I hope you don't think I've been cold to this, it's just that this is over at our forums too

Anyway, I hope you get well quick, B!
I just want to add while I haven't been hit by a dump truck (thank God), I've been in the same situation 3 times in my life. First time I was with a friend, he was driving a 73 Ventura- he ran a stop sign and T-boned a mid 80's Aries. I'm surprised the driver lived, all we got was a nasty bump.
2nd time I got rear ended driving my mom's car- a 83 Marquis hit by a Acadian or something. I drove away with whiplash that didn't show itself until the next day, he had to be towed.
3rd time was nasty. My wife was driving our 4 door 78 Volare, and there was some idiot kid trying to pass 3 cars on a hill in a mid 80's Honda. We both hit the brakes, & I'd say we were both doing 50 KMH each by the time we hit head on. I played 'passed out drunk' just before we hit & got some broken ribs from the seat belt. The wife also got some broken ribs, but because she had the wheel, she held on for dear life & got a lot of muscle damage. The other driver shook it off, but his passenger ended up with a broken leg.
Lemme just say I would never wish my worst enemy the pain of having broken ribs. That sh*t was
brutal! I suppose I should have talked to a lawyer... I won't make that mistake again... Thing is, at the time, there was something called no-fault insurance in place at the time, & I still don't understand what it was all about, & I made some assumptions I probably shouldn't have. That, plus I have a cold view of anyone who sees even the slightest injury as a chance for a winfall. Just my nature I guess... However, done is done.
Because of these experiences, I know firsthand the real dangers of driving involved, and it pisses me off how casually stupid so many drivers are out there who don't have a clue just how serious a car accident can be. Even having loose objects in the car can make a crash deadly. Believe you me.