Topic: SFCII spec expert needed.....  (Read 3530 times)

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Offline Greenvalv

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SFCII spec expert needed.....
« on: August 23, 2005, 04:11:54 pm »
I need a SFCII spec expert to errorproof the attachment.  The file defines the entire shiplist, every column of it.  Post any errors you find in it (Other than the missing images 8) ).

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Re: SFCII spec expert needed.....
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2005, 04:47:18 pm »
Quick question:  Does anyone know what Repl Shuttles do in SFCI?

Offline 3dot14

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Re: SFCII spec expert needed.....
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2005, 11:21:28 am »
First of all: SUPERB LIST

Please post a final copy when you are done!

I have the following nitpicks. (I had to look really closely to get these.)

Special Role:
S is survey ship / scout. (whose function is not fully implemented...)
I don't think there is a truly "sublight" ship in the game. (i.e. no warp engine) Every ship has some warp engine. (Although some may not look it... R-SNP)

Year First:
I don't know much about this... but there seems to be a typo. Late = 20~999?

Move Cost:
An addition: A rule of thumb: 0.33 = Frigate Hull. 0.50 = War Destroyer / Destroyer Hull. As you noted there are exceptions. (some ships are "heavy blah blah" and are slower etc...) But this should work 95% of the time.
A dissent. I know that G-CL and L-CL series are classified as CA's (which I suspect is why you have a 25% CA in the 0.67 row.) But they are Light Cruisers, their names, designations and armaments all admit to that role... I think it's relatively same to say CA's are 100% movement 1.00.
A trivia: there are a few other annoying movement cost levels. 0.75 is for F-CL series, which I understand was a sublight conversion and is therefore less efficient. 1.25 is for Light dreadnaughts and I-CAA (Armored CA) These are exceptions, not sure if you want them?

HET +2 / Nimble:
I thought that's strictly a "bonus". each hull class has a base chance of making it. (het breakdown column) and the Het +2 is added onto the base chance for the final chance.

Stealth ECM:
I may be wrong, but I believe that column is unimplmented... i.e. it has no effect in game.

Deck Crews: More specifically you get half of the amount of new free fighters. i.e. deck crew 6, launch squad of 4, lost 3, reload, relaunch it's squad of 4 again, lost another 2, reload, relaunch it's still 2.

I don't think it's still doubled... I think SFC1 patch level before 1.03 is doubled. But it's the spec amount ever since. But please investigate it.

By implication: if it's a blank value, the ship can't cloak.

Weapons: Perhaps a line about heavy weapon distinction is in order... Ph1,2,3,4,G,G2,X are weapons, everything else are heavies. (including the misleading name PhA and PhB)
Arc: uhm "range of fire" perhaps "angle" is a better word, since range is mostly associated with distance in the game.

Correction: That number times 5. Most ships have 5 probes (entry = 1). But feds, being scientifically minds have standard complements of 10 (entry =2)

Nuclear Mine Max:
That column is always the same as Nuclear Mine Base. Since there isn't a separate inventory for Nuc Space Mine NSM. And it's drawn off the Mine inventory.
I.e. if I load a ship with 4 Mines, I expend 2 via Tbomb. I can only lay 2 NSM despite what the NSM_MAX column says.
Trivia/Bug: If you start the mission with zero mines, you still get one and one only NSM. (and Just NSM, no M or Tbomb)

Document Formatting: I think you pasted the wrong "portion" of the line.

Hits in terms of damage points... (you and I both know what we mean but just in case some newcomer reads it and thinks it's 40 weapon impacts...)

Much like Armor. They are free hits. I think the priority of hits goes Armor, then Center Hull, then F/A Hull. (Of course subject to dice rolls)
And incidentally, True Hull is the stuff that holds you together, but zero hull does NOT mean you will blow up.

Cargo and Barracks:
I don't think those have specific meaning in the game. They are just other "free"/Non-critical hits that you can take before losing weapons/engine etc.

Nitpick: F-DD series has only Center Warp. so "like Most Fed..." is more accurate.

Actually C_warp is NOT doubled.

Trivia: Auxillary Power Reactor
Note on power systems: the different systems have distinction in SFB. (photon=warp only etc etc) I don't believe that distinction is in SFC. Everything just Blends together into a big power-pool, and they are all all-purpose powers.

Have you varified that claim? Perhaps load a ship with abnormally low bridge value? as far as I know (which is of course limited) bridge is like hull, another free hit. (not very encouraging for the bridge officers I suppose)

In SFB the Klingon ships are crewed with Slave labor. The Security stations are used to keep them in check. If all security stations are destroyed, there is a chance the ship will mutiny. This is however NOT implemented in SFC. Security stations are additional free hits I believe.

That number is strictly the DEFENSIVE tractor. (All ships are equipped with the regular tractor.) So the descript should not include "other units" since you can only hold incoming missiles with that number. If you want to hold other units (ships, fighter groups etc.) that's the main tractor.
(unrelated trivia: they are however represented by the same icon in H/R raids. Destroyed Tractor system will kill the main tractor and all defensive ones.)

Mech Tractor:
I am no SFB nut, but I think that refers to mechnical grappling, not beams. The ships in SFB would grapple the PF ships on its exterior while making warp speed. That column it the max-PF rating in SFB. I do not think it has any bearing in SFC. (tho I am not positive.)

Trivia: Romulan-SPZ (Sparrow Hawk Acceleration Cruiser) has accel value of 25, the highest and only such rating. It's an infamous cheese ship in SFC1.

Ship Cost:
Dissent: I disagree: shipcost is always 5. but the pp cost varies wildly (especially since SFC2 introduced the economic models) I don't think the column has any meaning.

Trivia: KCX exists in the game, but it's not properly formatted. Klingon XCA's use KCA UI.

It's listed under the ship name in the Vessel Library

p.s. no idea on repl shuttles... any clues from where it's in? (it's left and right neighbor?)

Offline Greenvalv

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Re: SFCII spec expert needed.....
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2005, 03:46:01 pm »
Thanks, hehe, this is gonna take a while to sift through.....
Repl Shuttles are the last of the shuttles right before the Fighter Bays..... the sfbspc13 defining file is almost done....

Offline Corbomite

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Re: SFCII spec expert needed.....
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2005, 09:01:45 pm »
I think it is for Replacement Shuttles, which is also not implemented in the game.

Offline Greenvalv

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Re: SFCII spec expert needed.....
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2005, 04:24:33 pm »
First of all: SUPERB LIST

Please post a final copy when you are done!

I have the following nitpicks. (I had to look really closely to get these.)
I got this stuff from Shipedit and Corbomite, I did reword some stuff to sound better......

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Re: SFCII spec expert needed.....
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2005, 10:44:58 pm »
Nice job. A few small points that 3dot14 didn't cover:

Num: This is the amount of times that a HP can fire per turn 

More correctly this is the total number of launchers/emitters on a HP. Each launcher/emitter can fire each time it's arming cycle and available power allow.

Nuclear Mine Base: This is the stock amount of Nuclear Mines that comes on a ship, Romulan only.

Nuclear Mine Max: This is the maximum amount of Nuclear Mines that a ship can carry.

The base and max are 1. It doesn't matter if you put more in the entry column.

C_Warp: This is how much power the warp engine core puts out.

This is for Center Warp Engine boxes, not the Warp Core output.

Impulse: This is how much power a ship allocates to the impulse engines.

The power is not allocated to Impulse. The Impulse Engines produce the amount of power in this column.

Extra Damage: This is additional hull type boxes that take damage after an existing system or hull is completely destroyed.

Actually they take damage when the entire track that they are on in the DAC gets taken out and that line's number is rolled. Usually just about every system on a ship pretty much has to be swiss cheese before you get to the Excess Damage boxes.

Offline 3dot14

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Re: SFCII spec expert needed.....
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2005, 09:58:25 am »
Nuclear Mine Max:
That column is always the same as Nuclear Mine Base. Since there isn't a separate inventory for Nuc Space Mine NSM. And it's drawn off the Mine inventory.
I.e. if I load a ship with 4 Mines, I expend 2 via Tbomb. I can only lay 2 NSM despite what the NSM_MAX column says.
Trivia/Bug: If you start the mission with zero mines, you still get one and one only NSM. (and Just NSM, no M or Tbomb)
IGNORE this passage.
Corbomite is right, I was wrong.
a.) it didn't draw from regular mine inventory
b.) you get one mine. (I tried it in a R-KCN)
Sorry about that.