Topic: The Forge - Info and Feedback  (Read 120835 times)

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #440 on: January 09, 2006, 07:10:22 pm »
you can join the server admins part of the forum here,163342509.0.html there is acess to many things and it is a great place to get the info your looking for.

Offline Bisquik

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #441 on: January 09, 2006, 08:46:57 pm »
Thanks Kurok!
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Offline Bonk

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #442 on: January 10, 2006, 07:53:09 am »
Bonk, I think I will forgo setting up a server to play on yours. It is established already. But out of curiosity, how do I set up a non-mysql server? Using the game?

- Download
- Unzip it.
- Edit the Assets\ServerProfiles\_CentralSwitchPlusAllServers\ so the [WONDirectoryServer/Addresses] section has these entries instead of the existing ones:
Code: [Select]
- I reccomend that you also edit \Assets\ to point to port 6999 as well, though not critical.
- At a command prompt in the folder where serverplatform.exe resides, enter: "serverplatform.exe -install"
- To start the server double click serverplatform.exe in the windows explorer.
- That is all that is necessary.
- The server will appear in the list as "Test Server" until you edit the campaign mct file. (delete the database files [\Assets\db] to reset the server after changing settings)
- Read this page to get an idea of customising your campaign:

Questions about the Forge server (if you already answered these somewhere else, sorry!):
1. Why are the defenses of the neutral worlds so high (10, 20, 50, 100!)? :)
2. Why is the map so large?
3. How often is the server reset (or is it not reset?)?

The original concept behind "The Forge" was that each race of the Alpha Quad had found a wormhole that ended....apparently no where - but they decided to send unmanned probes through, and found a location of space never before seen, but extremely rich in colonizable worlds, dilithium, resources, etc.

So, it becomes a race as to what Alpha Quad empire can get set up the quickest, and establish the power base enough to control this "new sector" of space. I'd like the map to represent this, hence the reason for the scattered and many planets, and the very small starting empire regions of influence and home hexes.

2. See #1.

3) Currently the server is set to run 4 months (started Nov 23 game year 2273, to end game year 2303 ~ March 20th) unless someone completely wipes up the map.

Offline Bisquik

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #443 on: January 11, 2006, 07:18:04 pm »
Thanks Bonk!
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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #444 on: January 11, 2006, 10:50:44 pm »
 Those are some very nice scripts by Tracey G. ;)

Offline Bartok

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #445 on: January 13, 2006, 12:29:12 pm »
The Fed ships are's all in how ya use em.  ;D

VERY True LK.  Though I shouldn't be admiting this as a long time Klingon  ;)  I'm loving the Forge!!!!  will probably use the set of gf's that you posted before in another thread (Bonk) when I put a server up again.

It's tough going rebuilding the Federation (Bisquik) but it CAN and WILL be done!!! (least until KCW starts)  ;D  The yards aren't packed as the econs still in trouble, but we've got a couple pockets of planets/bases with good econs.  Last night I fought my way across the map from one such pockets (27.31 vicinity to 47.10) through about 8 or 9 mandatorys I got.  I SURVIVED but was realistically out of drones and spares and about 2/3's hull by the time I reached base.  was MAD FUN. NAC, NER great ships for the knife fight!

Being the underdog appeals to me more than a particular race.  After helping eliminate the original Fed Homeworld at 39.17 in my B11K thought it was time to put my blue jammies on for a spin  :D



Offline Bartok

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #446 on: January 13, 2006, 12:31:40 pm »
Those are some very nice scripts by Tracey G. ;)

I agree - love warping into my missions!  I liked the El-Karnak missions too, sorry they got pulled.  They were hard, but not impossible.  A good 25 minute mission can be very satisfying :D

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #447 on: January 13, 2006, 05:20:15 pm »
Those are some very nice scripts by Tracey G. ;)

I agree - love warping into my missions!  I liked the El-Karnak missions too, sorry they got pulled.  They were hard, but not impossible.  A good 25 minute mission can be very satisfying :D

I liked the EEK missions, too, even with the increased difficulty. Although, pulling AI ships out of era was a PITA, sometimes.
I agree with Bartok, a challenging mission is much more satisfying... ;D
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Offline Bartok

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #448 on: January 15, 2006, 08:13:19 pm »
Those are some very nice scripts by Tracey G. ;)

I agree - love warping into my missions!  I liked the El-Karnak missions too, sorry they got pulled.  They were hard, but not impossible.  A good 25 minute mission can be very satisfying :D

I liked the EEK missions, too, even with the increased difficulty. Although, pulling AI ships out of era was a PITA, sometimes.
I agree with Bartok, a challenging mission is much more satisfying... ;D

Hmm, you know - I didn't notice that AI ships were out of era, that is unusual.  Was that the "bug" that folks perceived in those EEK missions?  Hmmm.... either way, next time I run a server I'll probably throw in some of them.  Loved the planetary assaults where you had to take out defense platforms bases and planets.... least I think you'd have bases + planets, were there bases on planet assaults???? - now I can't remember...

Must be the blood wine in consort with my decrepitude :))

Offline Riskyllama

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #449 on: January 15, 2006, 10:53:09 pm »
Those are some very nice scripts by Tracey G. ;)

I agree - love warping into my missions!  I liked the El-Karnak missions too, sorry they got pulled.  They were hard, but not impossible.  A good 25 minute mission can be very satisfying :D

I liked the EEK missions, too, even with the increased difficulty. Although, pulling AI ships out of era was a PITA, sometimes.
I agree with Bartok, a challenging mission is much more satisfying... ;D

Hmm, you know - I didn't notice that AI ships were out of era, that is unusual.  Was that the "bug" that folks perceived in those EEK missions?  Hmmm.... either way, next time I run a server I'll probably throw in some of them.  Loved the planetary assaults where you had to take out defense platforms bases and planets.... least I think you'd have bases + planets, were there bases on planet assaults???? - now I can't remember...

Must be the blood wine in consort with my decrepitude :))
aye, unfortunately with EEK missions, unless the shiplist is changed by admins yearly or something decently intensive like that, i forget the details, you can see X-ships and HDWs 10 or more years ahead of their time (10 is just what i remember) Still, we love karnak for being brave enough to script for us.
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Offline Tumulorum Fossor

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #450 on: February 12, 2006, 04:06:52 pm »
Hi, all!

Getting back into the SFCOP swing of things lately: great server, Bonk!

Just some clarifications, for others who might be just joining:
After a clean SFCOP install, then Pesty's Enhancement Package 3.2, I wasn't able to join the server, but merely followed the links posted on this thread to get to The Forge's script.exe file.  After installation, no problems.

I read through this thread just to understand the evolution of this server and the rules.  Some questions:

(1) As it stands, does The Forge's script.exe file wreak havoc with other ways OP is played, assuming one has the ubiquitous Pestalence Enhancement v3.2 installed?  So will any of the changes from the script.exe file need to be reversed eventually?

(2) SHOULD any of the changes to The Forge's script.exe file be reversed?  What I mean is, the server has essentially become a great playtest environment for a lot of 3rd party scripts.  MAYBE you should reenable scripts, even EEK's, one or two at a time to ensure their stability.  Those that fail "The Forge", well, perhaps they shouldn't be part of Pesty's Enhancement in the first place?

Great server, once again, Bonk!


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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #451 on: February 12, 2006, 04:36:41 pm »
1) As it stands, does The Forge's script.exe file wreak havoc with other ways OP is played, assuming one has the ubiquitous Pestalence Enhancement v3.2 installed?  So will any of the changes from the script.exe file need to be reversed eventually?

No. The current Forge scripts installer just ensures some of the correct stock missions are present and installs some of Tracey's latest scripts. It should not interfere with the enhancement pack and will not require reversal.

(2) SHOULD any of the changes to The Forge's script.exe file be reversed?  What I mean is, the server has essentially become a great playtest environment for a lot of 3rd party scripts.  MAYBE you should reenable scripts, even EEK's, one or two at a time to ensure their stability.  Those that fail "The Forge", well, perhaps they shouldn't be part of Pesty's Enhancement in the first place?

That is a good thought, The Forge is nearing the end of its current 4 month run, and I'll look at adding some more scripts back in for the next run. Dave ought to have some new ones coming out soon...

And thanks for the accolades.  :)

Offline Bartok

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #452 on: February 13, 2006, 07:59:43 am »
Have been having fun on the Forge for a bit now, sorry to hear it'll be ending soon  :(

One thing popped out from Tumulorums post, what is Pesty's enhancement package?  -- I don't think i have it installed but have been flying fine ....

Offline Bonk

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #453 on: February 13, 2006, 08:21:18 am »
Have been having fun on the Forge for a bit now, sorry to hear it'll be ending soon  :(

One thing popped out from Tumulorums post, what is Pesty's enhancement package?  -- I don't think i have it installed but have been flying fine ....

Its a sort of unified OP mods package, has lots of handy stuff in it. But is not required for standard D2 play. Pestalence has been tied up with other stuff and has not been able to visit us much here lately to continue to support the package, but I'm pretty confident he'll be back when he gets the chance.

      OP Enhancement Package v3.2

Re: The Forge, actually there's 44 days left in the current run, (currently 2292 and running through to 2303 at 4 days per year). Once it is complete, a winner will be declared, and  it will simply be reset, perhaps with some mission additions. It is intended to be a persistent OP server always present and relatively easy to login to for new players to get used to the D2 and provide a place for D2 veterans between major servers for casual play too.  ;D

Offline KBF-Standarte

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #454 on: February 13, 2006, 06:16:16 pm »
I really appreciate your work here Bonk, and the reasons behind this server.  This should be the default venue for OP where new players can be initiated and vets can do their thing.  Hope we can meet in honorable battle sometime...

Offline KBF MalaK

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #455 on: February 13, 2006, 08:48:46 pm »
I too am gonna miss the forge, I can hardly wait for it's return. And Pesty's OP pack is awesome, but I've had to install a script pack for every server (and I thought that was normal), but with the included 'mod chooser' is totally painless to remove a campaign from play.
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Offline Bonk

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #456 on: February 14, 2006, 07:47:12 am »
I too am gonna miss the forge, I can hardly wait for it's return.

I may have misled people, The Forge is not going anywhere, it still has ~40 days left in its current run and will simply be reset when it is finished.

Offline Bartok

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #457 on: February 14, 2006, 11:17:04 am »
Speaking of the Forge.....

it seems to be down... FYI (12:08pm EST)

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #458 on: February 14, 2006, 12:43:30 pm »
Thanks, it appears it was shutdown. Frey was probably working on the server. Its back up now.

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #459 on: February 16, 2006, 08:53:57 pm »
Sorry don't mean to make this a server status thread, but wasn't sure where else to post -

As of 9:45pm EST the Forge seems to be down

TIA - Bartok