Place the scripts in your scripts folder, run a single player skirmish, select one of these models tester scripts, start it and wait. It will log the test to c:\testmodels.txt. If it crashes, the last model listed in the log will be the problem one.
However I think I know what might be causing these crashes; my tensions settings. Everyone is at tension 500 to the Orions. This might be a problem for some unknown reason. Also, I put the tensions for all races in the same order, this might also be a problem for some unknown reason. Unfortunately I cannot edit tensions in the database (they make no sense at all) so fixing this might require a reset.

The other possibility is that there is a problem with the map. It is version 19 of the map, it has been through 3 different sets of terrain type definitions, one of the new terrain types tested in previoius map versions might have gotten missed in my excel edits of the text version of the map. The other possibility is that some of the illegal economy and DV values that remain form the original map may be causing problems.
I am currently working on a replacement search script for the Dynaverse.Net forums (one that does not place a hideous load on the server as the built-in SMF search does), this has turned into a huge amount of work. Once I get that done I will look at the situation on The Forge again. Hopefully I can sort it out without a reset.
Also, there are changes in the works on the host network here, expected to be complete in a few weeks, so its pretty tough to know what is going on until these network changes are complete.