Topic: Update on what happened to Braxton.  (Read 2839 times)

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Offline Sirgod

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Update on what happened to Braxton.
« on: August 20, 2005, 09:04:09 am »
Got this on my Fleet Forums this morning...

Sorry I have been gone, but I got hit about two weeks ago by a dump truck..... Luckly I was in my wife's Mercedes G500 at the time and not my CLK55, or I would likely be dead. Damn guy that hit me didn't even speak English, and I later found out that he wasn't even legally in the country and he didn't have a license. Right now though, I am just thanking God that I am alive and that I learned enough in the military to do what I could after the impact to reduce blood loss and what not.
I just got out of the hospital yesterday, so I probably won't be on much, just wanted to say that I was alive. If someone thinks of it, fill the D2 guys in for me, and tell them I am terribly sorry I didn't get the chance to see the campaign through until the end. 

Rest your self and Heal Braxton, we will still be here when you get better.

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Offline SkyFlyer

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Re: Update on what happened to Braxton.
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2005, 09:18:33 am »

He owns at least two Mercedes...

Well I hope he gets better fast... But I mean really... How fast can a dump truck go?
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Re: Update on what happened to Braxton.
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2005, 09:31:12 am »
Good luck on his recovery.
Lord Krueg
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Offline OlBuzzard

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Re: Update on what happened to Braxton.
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2005, 10:28:55 am »

He owns at least two Mercedes...

Well I hope he gets better fast... But I mean really... How fast can a dump truck go?

1.  I hope Braxton gets better soon.  That had to be one heck of an impact.

2. Sky ...  Hey bud ... in a dump truck you dont have to be going fast at all.  The shear mass alone at a low speed can crush the average car the size of the Mercedes like a beer can.

Thanks Stephen for letting us know !

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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Update on what happened to Braxton.
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2005, 11:09:03 am »
Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

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Re: Update on what happened to Braxton.
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2005, 11:45:53 am »
get well!
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Re: Update on what happened to Braxton.
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2005, 01:06:32 pm »
Sorry to hear about your accident. Get better soon. The Feds need you!! ;D


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Re: Update on what happened to Braxton.
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2005, 01:16:55 pm »
Holy p00p, I'm glad he's OK.

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Update on what happened to Braxton.
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2005, 07:57:03 pm »
Get better Brax.

SKy, take Physics Senior year  :P
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Re: Update on what happened to Braxton.
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2005, 08:23:00 pm »
Sorry I have been gone, but I got hit about two weeks ago by a dump truck..... Luckly I was in my wife's Mercedes G500 at the time and not my CLK55, or I would likely be dead. Damn guy that hit me didn't even speak English, and I later found out that he wasn't even legally in the country and he didn't have a license. Right now though, I am just thanking God that I am alive and that I learned enough in the military to do what I could after the impact to reduce blood loss and what not.
I just got out of the hospital yesterday, so I probably won't be on much, just wanted to say that I was alive. If someone thinks of it, fill the D2 guys in for me, and tell them I am terribly sorry I didn't get the chance to see the campaign through until the end. 

Rest well Braxton.  Hope all goes well and you're back in action soon.

And now for something completely different...

So you get to sit at home for the next few weeks?  You get to lie around and play computer games all day. 

"You lucky, lucky bast*rd."

"Oh what I wouldn't give to be hit by a dump truck."

"Sometimes I lie awake at night dreaming of being hit by a dumptruck."

"They must think the sun shines out your a$$ sonny."

Offline 3dot14

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Re: Update on what happened to Braxton.
« Reply #10 on: August 20, 2005, 09:08:24 pm »
Well I hope he gets better fast... But I mean really... How fast can a dump truck go?
Force = Mass times Acceleration.

What it lacks in speed and acceleration, it makes up on the mass...

Braxton: Wish you a speedy recovery sir.

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Re: Update on what happened to Braxton.
« Reply #11 on: August 20, 2005, 09:46:54 pm »
Best wishes and speedy recovery <S>
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Re: Update on what happened to Braxton.
« Reply #12 on: August 20, 2005, 10:15:49 pm »
An example of why policies of licensing, language skiills and documentation is not a political football, but one of practical local, human concern.  ( From a recent Northern Virginia driver).

Offline SkyFlyer

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Re: Update on what happened to Braxton.
« Reply #13 on: August 20, 2005, 10:17:52 pm »
Sky ...  Hey bud ... in a dump truck you dont have to be going fast at all.  The shear mass alone at a low speed can crush the average car the size of the Mercedes like a beer can.


Now if that mercedes had been a 1980s model Lincoln Towncar...

Not my car or ranch.. Just random photo on the net.

However we used to own a 1985 town car (same model as that one), and totaled another car... All we got were some paint smeers on the front bumper... And whiplash... But the car was fine... The ladys car... well wasn't.
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Re: Update on what happened to Braxton.
« Reply #14 on: August 20, 2005, 11:22:27 pm »

"You lucky, lucky bast*rd."

"Oh what I wouldn't give to be hit by a dump truck."

"Sometimes I lie awake at night dreaming of being hit by a dumptruck."

"They must think the sun shines out your a$$ sonny."

Well, when I say dump truck, I mean it was a dump truck to us.  Actually it was the USS Iowa on a large convoy of flatbed trucks.

But if you told the youth of today that, they wouldn't believe you.

Braxton!  Heal quickly!  Don't worry about the D2, we will take care of that.  You just take care of yourself.  We look forward to gaming with you again as soon as you are healthy.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

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Re: Update on what happened to Braxton.
« Reply #15 on: August 20, 2005, 11:51:44 pm »
Hey guys, thanks for the kind words.  Sadly, I don't get to lay around and play games, I will have my but in a wheel chair teaching Physics.  Took a job as a professor....

Oh, and Sky, I have (had) three Mercedes.  One is obviously no longer considered a vehical.

Here is a pic of what I was in.  Not going to post up any of the accident itself, not something that I think needs to be generally viewed.

Good luck to all you guys, I probably won't be getting on for a while still.
Old Geezer

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Re: Update on what happened to Braxton.
« Reply #16 on: August 21, 2005, 06:50:02 am »
Just take care of yourself and get better Bud...... ;)
C-Los, Commanding Officer U.S.S. Scorpion

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Re: Update on what happened to Braxton.
« Reply #17 on: August 21, 2005, 07:44:11 pm »
 Get better and take it easy. :)

 Its good to hear you made it in one piece.

Offline KAT J'inn

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Re: Update on what happened to Braxton.
« Reply #18 on: August 21, 2005, 11:12:46 pm »


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Re: Update on what happened to Braxton.
« Reply #19 on: August 22, 2005, 05:24:27 am »
He need to sue the holey heck out the owner of the company. I just found out the specifics. and that is a big stinking crock of s#it.
 He could have been killed or crippled permanantly

 I am NOT a litigatious person but his little way to save money is beyond contempt. :hoppinmad: :hoppinmad:

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Update on what happened to Braxton.
« Reply #20 on: August 22, 2005, 06:43:00 am »
Holy crap dude! A dump truck? My brother got hit by an 18 wheeler broadside when it ran a redlight doing 35. His suburban looked like it was a crushed soda pop can.

Unlike you tho, he couldnt stop the bleeding because it was internal. I'm glad you were able to take care of yourself after the accident. It was weird, cuz it happened right before I took my lunch at work, and when I left, I saw the smoke and the ambulances and all that right up the street. Never knew it was my brother, heh. I went to lunch and had a good one and then got the call.

Dunno if you stopped suddenly or not, but I hit a telephone pole doing 30 once and I was so stunned by the sudden deceleration, it took me a few minutes to get my seatbelt undone and get out of the car. I must've hit my head... because that seat belt thingy just looked all complicated and I couldnt figure out how to release it, heh.

Well, I'm sure you feel like crap. I hope you get better fast. And I hope nothing seriously permanent has been done. And we need to tighten our borders! 4,000 illegal immigrants cross everyday I once heard. That's a frackin invasion!


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Re: Update on what happened to Braxton.
« Reply #21 on: August 22, 2005, 04:46:53 pm »
Yea, I know what you mean there Diz, I was confused at where I was for a minute or two before I looked down and saw the blood gushing out of my leg.  The truck was going 40.  I think their are two reasons I am in the shape I am in still.  1) The truck hit me in the right side towards the back of the car. 2) The car was actually armored, so the body was a lot stronger than most.  Damn shame really... I bought that car from the German Army :(  lol, I'm almost more upset at the loss of the car than my injury  :-\
Old Geezer

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Re: Update on what happened to Braxton.
« Reply #22 on: August 22, 2005, 08:00:24 pm »
The car can be replaced, your injurys, thow they can heal, cannot be replaced, so get well, heal up, and be thankfull you had the vehicle you did.  GET WELL SOON.

Offline SkyFlyer

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Re: Update on what happened to Braxton.
« Reply #23 on: August 22, 2005, 09:39:27 pm »
because that seat belt thingy just looked all complicated and I couldnt figure out how to release it, heh.

Thats no surprise... I mean it is Dizzy.
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Re: Update on what happened to Braxton.
« Reply #24 on: August 22, 2005, 10:32:54 pm »
I hope you don't think I've been cold to this, it's just that this is over at our forums too  :P

Anyway, I hope you get well quick, B!

I just want to add while I haven't been hit by a dump truck (thank God), I've been in the same situation 3 times in my life. First time I was with a friend, he was driving a 73 Ventura- he ran a stop sign and T-boned a mid 80's Aries. I'm surprised the driver lived, all we got was a nasty bump.
2nd time I got rear ended driving my mom's car- a 83 Marquis hit by a Acadian or something. I drove away with whiplash that didn't show itself until the next day, he had to be towed.

3rd time was nasty. My wife was driving our 4 door 78 Volare, and there was some idiot kid trying to pass 3 cars on a hill in a mid 80's Honda. We both hit the brakes, & I'd say we were both doing 50 KMH each by the time we hit head on. I played 'passed out drunk' just before we hit & got some broken ribs from the seat belt. The wife also got some broken ribs, but because she had the wheel, she held on for dear life & got a lot of muscle damage. The other driver shook it off, but his passenger ended up with a broken leg.
Lemme just say I would never wish my worst enemy the pain of having broken ribs. That sh*t was brutal! I suppose I should have talked to a lawyer... I won't make that mistake again... Thing is, at the time, there was something called no-fault insurance in place at the time, & I still don't understand what it was all about, & I made some assumptions I probably shouldn't have. That, plus I have a cold view of anyone who sees even the slightest injury as a chance for a winfall. Just my nature I guess... However, done is done.

Because of these experiences, I know firsthand the real dangers of driving involved, and it pisses me off how casually stupid so many drivers are out there who don't have a clue just how serious a car accident can be. Even having loose objects in the car can make a crash deadly. Believe you me.
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