, 35 power, 3 batteries, turn mode B, etc. of a K-D7K
Anarchist Droner: 4xPh-1, 2xPh-3, 6xDro-B, 26 power, 2 batts, Turn B, 2/3 MC, CL hull.
Now, what makes it interesting is that the phasers will be kept in as close to "racial normal" as possible. For example, on the I-CA:
I-CAfed gets Ph-1 pairs in FAL, FAR, FH, RH (takes 360 Ph-1 arc of stock I-CA), 1xPh-3 on each wing (LS/RS). I-CAKlk gets 3xPh-1 360, PH-2s arrainged 1xFAL, 1xFAR, 2xLS, 2xRS. Heavy weapons (phot/Dizzy) go in the CCs twin PPD mounts, drones / AMD go in the Pl-I slots.
Now, this gives some "line" ships that people can fly, and each race will have them. This should hopefully encourage further Fed / Klink spreading amongst all 6 races, so that feds can fly with klinks and fight other feds, klinks can fight other klinks while winging with feddies...