Damn, I was hoping to post this thread 1st. Damn u chuut!
Shadowlord, u have it all.
Class: No matter what the odds, or what the ships, you never complained and fought a good fight.
Skill: Despite my very best efforts, you denied me the kill on multiple occasions where I should have had you. You even bested me several times, and most notable, handed me my 1st rock.
Sportsmanship: I heard a teammate exclaim on TS you were about to blow up his DN. He had no cash to buy another ship. A few mins later, he says you accepted his surrender and gave him a tow.
Hats off. You added twice the fun for me this server with our repeated duels, fleet actions and good times. A server wouldnt be the same without you. Hope to see you and the KHH guys on again.
