Scippy, you bad, terrible man!
I understand that you put alot of effort in making some unique servers, and it's gratifying to have a good turnout...but to sabotage the "FromSC" batch file so that OP won't load after it's run, that's almost, well, Romulan. There
are other servers besides SC2, and people should be able to move freely between them.
Seriously though, I was going to be flip-flopping between SC and the Forge server, but after I run that batch file, I will have StarfleetOP in the windows task manager processes, but the application itself never loads...running ToSC.bat fixes that, and I'm sure I can just manually move around shiplists and such, but I'm concerned that something other than missions, models, and lists is getting altered. Any ideas

The server itself is good stuff, last time I was on it took 3 CTDs after forgeting to turn scroll-lock off to get me to take a break...what's that model you're using for the SparrowHawk, is that a FASA Rom?