Topic: The Forge - Info and Feedback  (Read 120893 times)

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Offline Flywh33l

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #260 on: December 04, 2005, 05:39:08 pm »
I have 2 machines and a friend came over today, and seen me playing sfc op, i put him on my spare machine but we could not get either machine to log into D2. firewall detected bologna, Is there away i can configure my router to get both machines onto D2?

ISC shipyards were produceing dreadnaughts but since we lost 2 100 eco hexes were back to heavys only.

     Bonk thank you much for the credit, i must say though that after feeling the wraith of "bethke" i was givin a regular old DN which i sold for approximatly 7345 PP. total lose is only around 8000.

     Worse comes to worse ill get the spare machine on a free dial up connection so my buddy can log in when he comes over LOL :D

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #261 on: December 04, 2005, 05:45:44 pm »
Yeah, have to have 2 seperate IPs to get 2 machines on D2 at once.  ;)
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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #262 on: December 05, 2005, 10:00:40 am »
me and Ces did a planetary assault last night and after we won we couldn't end the mission. Eventually Ces disappeared and I was dumped onto the desktop, with the inet connection still intact.
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Offline Bonk

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #263 on: December 05, 2005, 10:23:22 am »
me and Ces did a planetary assault last night and after we won we couldn't end the mission. Eventually Ces disappeared and I was dumped onto the desktop, with the inet connection still intact.

What hex? If it reoccurs, let me know, then perhaps I'll have to remove whatever planet type is causing the trouble from the map, or replace the remaining NW planet assault with a stock one or perhaps an EEK one.

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #264 on: December 05, 2005, 03:02:21 pm »
i dont know if it'll help but one of the planet hexes was giving me planet defenses while still neutral, if i tried to take it i CTDed. This was a few nights back though so i dont remember the hex number
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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #265 on: December 06, 2005, 03:58:34 pm »
Hey Bonk:

C7s showing up as AI in missions.

Since this server uses SQL, do you think we could make modifications on how much DV certain missions do?

Such as PvP vs PvAI, or give droners some kind of penalty. (lol)

And whats with the Core Worlds or Core Battlestaions?  They anything special?

Offline Bonk

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #266 on: December 06, 2005, 04:08:49 pm »
i dont know if it'll help but one of the planet hexes was giving me planet defenses while still neutral, if i tried to take it i CTDed. This was a few nights back though so i dont remember the hex number

Let me know if this happens again and try and note the hex number, I will look for a cause.

C7s showing up as AI in missions.

EEK timewarping. See above question about whether its bad enough for rne to pull all the EEK missions.

Since this server uses SQL, do you think we could make modifications on how much DV certain missions do?

Not without writing and testing new missions scripts and creating a new scripts download. I am not a scripter so I would have to ask Tracey to do this. However, we are not going to put any effort into SQL mission scripts until the SQL server has been stabilsed under load. We are still absorbing the results of the Debug server run.

And whats with the Core Worlds or Core Battlestaions?  They anything special?

Not really, some of them are worth 100 economy though.

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #267 on: December 06, 2005, 04:26:28 pm »
BONK.....having probs getting into the forge.  Everything is working fine until the last logging on to server message, then it times out.  Never had this prob before, so I rebooted, then ran spyware seeker and rebooted, then cold booted, nothing helped, timed out at the same spot.  There were other players in game at the time, so it is an isolated incident, but heard that gatekeeper was having the same prob last night.

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #268 on: December 06, 2005, 09:02:26 pm »
Server dumped people today.

Been getting crashs as soon as I begin some missions.  Happens on different missions too.

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #269 on: December 06, 2005, 09:31:04 pm »
Bonk the connection to the Forge is real shaky.

People are being dropped and missions messed up all over the place.

Offline Flywh33l

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #270 on: December 07, 2005, 12:30:41 am »
     Yep server seems to be gettin unstable. Hard to get a complete PvP game without something goin wrong.
      Will captureing one of a players ships always cause them to drop from game? i captured one of the federation players 3 CL's and upon capture it said he left game and all his ships popped. If iit does then sorry ill only attak subsystems with marines while engageing a players ship or ships.

     On a dock yard raid will reinforcements keep on coming 4 ever? 40 minutes into mission (pvp mission) after all the player opposition dropped from game and i finished off the 10 minute reinforcement fleet another reinforcement fleet showed up upon the destruction of the last 10 minute reinf, fleet.

     I have been getting connection to server lost pretty often if 5 er more people are on it. seems to be dropping everyone not just me. Is there things we can avoid to help stabalize pvp missions.

     Also on dock yard raids if i beam over 10 marines and its like 9 isc vs 5 of the enemy aned i fly further than 20 kliks from it all my marines dissapear. I've had it 15vs 4 peeled off because a massive fleet showed up behind me and walla at a certain range all my marines vanish from the FRD its not very far either. 20.00 kms is approximate im not sure the exact range that this event occurs.

      please note*.... I'm not complaining i enjoy the forge and appreciate you running such a fine campaign for us to play. I know servers dont just take care of themselves.

                                              over n out,

« Last Edit: December 07, 2005, 12:51:37 am by Flywh33l »

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #271 on: December 07, 2005, 09:47:18 am »
For me it's starting to fall apart as well
1)Map is taking longer to load,sometimes it doesn't load at all and locks up the pc
2)After I select a mission counts like normal then sits for 7-10 sec before I get to next screen
3)I have also started to experience multiple losses of connection to server over the course of the last few days.It seemed to get worse in stages starting with 3 then 1 then 2.The day I posted the need for db clean is when it started to go south for me.Dec 2 I think.Other then that I've been having fun ...thx

Offline StratF

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #272 on: December 07, 2005, 12:11:15 pm »
This is only happening in the evenings though.

I'm on it now its its working perfectly.

Something about the evening as it goes haywire.

Offline Bonk

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #273 on: December 07, 2005, 12:43:52 pm »
This is only happening in the evenings though.

I'm on it now its its working perfectly.

Something about the evening as it goes haywire.

Hmmm, sounds like the same trouble we had a while back. I will look into it today and tonight.

Edit: Frey is home from work sick at the moment but I'll get him to check the network status when he's on his feet again, so we just might have to bear with this in the meantime.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2005, 01:07:00 pm by Bonk »

Offline StratF

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #274 on: December 07, 2005, 01:30:07 pm »
Rgr that. 

Thanks Bonk

Offline StratF

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #275 on: December 07, 2005, 01:32:50 pm »
Well, its losing connection every couple of minutes now...

Offline Bonk

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #276 on: December 07, 2005, 01:37:04 pm »
Rgr, will get to it shortly...

Edit: Down for diagnostics now...
« Last Edit: December 07, 2005, 01:56:13 pm by Bonk »

Offline Bonk

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #277 on: December 07, 2005, 03:19:04 pm »
Well, the battlesrunning table was corrupted, which would explain the behaviour we were seeing. I fixed the db, cleaned it, restarted MySQL and the server. I think that should correct the situation. I wonder how the battlesrunning table got corrupted... hmmmm...

Lets see how it does now. 

(Flywheel, I'll take a look at your missions feedback, thanks)

Offline Bonk

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #278 on: December 07, 2005, 05:14:58 pm »
Just ran several missions over the course of an hour, it seemed stable. (no crashes)

A few observations:

It is likely offering planet defenses on neutral planets as all empires are at tension 500 with the orions. (non-agression pact) This is not a critical issue. (considering the OP neutral hex DV issue anyway)

Ran some planet assaults with Grouper (Nastinad), they were fun, got an interesting mix of enemies and allies. I seem to recall that planet assault requires that everything be destroyed, if you capture anything it will not end? (unsure of this) I failed to get my pp award on two NW planet assaults in coop. (I thought only EEK was affected by the no coop PP bug, perhaps it is an SQL thing... this could be a valuable observation)

Basically, we're OK for now. I'll check in later tonight to see how its holding up.

Offline Bonk

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Re: The Forge - Info and Feedback
« Reply #279 on: December 07, 2005, 05:19:13 pm »
     On a dock yard raid will reinforcements keep on coming 4 ever? 40 minutes into mission (pvp mission) after all the player opposition dropped from game and i finished off the 10 minute reinforcement fleet another reinforcement fleet showed up upon the destruction of the last 10 minute reinf, fleet.

Yes they will keep coming until you destroy two of the FRDs, focus on the dockyards. ;)

Stability issues have been addressed, it should be OK now. I suspect the db got corrupted when the network was wonky on sunday. I have fixed it as described above. Hopefully the network has stabilised as well.