Please note that if you wish to use the webyards then the e-mail address for your gamespy account that you used to login to the dynaverse must match exactly your e-mail address that you use on these forums. (this means you Kurok

This is to enable integration with the SMF forums here and hopefully ultimately display of Dynaverse server stats in your forums profile.
You can use multiple accounts on The Forge, but only the one that
exactly matches your forums e-mail can be used on the webyards.
If you wish to use the webyards with multiple accounts then create forums accounts for the corresponding server characters with matching e-mail addresses. If I can figure out a workaround for this in the future I will... but forums integration of the webmap/webyards was the aim and will remain so.
Please do not use the "change the case of one letter of your e-mail" bug.