Topic: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave  (Read 9425 times)

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Offline Herr Burt

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Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« on: August 23, 2005, 12:05:30 pm »
Welcome to the life of an attrition unit.  Come join us in command of a squadron.  Your home needs cash.  Your ships need repairs.  The enemy is everywhere.  And whatever happens, you won't be missed.

Far from the homeland, the war is cold and the warriors are lonely.

In the days before war, a new quadrant had been found that could be reached by a pattern of wormholes.  While the near-ends of the wormholes were far-flung in Imperial Space, giving each race access to this new colonial zone, they all clustered together on the far end in the Colonial Zone.   The systems were rich, and the natives were primitive.  Some of the Great Powers sent ships to this new Colonial Zone for conquest (and money!) while others came for noblesse oblige (and money!), but all they all came.  Here, those hardy individuals who felt confined in Imperial space could make their own homes.  Here, strange new worlds could be found.  New civilisations.  New adventures.  Old enemies could work together, or simply ignore each other.

Here was peace.  (For the Imperials.  For the natives, things were a little harder.)

Alas, nothing lasts forever.

When war came to the homelands, capitals starved for cash and resources put the call out to the Colonial Zone.  The money must flow!  War inevitably spilled over into the Colonial zone, but here there were no shipyards, no logistics, little imperial population, and a great big empty swath of stars to hold onto.  War here looked very different than it did back home.

PFs became the weapon of choice, even for the idealistic Federation.  (There were lots of eager native volunteers to fill the boats.)  Without massive battle fleets, a single tender could control a large patch of space and squadrons could roam free to wreak havoc upon one another.  These combatants clawed at one another in these small boats, struggling to get the most resources back home to the "real" war.  The rules of war were ignored and no mercy was given.  Everyone knew that whoever won back home was going to clean up in the Colonial Zone.

Welcome to the life of an attrition unit.  Come join us in command of a squadron.  Your home needs cash.  Your ships need repairs.  The enemy is everywhere.  And whatever happens, you won't be missed.



Here is the el-cheapo installer for Squadron Commander 2.  It is a simple zip file with bat files included.  Why a batch file instead of a more complicated installer?  Because I had five minutes to build this thing! 


1) Download the installer zip file
2) Use Winzip (or your favorite substitute) to unzip the contents into your StarFleet Command Orion Pirates folder. Use the extract button!  Do NOT drag and drop! from the Winzip window!!!!  OH THE HUMANITY!!!!!  And, for the love of all that is holy, do not extract the contents to anywhere except into your Starfleet Command Orion Pirates folder
3) There should now be a SquaMaker folder in your OP folder.  Open it, and double click on the ToSquad.bat file.

THAT'S IT!  You should be set up to play!

If you want, you can put shortcuts to the ToSquad.bat and the FromSquad.bat files on your desktop, so that you can install and uninstall at your liesure.

If there are any problems, let me know.  I'm here to provide.

Get the installer here:

The Installer Has been updated to version 2_3!!!  Before you use the updated installer, be sure that you Uninstall the older version by doubleclicking on FromSC.bat!  Also, if you have a weird file in your SqdnCmmd folder called Ipf, you'll need to delete that before reinstalling!

Sometimes installing late is good.  Especially when I made the original installer while I was in a hurry.

-Herr Burt
« Last Edit: August 28, 2005, 03:21:49 pm by Herr Burt »
Happy Warmongering!

Offline Herr Burt

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2005, 02:03:21 pm »
Flotilla Construction

While you can control a single boat in SC if you wish, the focus of the campaign is flotilla command.  You have three ship slots in SC, which you can fill or not in the manner you feel serves your empire best.  These boats come loaded with another boat, making the total number of boats you can have under your command six.  (Eight for the Lyrans.)  There are a few rules on how you can build your flotilla.  Since I'm writing in the English language many rules will have an exception.

 PFs are divided into leaders, support, and scout boats.  Each of these will be denoted in the shiplist as follows:

Leader:  Will have an "l" prefix (and usually an L in their name)
Support:  Will have a "p" prefix
Scout:  Will have an "s" prefix in their name.

Line boats -- otherwise known as vanilla boats -- may not be purchased in the shipyard.  Instead, they are purchased in the fighter selection screen.  Each leader, support, and scout boat has the ability to purchase one line boat.

1)  You may NOT simultaneously own two off the SAME class boat.  Thus, only one leader, only one scout, and only one support boat may be in your flotilla.
Exception:  Interceptor leaders.  If you wish, you may control up to three interceptor leaders.  You may freely mix them with any PF in your flotilla, but they may only carry vanilla interceptors.

2) You may buy freightors if you wish.  They are relatively cheap.  However, all "real" ships -- including real frigates -- should cost a couple hundred thousand PP.  They are supposed to be priced beyond reach.  If you find that you can afford one, please don't.  They aren't supposed to be available.

3) Bases are represented by PF tenders and Aux PF tenders, and are available for purchased in the shipyard.  They are recognizable by their name and by the fact that they are affordable.  For example, a BS_AxPFT is an auxilliary PF tender that is used as a base station.

Flotilla Operation

You are presumed to be in command of a flotilla that was launched by an off-map tender.  You are not built for independant operations, are are dependant upon rendezvous with your tender at mission's end.  Thus, there are some rules in effect.

1)  Your PF's  MUST launch their onboard PF's as soon as possible.  I suggest setting a hotkey to launch all fighters.  (I use the "F" key.)  Then you can press F6, press F, press F7, press F, press F8, press F, and all your boats will be launched.  If you aren't sure who drafted you then you might be anxiously scanning and probing for a few moments, but try not to take too long to get yoru boats out there.  No one should get bitchy with a stopwatch, but the idea is to get them out there as soon as possible.  (this is a roleplay thing; the PF's were never "in" your command PF's anyway, since none of them have bays big enough.  But this is the only way I can get you six ships on the map at the same time.)

2)  Once the line PF's are launched, you may NEVER recall them within a mission.  It is (barely) possible that one of your PF's under AI control might get a crippled line boat recalled while you are in a different boat.  EVERYONE SHOULD BE PREPARED TO DEAL WITH THIS IN A POSITIVE MANNER AND TO NOT CRY "CHEAT!"  If this happens, you are prohibited from launching that line boat again during that mission.  Again, see above warning.  If the AI happens to get the boat launched again, do the right thing and self-destruct it.  My first (and likely last) response to anyone who claims their opponent cheated in this manner will be to reply, "No, he didn't.  Get over it."

3)  Fi-Cons are free to hold onto or launch their fighters whenever they want.  Once launched, they cannot be recalled.  (See rule two for "oops"  caveats.)

4) You may NOT retreat from combat! This is a war of attrition between boats that don't have the big, self-sustaining warp engines of starships.  Strategic warp is not available until your tender shows up.  (Which won't be until after the mission.)  Casualties are expected and acceptable, and getting caught with your "tanks dry" is a daily hazard.  If you are in combat with a live player, You may NOT retreat from combat.  If you are outnumbered or damaged, suck it up.  Try to kill something before you go down so that your side can gain a point.

The boats are cheap and there are plenty of them.  Ship purchase is instantaneous.  There are no BCH's for you to save up for.  Don't worry about having to stay and get killed.

The Map Concept

This is supposed to represent a different kind of warfare.  To reflect this, the map will work a little differently than you are used to.

1) Hex DV's will start low.  The natives don't really want you there, and don't care if some other empire "takes" them.  The new empire is just one more man trying to be "the" man.  If you want high DV's in your home space, you will need to run missons there to raise them.

1)  (Virtually) No planets.  The fortified planets seen in the Imperial Zone simply don't exist on this wide open, primitive frontier of the colonial zone.  If a race wants to defend a valuable system, they must deploy boats to do it.  And that's your job.  "Planets" on this map will be represented by high econ hexes.  While some may be easily recognizable by the presence of terrain such as asteroids, some others may not.  This is in keeping with the concept that the Colonial zone is a wild frontier.  You do not have detailed maps of the enemy's turf and must find his resources through good old-fashioned legwork.

2) No bases.    No expensive bases have been built in the Colonial Zone, and now that war has broken out in the Imperial Zone none are going to be for the forseeable future.  The role of bases on this map will be filled with PF tenders.  When you assault a "base", you will actually be assaulting a tender with its flotilla.  In the wild frontier of the Colonial Zone a tender squadron is a potent weapon, as it projects power over a large stretch of space.  Likewise, killing a tender helps to empty surrounding space of the infestation of its annoying boats.  Bases will be destroyable.

3) Invulnerable capitals.  There will be a few planets on the map.  These are the provincial capitals of each race, and are considered far too powerful for mere attrition units to conquer.  Taking them would require a large battle fleet from the Imperial zone, and they won't be coming until the war back home is over.  Thus, you may NOT take missions in an enemy's planet hex.  You are free to take missions in your own provincial capital.  (Piracy is universal, and it's your job to protect those goods your  colonials are sending home.)

Victory Conditions

In this war of attrition, there are three things that are important:

1) Attrition of enemy boats  (how many kills have you made?)
2) Economic gain sent home to aide the capital's war effort (wht is yoru total economy?)
3) Number of tenders in space (self explanatory, so watch out for Chuut.)

Keep track of how many boats you kill, and report them as they happen.  (Details on reporting procedure later.)  At the end of the war, each race and each alliance will be ranked from 1 to 8 according to how well they did in each category.  The alliance with the lowest total ranking will be declared the winner of the war in the colonial zone.  More specifically, the race with the lowest total score will be declared the overall winner of the campaign.  So yes, even if you get hosed in one category because your race "suks roks at PvP/Flipping/whatever", you can still win by taking the other two categories.


The usual rules

1) Don't forfeit your way across the map or log off to avoid mandatory missions.  You must take a mission if you get mandatory one, or call for someone else to come and draft you.
2) Don't run around and keep a player in mission just to keep him in mission.  There are many ways to fight, but if you don't intend to fight -- ever -- then save everyone some time and self-destruct.  (Or just charge the enemy and get it over with).
3) Don't exploit a bug if you find one.
4) Don't cheat
5) Don't be abusive towards other players.  It makes me sad and then I have to strat banning IP addresses.  And that's no fun, because I want as many people to play as can.

It is specifically legal (i.e cheerfully allowed) to lose missions in your own hex in order to give it to an ally!  However, it is specifically illegal to log on as the enemy, lose missions in his hexes, and then log on as yourself in order to conquer them.  There is defnitely some rock/paper/scissors with some of the races, so granting allies bases may prove useful.

That's about it.  I'll update if there are issues. 

-Herr Burt
« Last Edit: August 23, 2005, 02:35:31 pm by Herr Burt »
Happy Warmongering!

Offline Hexx

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2005, 02:47:04 pm »
Are you using the original Taldren PF's (boo!) or the
DH style reimagings (kinda yay) or my suggestion of using the original
Ph1 toting Lyran Pfs ( huzzah!)
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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2005, 03:53:20 pm »
Are you using the original Taldren PF's (boo!) or the
DH style reimagings (kinda yay) or my suggestion of using the original
Ph1 toting Lyran Pfs ( huzzah!)

My PFs have the full power of WBPs but are more fragile.  meaning they can actuall load their weapons but actually pop when hit by an R-Torp.

For this server, I think Ph1 Lyran PFs make sense.  I'm actually thinking of adding an "X PF" for the Lyrans with PH1s for the next rev of my crap.
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Offline GDA-S'Cipio

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2005, 03:55:40 pm »
Are you using the original Taldren PF's (boo!) or the
DH style reimagings (kinda yay) or my suggestion of using the original
Ph1 toting Lyran Pfs ( huzzah!)

I'm actually using my SFB-style PFs, as seen in Squad Commander 1.  I'm not yet sure how these compare to the DH PF's, I'll have to pull up both lists and check.

I gotta do something with the Lyran PFs, or ditch them.  Phaser 1's is an idea.  Any others?

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

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Offline Hexx

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2005, 03:57:10 pm »
Are you using the original Taldren PF's (boo!) or the
DH style reimagings (kinda yay) or my suggestion of using the original
Ph1 toting Lyran Pfs ( huzzah!)

I'm actually using my SFB-style PFs, as seen in Squad Commander 1.  I'm not yet sure how these compare to the DH PF's, I'll have to pull up both lists and check.

I gotta do something with the Lyran PFs, or ditch them.  Phaser 1's is an idea.  Any others?


I think phaser1's and plasma D's would be acceptable to all parties.
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2005, 04:41:57 pm »

Here it is: PF Chart
« Last Edit: August 28, 2005, 03:48:51 pm by Dizzy »

Offline Herr Burt

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2005, 07:33:20 pm »
Are you using the original Taldren PF's (boo!) or the
DH style reimagings (kinda yay) or my suggestion of using the original
Ph1 toting Lyran Pfs ( huzzah!)

I'm actually using my SFB-style PFs, as seen in Squad Commander 1.  I'm not yet sure how these compare to the DH PF's, I'll have to pull up both lists and check.

I gotta do something with the Lyran PFs, or ditch them.  Phaser 1's is an idea.  Any others?


I think phaser1's and plasma D's would be acceptable to all parties.

Plasma D's???

-Herr Burt
Happy Warmongering!

Offline Hexx

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2005, 07:38:07 pm »
Are you using the original Taldren PF's (boo!) or the
DH style reimagings (kinda yay) or my suggestion of using the original
Ph1 toting Lyran Pfs ( huzzah!)

I'm actually using my SFB-style PFs, as seen in Squad Commander 1.  I'm not yet sure how these compare to the DH PF's, I'll have to pull up both lists and check.

I gotta do something with the Lyran PFs, or ditch them.  Phaser 1's is an idea.  Any others?


I think phaser1's and plasma D's would be acceptable to all parties.

Plasma D's???

-Herr Burt

They're these little blue balls of <snicker "little blue balls" > plasma.
I'm really not sure what they do, but I think they'll probably be next to worthless on a PF.
Put one on each Lyran PF and it will at least give the Lyran players an extra damage space.
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Offline Herr Burt

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2005, 10:04:47 am »

I've made the following adjustments to the Lyran PF's:

1) I've included an escort PF, which trades in its two disruptors for an ESG.  (This was also included in Squad Commander 1)
2) I've replaced the phaser-2's on the Lyran PF's with phaser 1's.
3) I've moved the Lyran Fi-con from being a support boat to being a line boat.  (This actually fits SFB history.  Fi-Cons didn't work so well in fleet combat, and the Lyrans never met a bad idea they didn't like........) This means that command, support, and scout boats can each hold a fi-con if they wish.

Hopefully this will make the Wussy Cat People much more adorable.

-Herr Burt
Happy Warmongering!

Offline Hexx

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2005, 10:30:54 am »
Cool, few points
-The ESG is neato, but really the Lyran PFp's (Bobcats with no dizzies, just phaser 2's)
are superior as an escort (of course if you've included tham already then no worries)
The ESG is one of those weapons I've only seen the Ai use sucessfully (i.e. before it overuns the enemy)
A) Its pointless (PF ESG overrun on B10)
B) It's fighing me.

In any event I assume if you've given the Lyran PF's phaser 1s (which they SHOULD have) you
have made Lyran squadrons hte same size as the others?
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Offline Herr Burt

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2005, 08:56:50 am »
Cool, few points
-The ESG is neato, but really the Lyran PFp's (Bobcats with no dizzies, just phaser 2's)
are superior as an escort (of course if you've included tham already then no worries)
The ESG is one of those weapons I've only seen the Ai use sucessfully (i.e. before it overuns the enemy)
A) Its pointless (PF ESG overrun on B10)
B) It's fighing me.

In any event I assume if you've given the Lyran PF's phaser 1s (which they SHOULD have) you
have made Lyran squadrons hte same size as the others?

The Lyran PFp's are definitely in.  They are listed as a line boat, so you could have up to three in a squadron.

For the moment, given the phaser 1's, the Lyran flotillas are the same size as everyone elses.  I'm still pondering.  That hydran AI flotilla kicked my arse last night.  Of course I did a really bad job of keeping my squadron together, so that could just have been my poor performance that got my pilots killed.

-Herr Burt
Happy Warmongering!

Offline Hexx

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2005, 09:06:23 am »
It's important to note that the AI will always kick the Lyran's ass.
(can I say ass here?)
The Lyrans will never be able to compete with the plasma PF's,
the Feds photons PFs are superior , anything with a drone will
usually smoke an AI controlled Lyran PF and AI Hydran's will use
the same tactics as AI Lyrans, close and shoot.- Of course the Hydrans tend to
do a tad more damage.

I think if the Lyrans have a Ph1 armed PF it helps, I'm just concerned if the Lyrans have
a PH1 PF and extra numbers it may produce some snivelling.
Run the Lyrans with the same squadron size, we'll see how it goes.
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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #13 on: August 26, 2005, 09:28:10 am »
If you want a Lyran PF that has only crunch power like a plasma PF (versus the "stay at range and pick them apart" tactic needed now) then make one with an ESG Lance on it. Two LS and 2 RS PH-3's would give it adequate PD. At a max range 6 and a guaranteed 16 points of damage, it would be more deadly than a plasma PF at close range (no defense against it), but still limited enough to evade. A limit to the number allowed flown would be a good idea too.

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2005, 01:11:47 am »
Bump and can we get this stickied???

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AMD64x2 5000+
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #15 on: August 28, 2005, 05:46:18 am »
He did add on an ESG Lance.

Know your PF's! I got so frustrated looking at the ship viewer to discern what PF had what that I went ahead and made what I told Scipio last night I wasnt making for him. This: PF Chart

Oh, and this server is way cool. It's an experience unlike any I have had in SFC... It gives you major perspective on the little mans world. Poor bastards, now I know how they feel... I used to shrug off Plasma F torps hitting me, now I really fear them!

2 things, Scipio. The asteroid base, I'd cut their Ph4's down to 2. Or change to 4x Ph1's and change the 3's to 2's. That thing just kills me all the time.

Also, I think on the server side you can change the loadout of the PF's so AI PF's launch shuttles instead of other PF's/ftrs. Man is it hard to deal with so many Plasma chuckers in a Gorn PF. Once my second ship was toast in a Data Recovery, I got my ass chased down by some 8x PF's. Nasty nasty nasty.

It certainly is challenging. And fun. wtg.

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #16 on: August 29, 2005, 06:51:12 pm »
i'm seeing an issue where after a sucessful mission completion, I'm not getting  a DV shift.
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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #17 on: August 29, 2005, 08:36:27 pm »
So am I. The one that did it to me a couple times was the one where you fly to he listening post. ALSO server is down, and when I connect with another player, as ally, game crashes to desktop either upon start of actual game, or within 45 seconds.  It happens that I am romulan, and only so far tried with an ISC.  It happens when either of us draft.

Offline GDA-S'Cipio

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #18 on: August 29, 2005, 08:47:31 pm »
So am I. The one that did it to me a couple times was the one where you fly to he listening post. ALSO server is down, and when I connect with another player, as ally, game crashes to desktop either upon start of actual game, or within 45 seconds.  It happens that I am romulan, and only so far tried with an ISC.  It happens when either of us draft.

Keep an eye on this DV thing.  If the listening post is the only one it is happening in, I can fix it by pulling that mission.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

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Offline Herr Burt

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #19 on: August 29, 2005, 09:43:47 pm »

Dfly and Risky:

Are you having the wingman problem with each other?  And have you tried winging with anyone else?

If so, my first suspicion would be that there is a connection issue between the two of you.  (This happens depending upon the state of the internet; happened to me and Nail during AOTK.  We couldn't wing to save our neck.)  These are standard missions that have been used for years; I can't immediately think of anything on my end that would prevent people from flying as wingmen.

If this is not the case, then there may be a bigger problem that will need investigating.

-Herr Burt
Happy Warmongering!

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #20 on: August 30, 2005, 05:02:11 am »
Why cant I cheat?

Well, I think I may have figured it out, but I'm damned sure I recovered my nearly destroyed PF. I know, I know, you arnt supposed to relaunch them cuz it's considered a squadron ship, but I was up against a D5 and 2 K-PF's in an ambush mission. I wasted the 2x PF's but nearly got my Fed ass handed to me waiting for the PF to repair. Which it never did.

Upon arriving at space port, I didnt have a PF, had to buy another. Obviously I lost it, thats why it didnt reappear in my shuttlebay but I didnt  see it blow up, in fact I'm sure I heard the PF recovery sound. Is there any reason, once a PF is recovered, that it will not appear in the shuttle bay after some time? Perhaps the mission 'stole' it like sometimes they steal drones?

Offline GDA-S'Cipio

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #21 on: August 30, 2005, 03:30:35 pm »
Why cant I cheat?

Well, I think I may have figured it out, but I'm damned sure I recovered my nearly destroyed PF. I know, I know, you arnt supposed to relaunch them cuz it's considered a squadron ship, but I was up against a D5 and 2 K-PF's in an ambush mission. I wasted the 2x PF's but nearly got my Fed ass handed to me waiting for the PF to repair. Which it never did.

Upon arriving at space port, I didnt have a PF, had to buy another. Obviously I lost it, thats why it didnt reappear in my shuttlebay but I didnt  see it blow up, in fact I'm sure I heard the PF recovery sound. Is there any reason, once a PF is recovered, that it will not appear in the shuttle bay after some time? Perhaps the mission 'stole' it like sometimes they steal drones?

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The Gods of Justice saw your perfidity, and they did smite you most righteously!

Seriously, I've no idea what happened to your PF.  It is barely possible that -- since it was cast as a ship rather than a PF -- the game engine doesn't know what to do with it once you dock it, and so it gets deleted.  That would be really, really cool.

It's also possible it was just a glitch.  Since I accidentally discovered how to cast the PFs as starships at the last minute, and you aren't supposed to redock them anyway, this was not something I tested.  We can test this later.  It's not something I want to encourage while the game is live.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #22 on: August 30, 2005, 03:54:50 pm »
I think you are right. Once you redock it... its done. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Now that is really cool. We had a problem with Andro ships returning and in a turn or two their mauled ships were completely repaired. No longer!

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #23 on: August 30, 2005, 03:58:11 pm »
server is down

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #24 on: August 30, 2005, 04:04:51 pm »
Ok, I just confirmed it. They will not relaunch. Bad ass. That clears two huge hurdles for Andros. One was them being shot by PlaD. The other was as I stated above, it took two turns or so to repair a crippled ship, which was BS. So they are both fixed.

Ok, get the server back up!

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #25 on: August 30, 2005, 05:11:35 pm »
Ok, I just confirmed it. They will not relaunch. Bad ass. That clears two huge hurdles for Andros. One was them being shot by PlaD. The other was as I stated above, it took two turns or so to repair a crippled ship, which was BS. So they are both fixed.

Ok, get the server back up!


It's gonna be about an hour or so before I can get back to the server.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #26 on: August 30, 2005, 06:46:23 pm »
Actually, I'm not sure what was going on.  But the server is still up.  Looks like it was never down.   ???

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #27 on: August 30, 2005, 07:21:26 pm »
Just installed and went to log on...No server! Could see 2 others but Squadron Commader did now show. Thks in advance..
KBF LordSaxon

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #28 on: August 30, 2005, 07:25:30 pm »
Have not been online with anyone else yet but Risky.  Have been hoping to find someone on when I have that chance, and test it.  Risky and I flew many missions together on AOTK2, and are currently flying together on the Forge, so I see no reason why as per connections issues.

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #29 on: August 30, 2005, 07:47:24 pm »
Just installed and went to log on...No server! Could see 2 others but Squadron Commader did now show. Thks in advance..
KBF LordSaxon

When in doubt, reboot everything.

Try it now.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #30 on: August 30, 2005, 07:55:39 pm »
Just installed and went to log on...No server! Could see 2 others but Squadron Commader did now show. Thks in advance..
KBF LordSaxon

When in doubt, reboot everything.

Try it now.


The system reboot *seems* to have fixed the issue.  I have confirmed that I can log on from a secondary computer.  Hopefully everyone can see the sever now.

-Herr Burt
Happy Warmongering!

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #31 on: August 31, 2005, 02:07:13 am »
just as a side note, scout and data recovery dont seem to like to allow wings...
Shin and i are sucessfully winging with our little PFs

oh and make sure u dont die while planting a base...u CAN get stuck without a ship doing it
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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #32 on: August 31, 2005, 06:20:31 pm »
just as a side note, scout and data recovery dont seem to like to allow wings...
Shin and i are sucessfully winging with our little PFs

oh and make sure u dont die while planting a base...u CAN get stuck without a ship doing it
There are a few missions that the script blocks out any allies from the draft, although an enemy player is permitted.

What were the specific details of not having any ship?

Hope to see you guys on.

KBF LordSaxon

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #33 on: August 31, 2005, 07:32:20 pm »
just as a side note, scout and data recovery dont seem to like to allow wings...
Shin and i are sucessfully winging with our little PFs

oh and make sure u dont die while planting a base...u CAN get stuck without a ship doing it
There are a few missions that the script blocks out any allies from the draft, although an enemy player is permitted.

What were the specific details of not having any ship?

Hope to see you guys on.

KBF LordSaxon

Right, I should have posted that for those not familiar with all the old missions.  Another one is the Derelict mission.  (The one where there is a derelict ship in the middle of the map, sometimes with a goody inside, which you and an enemy ship race towards.)  You can draft a live enemy, but the mission script does not draft a live ally.

I would like more details on your stuck without a ship situation.   You do get to command both your ship and your (potential) base in that mission.  Do you mean that the mission ran past the death of your ship, with you controling the base, or do you mean that upon exiting the mission, you found your character left with no ship.

-Herr Burt
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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #34 on: September 01, 2005, 08:25:13 am »
I never use those missions. Having lost ships to them too many times. Inevitably, you're flying with a wing, an enemy with his two buddies drafts you and leaves your wing behind... so what was the point of travelling with a wing anyway? For me it seemed a "Murphy's law of drafting", it beceme very frustrating, to be constantly outnumbered by human enemies, even though you had a wing with you. After discussing this in detail with drb, Karnak and other players, I never put such missions on a server, they are either seen as bugs (like above), or it just plain defeats traveling with a wing.  :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: In my opinion all D2 scripts should be capable of drafting six players.

(not to be too crtitcal of your server though, its pretty cool!  8)  :thumbsup:)

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #35 on: September 01, 2005, 10:20:51 am »

Right, I should have posted that for those not familiar with all the old missions.  Another one is the Derelict mission.  (The one where there is a derelict ship in the middle of the map, sometimes with a goody inside, which you and an enemy ship race towards.)  You can draft a live enemy, but the mission script does not draft a live ally.-Herr Burt

Thats a good 1v1 mission.

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #36 on: September 01, 2005, 10:45:40 am »
The only ship to survive the mission was the PF-tender, so at the end of the mission. I lost the tender to base construction and was stuck without a ship. The game was confused since I had a ship survive(the tender) so didnt give me one for the loss of the PFs. Luckily i got some PP from putting the base up and could buy another ship.
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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #37 on: September 01, 2005, 02:57:43 pm »
I never use those missions. Having lost ships to them too many times. Inevitably, you're flying with a wing, an enemy with his two buddies drafts you and leaves your wing behind... so what was the point of travelling with a wing anyway?

I completely understand your frustration.

The old Convoy Raid and (especially) Convoy Escort used to screw with your wingmen, and let the other side have more players.  (The Convoy Escort even gave your wingman to the opposition!)    I've excluded those.

The derelict mission *should* restrict both sides to one player.   Or at least I thought it did.  If you see it acting differently, please let me know at once.  Yes, it can make you miss your wingman for a mission, but I still sort of like it.   It's got a bit of a storytelling feel to it  ("there is something weird out there, but we can't spare much from the front.  Send one guy to check it out") and makes a good excuse for a one on one in a hotly contested area.

-Herr Burt
Happy Warmongering!

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #38 on: September 01, 2005, 11:31:20 pm »
Scippy, you bad, terrible man!

I understand that you put alot of effort in making some unique servers, and it's gratifying to have a good turnout...but to sabotage the "FromSC" batch file so that OP won't load after it's run, that's almost, well, Romulan. There are other servers besides SC2, and people should be able to move freely between them.

Seriously though, I was going to be flip-flopping between SC and the Forge server, but after I run that batch file, I will have StarfleetOP in the windows task manager processes, but the application itself never loads...running ToSC.bat fixes that, and I'm sure I can just manually move around shiplists and such, but I'm concerned that something other than missions, models, and lists is getting altered. Any ideas :huh: ?

The server itself is good stuff, last time I was on it took 3 CTDs after forgeting to turn scroll-lock off to get me to take a break...what's that model you're using for the SparrowHawk, is that a FASA Rom?

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #39 on: September 01, 2005, 11:47:27 pm »
Krotz, I used the to and from bat with no problem. I switch from Forge and SQ at will.

Not all comps are the same, especially if you have OP installed somewhere strange. I think you have a unique situation. A lot of peeps have had no problems with it, But herr burt will help Im sure. Make sure you followed the setup and installation instructions carefully.  Its best if you give very detailed info on your setup and problem so herr burt has a clearer picture of how to help. What you describe above isnt as informative as I'd need it to be to help u.

On a side note, bat file installers generally have always worked very well in the past with few if any problems.

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #40 on: September 02, 2005, 12:21:38 am »
Scippy, you bad, terrible man!

I understand that you put alot of effort in making some unique servers, and it's gratifying to have a good turnout...but to sabotage the "FromSC" batch file so that OP won't load after it's run, that's almost, well, Romulan.

Ummm..... I blame the wife!

The server itself is good stuff, last time I was on it took 3 CTDs after forgeting to turn scroll-lock off to get me to take a break...what's that model you're using for the SparrowHawk, is that a FASA Rom?

Heh Heh.  I've done that myself, especially when playing late at night.   Forget to turn off scroll lock, CTD.  Restart OP and log on.   Start mission, realize I *still* haven't turned off scroll lock, CTD.  Rinse and repeat.    ;)

The starhawk model is a real SFB model of the starhawk.  I pulled it from Ghost's Fleetdock 13.  Most of the others I got from either there, or from Desty Nova's site.

Desty Nova:

Note that the splash page on Desty's site shows what a real G1 should look like, but I thought they looked more flashy with the egines they have from Fleetdock.  (For my own game, however, I did replace the resized FF's I used in the installer for the Hydran PF's with the boxier truee PF's of Desty Nova.)

There are other servers besides SC2, and people should be able to move freely between them.

Seriously though, I was going to be flip-flopping between SC and the Forge server, but after I run that batch file, I will have StarfleetOP in the windows task manager processes, but the application itself never loads...running ToSC.bat fixes that, and I'm sure I can just manually move around shiplists and such, but I'm concerned that something other than missions, models, and lists is getting altered. Any ideas :huh: ?

That was my intent with the installer/uninstaller scripts.  You *Should* be able to change back and forth at will.  I'm at a bit of a loss to understand why your application would run on the task manager but not appear.

The installer does the following:
1) Checks to see if you have a SC_SAFElist.  If you do, then SC is already installed and the bat file terminates.
2) Backs up the shiplist, ftrlist, strings, and model.siz file to files with the prefix SC_SAFE.  Example, shiplist.txt becomes SC_SAFElist.txt
3) Installs the new shiplist, ftrlist, strings, and model.siz file
4) Copies the non-stock missions scripts to your scripts folder
5) Creates the SqdnCmmd folder in your main OP folder and fills it with the PF models.

The uninstaller does the following:
1) Checks to see if you have an SC_SAFElist.  If you do not, then SC is not installed and the bat file terminates.
2) Erases the shiplist, ftrlist, strings.txt, and model.siz files
3) Converts the SAFE versions of these back to their original name

That's it.  The new models and scripts remain on your hard drive.  (The models are easily removed by deleting the SqdCmmd folder, and you probably already had the missions anyway, so they should take up no additional space.)

If some of that screws up on your machine, then you might not be able to log onto a server.  But none of it should affect the ability of the game itself to start.  The thing to make absolutely sure of is that the FromSC and ToSC files are located in your SqdMaker folder, which is in your main OP folder.  If you tried to put shortcuts onto your desktop and actually put copies on your desktop, then the directory paths will not be correct and the files will not work.  (Which still *should* not cause the problem you are describing..... )

The bat files are just text files with the bat extension.  If you want, you can right click on them and choose "edit" to see their contents.  You will see a series of DOS commands you can follow along with and check their logic. 

Any of you other techies got any ideas what could be going on here?

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #41 on: September 07, 2005, 09:13:30 am »
Dunno what happened to the kill list, but I am undefeated... Well... that's if you dont count the two or three dozen times the AI has pwnd my ass... hehe.

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #42 on: September 07, 2005, 11:54:58 am »
Dunno what happened to the kill list, but I am undefeated... Well... that's if you dont count the two or three dozen times the AI has pwnd my ass... hehe.

It is here:,163359743.0.html

It's a little empty.  If you've got some kills to report, by all means fill it in!

And I know what you mean about getting owned by the AI.  These fights can turn into a real furballs.  One second you're on top of the world, then one wrong move and *BAM!*  heh heh.  Fortunately there are always new squadrons waiting for me in the shipyard.    ;)

-Herr Burt
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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #43 on: September 07, 2005, 11:56:40 am »

Hey, Krotz, did you ever figure out what was going on with your problem?  I'll be very distraught if my installer messed you up.

-Herr Burt
Happy Warmongering!

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #44 on: September 07, 2005, 12:17:59 pm »
One second you're on top of the world, then one wrong move and *BAM!*  heh heh.  Fortunately there are always new squadrons waiting for me in the shipyard.    ;)

-Herr Burt

Best thing about this server is that it is an attrition server. You die... a lot. Not much u can do about it. Its a departure from other servers... but its kinda fun losing. Sometimes no matter what you do, you get pwnd. AI really comes into its own here.

But money is never a concern. I get put back in a boat I can trade off for one that is better at virtually the same cost. So I can afford to lose and lose and lose.... But I win too. :D

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #45 on: September 07, 2005, 10:48:20 pm »
Well so far I have lost 2 games to dizzy, and lost only 2 to AI.  I win almost all AI missions.  Only one I have lost in so far,(those that I have flown), is asteroid base attack thingy. >:(

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #46 on: September 08, 2005, 05:50:54 pm »

Hey, Krotz, did you ever figure out what was going on with your problem?  I'll be very distraught if my installer messed you up.

-Herr Burt

Don't worry, while I combed through the FromSC.bat file a bunch of times without making real headway, I found doing things manually works just fine. Moreover, it thankfully seems to be an isolated problem. I was just afraid I'd have to reinstall everything, which wouldn't be cool 'cause my OP disc is currently packed up 'til I move this November. I'm far more afraid of that other thread where peeps seem to be getting confused between NHKs being BCHs (in SFB) and thinking all HeavyHawks are BCHs...

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #47 on: September 10, 2005, 04:01:16 pm »
I wish to thank HB once agin for putting up this server...I finally had time today to bang out some missions.....what a blast...

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #48 on: September 12, 2005, 07:22:09 pm »
Unstickied. Thanks again Herr Burt!

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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #49 on: September 14, 2005, 04:57:29 pm »
quick question, did i miss the victory ruling on this fun little server? (was there even to be a victory ruling)
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Re: Squadron Commander II: The Second Wave
« Reply #50 on: September 14, 2005, 07:18:20 pm »
I won. I had the most kills. Whatever else happened is irrelevant.

Now where is my award?