The great thing is, it works on this old PC that I use exclusively for the internet, which is an old clanger with a pentium II and 96 meg in it... It runs out of virtual memory every now and then, but not before you've explored a dozen star systems, and on my other machine with an athlon XP 2000 (clocking in at 1.7 Gigahertz) in it, it's totally sweet...
Incidentally Stephen, my musical concept recording that I promised to send you a CD of is (after a few unforseen delays) nearing completion now, so if you're still interested, I'll mail one off to you during the week... I don't know what you'll think of it, it's kind of weird stuff, but I've had some positive reactions from the preliminary mixes of it, and I think you'll like one of the mixes with a load of Apollo samples from all the missions, that take you from the run up to Launch Commit to the return from the moon...