Fri night around 11:30 pm..
Background Matthew is beside me playing online as Duck Jr..Wife is behind about 5 feet Playing DAOC – Dark age of Camelot speakers are on open mic so Duck Jr can hear as well.
There I am flying in mission, as luck would have one of my regular wings happened to show up and I am lucky enough to be flying with KHH_Jakle .
Mission begins and while were up against two humans I don’t really feel to worried. There I am sitting in a nice shinny new CNH dread.
Were less then two minutes into the mission when it happens. All of a sudden over the speakers I hear Jakle say.
“Duck you named your ship WifesFatAss”
Matt and I turn to look at each other – I cringe in terror (not kidding) and await the coming blow..
Another true Duck story from AOTKII
Not sure if LK ever noticed my Klingon FDW was named PrideParade..was waiting for a comment or two on that as well.