lol..thank you for the tip. Who would have thought that a "lamer-your-not-gonna-get-credit-for-beating-me-after-a -five-hour-duel" multiplayer move would be a necessity to work around a hidden bug

Im still curious as to where the 3 percent damamge came from, as i never had a shield breached. Thanks and, oh, since its a feedback post, the size of the map is not necessarily a problem, as it obviously is intended for larger player base, but movement rates maybe could be tweaked some...the larger ships moving 1 hex is fine, but your lighter, faster, and scout class ships should outdistance them logistically in deep space (maybe move rate of two) as they are easier to support. This would also promote raids, PvP, and people using something other than the biggest battleship in the shipyard. Just a thought for discussion.
The BPV given to the AI seems pretty good, allowing for some easier, some harder missions, but ive been seeing a lot of repetition in the missions available out there. Oh yeah, it was mentioned that there ARE starbase construction missions, but as yet i have not seen any base stations/starbases in the yards. Are they tied to economy, where the AI will build em, or are they player purchasable and mission orientated that way? Not that i want to seed every klingon hex with a starbase and all...but ..well..ok i DO...but still.