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Virgin Galactic and Scaled Composites to develop orbital version of tourist spacecraftOrbital vehicle SpaceShipThree (SS3) will be developed by space tourism company Virgin Galactic and Mojave-based SpaceShipTwo (SS2)-developer Scaled Composites, if the planned SS2 suborbitalservice is successful, says Virgin Galactic president Will Whitehorn.SpaceShipThree is planned for Scaled’s tier 2 manned space programme, while the nine-person SpaceShipTwo is part of the current tier 1b programme.
Performance CapabilitiesSpaceX is capable of launching from Vandenberg, Kodiak Island, Cape Canaveral, Wallops Island and the US Marshall Islands (for near equatorial orbits), which allows us to place your spacecraft at any inclination and altitude, including escape velocity:Code: [Select] Launch ManifestCustomer Launch Date Vehicle Departure PointUS Defense Dept (DARPA) Q3 2005 Falcon I Marshall IslandsUS Defense Dept (OSD/NRL) Q4 2005 Falcon I VandenbergMalaysia (ATSB) Q1 2006 Falcon I Marshall IslandsBigelow Aerospace Q4 2006 Falcon V VandenbergUS Air Force $100 million contract through 2010 Falcon I * Numbers down rated prior to completion of testing. Final performance numbers expected to be higher.For contracts completed in 2005, Falcon I is offered for $5.9 million and Falcon V for $15.8 million plus modest range fees that vary by launch location. A half bay flight of Falcon V will be available at $8.9 million to accommodate customers with payloads in between Falcon I and V.
Launch ManifestCustomer Launch Date Vehicle Departure PointUS Defense Dept (DARPA) Q3 2005 Falcon I Marshall IslandsUS Defense Dept (OSD/NRL) Q4 2005 Falcon I VandenbergMalaysia (ATSB) Q1 2006 Falcon I Marshall IslandsBigelow Aerospace Q4 2006 Falcon V VandenbergUS Air Force $100 million contract through 2010 Falcon I