Topic: Unique ship's I'd like to see in game (UPDATED JULY 2007)  (Read 247537 times)

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Re: Unique ship's I'd like to see in game (UPDATED JULY 2007)
« Reply #340 on: September 03, 2007, 08:16:32 pm »
I like the diagram of the Pytheus Class with the Laser Turrets and earlierr secondary hull.

My son keeps mistaking it for the Declaration Class, which has its engines mounted ala the TOS Hunt, Victory  and Ptolomey Classes.

I kitbashed a Declaration a long time ago. The Pytheus diagrams I've found all lack detail of the engine mounting methods. I would suspect it might be the same as the Viceroy Class medium cruiser, which has the same engine arrangement but mounts a half sized secondary hull under the saucer rear.

I would presume that the Nacelle Flush Vents would be under the saucer, as the engines don't have pylons. A problem for textures there.

Its been on my list for a long time now.

The Klingons have many ways to fry a cat. I prefer to use an L7 Fast Battlecruiser!!

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Re: Unique ship's I'd like to see in game (UPDATED JULY 2007)
« Reply #341 on: September 21, 2007, 02:17:40 am »
Anyone have any covenant ships from Halo?

There's a 'covenant' section on Battleclinic, but they're nothing like the Covenant I know from Halo.

It would be nice to have a CCS cruiser flying ingame.

For anyone wanting to model this ship, here's a tremendously useful resource:

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Re: Unique ship's I'd like to see in game (UPDATED JULY 2007)
« Reply #342 on: December 22, 2007, 11:13:28 am »

Mann-class. Antivyrus has it, needs texturesType of Federation starship used in the 2220s. The Klingon Empire called this class 'hokot' in intelligence reports. Ships built of this design include the Poseidon, Endurance and of course, the Mann . ("The Final Reflection" [Pocket TOS]).

I want to see this one!!!

Hmmmmmm ...

Me too ...

[fires up 3dsmax]Looks like I got a new project ... just as soon as I get the 4 Years War package together, I'll get on The UES/Romulan War.[/fires up 3dsmax]



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Re: Unique ship's I'd like to see in game (UPDATED JULY 2007)
« Reply #343 on: December 22, 2007, 05:02:52 pm »

Mann-class. Antivyrus has it, needs texturesType of Federation starship used in the 2220s. The Klingon Empire called this class 'hokot' in intelligence reports. Ships built of this design include the Poseidon, Endurance and of course, the Mann . ("The Final Reflection" [Pocket TOS]).

I want to see this one!!!

Hmmmmmm ...

Me too ...

[fires up 3dsmax]Looks like I got a new project ... just as soon as I get the 4 Years War package together, I'll get on The UES/Romulan War.[/fires up 3dsmax]



You rock !!!!! Can't wait to see 'em !!!!

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Re: Unique ship's I'd like to see in game (UPDATED JULY 2007)
« Reply #344 on: January 20, 2008, 06:16:57 am »

Those that know me, Hi! Those that don't, I spend most of my time deep in Fan Fic land. And, Hello!

I've created with words U.S.S. Cerberus, NX-12093 (Late TMP Era Advanced Battle Frigate (FFBX)). Would someone be willing to mod this Hell hound for me? Pretty please? I haven't been able to get the sketching down to what I want, but as soon as I do, I'll scan and post.

From Second Chances:

...The ship moved forward from its berth slowly, belying its sleek design. Its saucer and engineering section arrangement was common among the Okinawa classes, but the radical addition of a third warp engine on the ship's dorsal and the zero degree plane of the two 'normal' nacelles gave the first hints that this was no ordinary frigate. As she cleared the dock on her first official underway, what was the Federation's biggest snafu began to make history. Cerberus was constructed as a test for the Federation's new automated construction facility, and was eighty percent complete when the caught the mix-up.
   "Clear of space dock," Michaels reported.
   "All ahead flank!" Cerberus didn't make a sound as she accelerated, much to the delight of her captain and crew, nor did she lurch forward like so many of her older stable mates. It was a factor of the new technology, additions destined for another vessel. The computer mind that constructed Cerberus mixed two plans into one, fusing forever battle frigate and advanced frigate. When the yardmaster discovered the design malfunction, she was too far along to scrap, and instead was modified to fully utilize everything she was given. "Pocket Cruiser" some had called her. Silently and elegantly, she sped away from her former home and into the freedom of space.

McDougal smiled inside himself, not wanting to show the admiral his true feelings. “About my ship, there’s a rumor going around…”

   “…that she’s to begin a refit with more science equipment installed? True statement. You’re new missions, in a nutshell, are to seek out new life and go where no one in the fleet has gone before. The peace brought on by this Andromedan campaign will most likely be over after the enemy has been routed. The Federation wants to turn back to its exploration role with what assets it can while not being truly at war with its neighbors. To this end, we’re modifying Cerberus into a long range exploration and recon vessel.” Hasting swiveled his computer around to show his guest the new schematics. “The order to modify Cerberus came through last night. We’ll have you out in space in three weeks. Long story short, beefier engines, longer engineering hull, more shuttlecraft, lots of cargo room…”

“For starters, they are adding two decks and about sixty meters of hull, all to the engineering section.” He paused, looking for the right words. “New power plant and warp engines, upgraded sensors, larger shuttle bay… They’re turning what is obviously not a research and scouting vessel into a research and scouting vessel…”

“You didn’t see the design specs then,” McCloud commented. She motioned them to her small office, where the three of them huddled around her computer console. She pressed a few keys and brought up the schematic for the new section of hull to be added to Cerberus. She then animated the picture, showing them where the new section was to go. “This section was originally intended for seven different Okinawa hulls,” she added to her statement by tracing the lines of the ‘H’ pattern. It was turned ninety degrees, but the soft outline of the ‘H’ remained. “As you know, we're based on the Okinawa class, but a wee bit bigger, namely in the three extra decks and engineering department.” She traced on the screen where the ‘H’ and the rest of the ship fit together, then pointed out to the silent warp core. “This hull cut is ten meters aft of the core, but the insert comes in that ten meters, right up to where the core is now. There’ll be a new hole for the core to fit into.”

Jones and McCloud both stood in amazement as the new warp engine spiraled around on the screen, it’s rounded shape giving a nod to the older, and simpler designs of the past. It was sleek indeed, and resembled the basic shape and look of the engines found on the ever successful Excelsior class, although notably much smaller. The rotation finally stopped as the animation mounted the engines to the image of Cerberus; their blue warp field grilles shone brightly upon their respective grey-white housings. The fore end of each had an armor reinforced cap containing a thin blue streak that bisected the engine horizontally. “Bussard collectors,” the computer labeled them in the previous animation. At the after end of each was mounted the end fin and atmospheric stabilizers, an add on to one of the ship’s new capabilities.

From Second Chances II:

“Range eight thousand, firing phasers one through four.” Four beams of low power phaser energy set out and found their mark upon the battle cruiser’s front shield. Despite the assault, it remained up, though damaged. One of Cerberus’s enhancements for traveling through the dangers of unknown frontier space was an increased phaser and photon suite. The added section of hull added four new phasers, two primary and two defensive gatlings, and while one of Cerberus’s original photon tubes had been removed, two more were added to her belly with a wider arc than the two originals. The ship’s two missile racks had been removed as ‘obsolete equipment,’ but she retained her impressive anti-missile defense systems, which had been augmented with increased capacity.

   “Firing phasers seven through eleven,” T’Sala continued. Two simulated main phasers and twelve simulated gatling bursts impacted the battle cruiser’s already battered shield, slamming it down. “Firing all four torpedoes.” Cerberus continued her turn down and to port as the four simulated overloaded torpedoes impacted. Corpus Christi’s lights flickered, indicating that she had taken simulated damage. Cerberus’s turn to port and down took the belly mounted phasers out of arc, but let her last upper two come to bear.

   Cerberus stopped calling, stopped searching. She angled herself to enter the atmosphere, and with an unspoken grace, descended. This is a new one for me, her captain had said. But now I’m glad we got the landing system installed. The same system used on troop transports, the ships that would bring planet wide death from the muzzle of a phaser rifle or thousand. Now, though, Cerberus was on the move, to rescue what and who she could. She’d called back to the fleet for assistance, her hull not capable of holding so many men and women at once and for so long. She’d be the ferry, get them in the sky and to where the transporters would work.

   With much more grace than her friend, Cerberus landed on four thick landing struts, protruding from her lower hull. Next to her, the body of Delaware lay broken, crewers climbing on her hull like ants, waving the rescue ferry down, as if Cerberus couldn’t see the giant trail dug by the downed craft and would miss it entirely without their aid. Once she came to her resting spot, she spilled forth her crew from within, watching the skies for more help.

No new descriptions in Second Chances III. Yet.

I'm pretty sure Cerberus qualifies as a unique ship, and her presence in game is highly desired. If she can't be done, then she can't be done. And if this is a post in the wrong thread, then I appologize.

Czar "Thanks in advance." Mohab

P.S. Everything you guys have done so far: FREAKIN SWEET.

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Re: Unique ship's I'd like to see in game (UPDATED JULY 2007)
« Reply #345 on: February 15, 2008, 05:28:44 pm »

Those that know me, Hi! Those that don't, I spend most of my time deep in Fan Fic land. And, Hello!

I've created with words U.S.S. Cerberus, NX-12093 (Late TMP Era Advanced Battle Frigate (FFBX)). Would someone be willing to mod this Hell hound for me? Pretty please? I haven't been able to get the sketching down to what I want, but as soon as I do, I'll scan and post.

From Second Chances:

...The ship moved forward from its berth slowly, belying its sleek design. Its saucer and engineering section arrangement was common among the Okinawa classes, but the radical addition of a third warp engine on the ship's dorsal and the zero degree plane of the two 'normal' nacelles gave the first hints that this was no ordinary frigate. As she cleared the dock on her first official underway, what was the Federation's biggest snafu began to make history. Cerberus was constructed as a test for the Federation's new automated construction facility, and was eighty percent complete when the caught the mix-up.
   "Clear of space dock," Michaels reported.
   "All ahead flank!" Cerberus didn't make a sound as she accelerated, much to the delight of her captain and crew, nor did she lurch forward like so many of her older stable mates. It was a factor of the new technology, additions destined for another vessel. The computer mind that constructed Cerberus mixed two plans into one, fusing forever battle frigate and advanced frigate. When the yardmaster discovered the design malfunction, she was too far along to scrap, and instead was modified to fully utilize everything she was given. "Pocket Cruiser" some had called her. Silently and elegantly, she sped away from her former home and into the freedom of space.

McDougal smiled inside himself, not wanting to show the admiral his true feelings. “About my ship, there’s a rumor going around…”

   “…that she’s to begin a refit with more science equipment installed? True statement. You’re new missions, in a nutshell, are to seek out new life and go where no one in the fleet has gone before. The peace brought on by this Andromedan campaign will most likely be over after the enemy has been routed. The Federation wants to turn back to its exploration role with what assets it can while not being truly at war with its neighbors. To this end, we’re modifying Cerberus into a long range exploration and recon vessel.” Hasting swiveled his computer around to show his guest the new schematics. “The order to modify Cerberus came through last night. We’ll have you out in space in three weeks. Long story short, beefier engines, longer engineering hull, more shuttlecraft, lots of cargo room…”

“For starters, they are adding two decks and about sixty meters of hull, all to the engineering section.” He paused, looking for the right words. “New power plant and warp engines, upgraded sensors, larger shuttle bay… They’re turning what is obviously not a research and scouting vessel into a research and scouting vessel…”

“You didn’t see the design specs then,” McCloud commented. She motioned them to her small office, where the three of them huddled around her computer console. She pressed a few keys and brought up the schematic for the new section of hull to be added to Cerberus. She then animated the picture, showing them where the new section was to go. “This section was originally intended for seven different Okinawa hulls,” she added to her statement by tracing the lines of the ‘H’ pattern. It was turned ninety degrees, but the soft outline of the ‘H’ remained. “As you know, we're based on the Okinawa class, but a wee bit bigger, namely in the three extra decks and engineering department.” She traced on the screen where the ‘H’ and the rest of the ship fit together, then pointed out to the silent warp core. “This hull cut is ten meters aft of the core, but the insert comes in that ten meters, right up to where the core is now. There’ll be a new hole for the core to fit into.”

Jones and McCloud both stood in amazement as the new warp engine spiraled around on the screen, it’s rounded shape giving a nod to the older, and simpler designs of the past. It was sleek indeed, and resembled the basic shape and look of the engines found on the ever successful Excelsior class, although notably much smaller. The rotation finally stopped as the animation mounted the engines to the image of Cerberus; their blue warp field grilles shone brightly upon their respective grey-white housings. The fore end of each had an armor reinforced cap containing a thin blue streak that bisected the engine horizontally. “Bussard collectors,” the computer labeled them in the previous animation. At the after end of each was mounted the end fin and atmospheric stabilizers, an add on to one of the ship’s new capabilities.

From Second Chances II:

“Range eight thousand, firing phasers one through four.” Four beams of low power phaser energy set out and found their mark upon the battle cruiser’s front shield. Despite the assault, it remained up, though damaged. One of Cerberus’s enhancements for traveling through the dangers of unknown frontier space was an increased phaser and photon suite. The added section of hull added four new phasers, two primary and two defensive gatlings, and while one of Cerberus’s original photon tubes had been removed, two more were added to her belly with a wider arc than the two originals. The ship’s two missile racks had been removed as ‘obsolete equipment,’ but she retained her impressive anti-missile defense systems, which had been augmented with increased capacity.

   “Firing phasers seven through eleven,” T’Sala continued. Two simulated main phasers and twelve simulated gatling bursts impacted the battle cruiser’s already battered shield, slamming it down. “Firing all four torpedoes.” Cerberus continued her turn down and to port as the four simulated overloaded torpedoes impacted. Corpus Christi’s lights flickered, indicating that she had taken simulated damage. Cerberus’s turn to port and down took the belly mounted phasers out of arc, but let her last upper two come to bear.

   Cerberus stopped calling, stopped searching. She angled herself to enter the atmosphere, and with an unspoken grace, descended. This is a new one for me, her captain had said. But now I’m glad we got the landing system installed. The same system used on troop transports, the ships that would bring planet wide death from the muzzle of a phaser rifle or thousand. Now, though, Cerberus was on the move, to rescue what and who she could. She’d called back to the fleet for assistance, her hull not capable of holding so many men and women at once and for so long. She’d be the ferry, get them in the sky and to where the transporters would work.

   With much more grace than her friend, Cerberus landed on four thick landing struts, protruding from her lower hull. Next to her, the body of Delaware lay broken, crewers climbing on her hull like ants, waving the rescue ferry down, as if Cerberus couldn’t see the giant trail dug by the downed craft and would miss it entirely without their aid. Once she came to her resting spot, she spilled forth her crew from within, watching the skies for more help.

No new descriptions in Second Chances III. Yet.

I'm pretty sure Cerberus qualifies as a unique ship, and her presence in game is highly desired. If she can't be done, then she can't be done. And if this is a post in the wrong thread, then I appologize.

Czar "Thanks in advance." Mohab

P.S. Everything you guys have done so far: FREAKIN SWEET.


I built a Cerebus awhile back......

Three engine styles included.  ;D

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Re: Unique ship's I'd like to see in game (UPDATED JULY 2007)
« Reply #346 on: February 20, 2008, 03:44:22 pm »
While that is a very impressive model, it isn't exactly how I picture the ship in my mind. Forgive my lack of skills, but I was thinking something more along the lines of:

But that's just a start. I'll see what I can do to get something going, with more (and hopefully more accurate) pictures.

Czar "It'll come together" Mohab, who doesn't know who the author of the photos I used, but they get whatever credit is due.
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Re: Unique ship's I'd like to see in game (UPDATED JULY 2007)
« Reply #347 on: February 26, 2008, 11:27:11 am »
While that is a very impressive model, it isn't exactly how I picture the ship in my mind. Forgive my lack of skills, but I was thinking something more along the lines of:

But that's just a start. I'll see what I can do to get something going, with more (and hopefully more accurate) pictures.

Czar "It'll come together" Mohab, who doesn't know who the author of the photos I used, but they get whatever credit is due.

Looks like the Okinawa with engine swap and one nacelle added. I've never been a big fan of three or more nacelle styled ships.

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

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Re: Unique ship's I'd like to see in game (UPDATED JULY 2007)
« Reply #348 on: May 13, 2008, 04:20:40 pm »
wow that NX-01 remake looks gorgeous. Is anyone doing that? it's a beauty, what artist drew that out?

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Re: Unique ship's I'd like to see in game (UPDATED March 2007)
« Reply #349 on: August 28, 2008, 09:40:31 am »
I want to see this one!!!

IS. That looks amazing. A hell of alot better than the one we've seen int he series. Who did that drawing though??


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Re: Unique ship's I'd like to see in game (UPDATED JULY 2007)
« Reply #350 on: September 17, 2008, 02:30:53 am »
USS blue streak by vulcan2k3:

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Re: Unique ship's I'd like to see in game (UPDATED JULY 2007)
« Reply #351 on: September 17, 2008, 10:07:59 am »
Most definately yes.  If I could, I'd build that baby myself.  I'm barely learning still, and don't expect to be that good for a few years.
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Re: Unique ship's I'd like to see in game (UPDATED JULY 2007)
« Reply #352 on: September 19, 2008, 08:55:19 pm »
Romulan starbase, designed for SFC3 by Taldren but not used:

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Re: Unique ship's I'd like to see in game (UPDATED JULY 2007)
« Reply #353 on: September 19, 2008, 09:24:06 pm »
Is there anyway you can get more views of that Blue Streak?
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Re: Unique ship's I'd like to see in game (UPDATED JULY 2007)
« Reply #354 on: September 20, 2008, 06:38:09 am »
Romulan starbase, designed for SFC3 by Taldren but not used:

Hack that thin legbone off the bottom there and that'd be and awe inspiring base addition.
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Re: Unique ship's I'd like to see in game (UPDATED JULY 2007)
« Reply #355 on: September 20, 2008, 07:59:10 am »
here a few, the first one well LS was making it but he's missing since well many years so its lost, so anyone willing to make it?

the second one would be interesting, a variant of the constitution.

the third one is my design, would be fun to have it.

the forth one i was wondering if it was made or not?


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Re: Unique ship's I'd like to see in game (UPDATED JULY 2007)
« Reply #356 on: September 20, 2008, 09:05:50 am »
Is there anyway you can get more views of that Blue Streak?

I've trie email vulcan2k3, but he didn't reply. So here's all you can get:

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Re: Unique ship's I'd like to see in game (UPDATED JULY 2007)
« Reply #357 on: November 22, 2008, 03:31:53 pm »
Has anybody taken a crack at the original concept for the constitution class?

Seem easy to make... I may take a crack at it myself since I've been learning SolidWorks...

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Re: Unique ship's I'd like to see in game (UPDATED JULY 2007)
« Reply #358 on: February 07, 2009, 06:33:39 am »
Wondering if some one would like to take a crack at These
the USS Franz Joseph class Light Cruiser

The USS SwiftSure

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Re: Unique ship's I'd like to see in game (UPDATED JULY 2007)
« Reply #359 on: September 09, 2009, 06:05:50 am »
Ok there are a few id like to see, PreTOS era stuff of course, this period is the most interesting

Comet Class

Wasp Class

Hyperion Class

Asia Class

these are all 2161-2220 starfleet ships id like to have
I would be more than happy to make the textures of these, I just have no idea how to build a model or wrap the textures
« Last Edit: September 09, 2009, 03:31:04 pm by candle_86 »