Topic: The Forge - Info and Feedback  (Read 120911 times)

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Offline Riskyllama

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #380 on: December 15, 2005, 01:05:12 am »
Wasn't complaing you dolt! was attempting to be funny while complimenting you :P
As for the DV shifts I think that depended on the mission, the newer ones likely record properly, but some of the older ones might not.
heh, i know :P i was commenting on even a dead Chuut still caused a shift, especially since i just couldn't manage to send "engineering teams" over in time to save you from yourself those last couple of times
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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #381 on: December 15, 2005, 01:40:58 am »
Could those Engineering teams put a couple of PPD on a mirak cruiser?  That would be da Bomb! :P

Offline KBF MalaK

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #382 on: December 15, 2005, 08:17:47 am »
Wasn't complaing you dolt! was attempting to be funny while complimenting you :P

As for my drones going faster, trust me they weren't, but when you headed towards mine and I headed away from yours my drones closed faster despite traveling at the same speed  ;)

And I didn't see Malak blow up, after I had crippled him and gotten seperation from you saw him sitting almost dead in space and put a wave of drones into his ship but they didn't detonate.

As for the DV shifts I think that depended on the mission, the newer ones likely record properly, but some of the older ones might not.

Forgot you had MIRV's
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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #383 on: December 15, 2005, 08:30:43 am »
Meant to post this from last night...
Had 3 "Courier Duty" patrols in a row CTD on mission start. Each time it left a Mirak CL icon in the hex.
I've run dozens of those same missions with no problem in other areas of the map.
Methinks there may be a bad Mirak CL model...?

Is your OP+4 install clean?
Do you have the models tester scripts?

Standard version, 1 race at a time:

Complete test version, all models tested in a single run:

Test all bases' models, all in a single run:

Been a while since I've visited or played, but how do these files work?  I started playing on the server this morning as a Klingon.  Took out the starting ship (D5LR, I believe) and tried to run 3 missions: 2 Courier Duties, and 1 Deep Space.  All three caused a CTD.  The next time I logged in, I purchased an AD5, but I also moved to a different area of the map - I went from a Gorn/Fed area to a Hydran area.  Didn't seem to have any problems there.  The only thing I could think of as being wrong is that I've got a model somewhere that's not right.  I've taken a peek in some of my model directories and haven't found any files that seem to be incorrectly named or missing. :huh:

Offline Bonk

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #384 on: December 15, 2005, 09:03:26 am »
Place the scripts in your scripts folder, run a single player skirmish, select one of these models tester scripts, start it and wait. It will log the test to c:\testmodels.txt. If it crashes, the last model listed in the log will be the problem one.

However I think I know what might be causing these crashes; my tensions settings. Everyone is at tension 500 to the Orions. This might be a problem for some unknown reason. Also, I put the tensions for all races in the same order, this might also be a problem for some unknown reason. Unfortunately I cannot edit tensions in the database (they make no sense at all) so fixing this might require a reset.  :( The other possibility is that there is a problem with the map. It is version 19 of the map, it has been through 3 different sets of terrain type definitions, one of the new terrain types tested in previoius map versions might have gotten missed in my excel edits of the text version of the map. The other possibility is that some of the illegal economy and DV values that remain form the original map may be causing problems.

I am currently working on a replacement search script for the Dynaverse.Net forums (one that does not place a hideous load on the server as the built-in SMF search does), this has turned into a huge amount of work. Once I get that done I will look at the situation on The Forge again. Hopefully I can sort it out without a reset.

Also, there are changes in the works on the host network here, expected to be complete in a few weeks, so its pretty tough to know what is going on until these network changes are complete.

Offline Bartok

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #385 on: December 15, 2005, 09:40:29 am »
Have just started flying on the Forge in the last 3 days - AWESOME!!

I'm a little rusty as I've been flying cheezeball ships for far too long, missions are fantastic - would love to see the .gf files zipped up and made available for perusal by us newb's ;)

At the moment - the Forge seems to be down??  -- Perhaps testings scripts for the KCW?

Anyhow - thought I'd post

KBF Bartok

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #386 on: December 15, 2005, 09:54:27 am »
A previous set of gfs for The Forge are posted here:
I will update the file when I get the current issues worked out.

Did not know the server was down, thanks for the report, I'll check on it.

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #387 on: December 15, 2005, 09:59:35 am »
Appears the server was shutdown (likely for windows updates reboots), it did not crash.

Server is back up.

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #388 on: December 15, 2005, 01:56:20 pm »

Forgot you had MIRV's

Wasn't using a MIRV ship that was a scatterpack.

Offline KBF MalaK

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #389 on: December 15, 2005, 06:23:46 pm »

Forgot you had MIRV's

Wasn't using a MIRV ship that was a scatterpack.

heh, server glitch, or your scatter packs are late era :P
 Lookin to play you again, soon
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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #390 on: December 15, 2005, 09:53:52 pm »
Hey, wheres the forge gone, server doesn't seem to be there?!?!?!?!

Offline Riskyllama

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #391 on: December 15, 2005, 10:09:37 pm »
I show it up and populated according to the webmap.
Try refreshing a couple of times.
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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #392 on: December 15, 2005, 11:59:00 pm »
I have a huge complaint, i have run several missions where I am outclassed my CA and up. I am flying a JPGMF.

and I get CA's and BC's. What do have to do to win a mission?

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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #393 on: December 16, 2005, 02:14:06 am »
Use those transporters and cap the enemy ships like they were flown by t00l.  ;)

Offline Alphageek

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #394 on: December 16, 2005, 12:35:13 pm »
I will say ( not to be a huge whiner) that when I first registered for the Forge I went Romulan.
I was hugely outclassed from the get-go.  The Fed AI was everwhere and in numbers.  I never faced less than two ships at a time.
-Cough-(i died horribly)-Cough  ...And it was a challenge.
Any tips on flying Romulan here?  I thought I was pretty good but my tactics don't seem to be cutting it.  D'oh!

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #396 on: December 16, 2005, 05:44:14 pm »
I will say ( not to be a huge whiner) that when I first registered for the Forge I went Romulan.
I was hugely outclassed from the get-go.  The Fed AI was everwhere and in numbers.  I never faced less than two ships at a time.
-Cough-(i died horribly)-Cough  ...And it was a challenge.
Any tips on flying Romulan here?  I thought I was pretty good but my tactics don't seem to be cutting it.  D'oh!

Get a wing.... ;)
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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #397 on: December 16, 2005, 11:48:19 pm »
Getting some PP in not geting any...ran a couple assaults with a rommie wing and got no pp even though the de breifing screen said I got 1000 never showed in my account even though my wing got his....


Offline Alphageek

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #398 on: December 17, 2005, 01:25:53 am »
Thanks, Chuut.  That's an interesting take on the SNB. 
I can't wait to apply some of that.

Offline Bonk

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #399 on: December 17, 2005, 03:00:33 pm »
I have a huge complaint, i have run several missions where I am outclassed my CA and up. I am flying a JPGMF.

and I get CA's and BC's. What do have to do to win a mission?

OK I will consider pulling all EEK missions and leave stock and TG missions only as they are much easier and allow for much faster missions times that players are accustomed to.

This is a recurring complaint with EEK missions.