Topic: Cramer says "Keep off the Frontline."  (Read 1042 times)

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Offline Jack Morris

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Cramer says "Keep off the Frontline."
« on: August 19, 2005, 08:04:45 am »

Notice how he says "This could be bad news, since Frontline's dividend is tied directly to it's earnings." DUHHHHHH, that goes for ANY company you schmuck!

I'm going to give you a PERFECT example to follow your own advice and NOT listen to anal ysts.

16 Sep 04, Smith Barney (A major player) downgrades FRO to sell? WTF kind of crack are they smoking?,ticker__FRO--/free-co-fin-earnings.xhtml

A year ago (Sep, same time Smith Barney told people to sell) they paid out $5 a share!  :screwloose: One thing you will learn is when anal ysts say go left, you look real close and more often than not you need to go right. The more shares outstanding mean the dividends per share are higher as they are less diluted. Major players WANT that kind of setup (I wonder why?  ;)).

There you can see Fredriksen with his 35% stake and is one of Norway's richest men. He is NOT going to let his company go to the crapper.

Offline Jack Morris

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Re: Cramer says "Keep off the Frontline."
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2005, 10:42:07 am »

Wednesday is show and tell.  ;D

Offline Jack Morris

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Re: Cramer says "Keep off the Frontline."
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2005, 01:21:38 pm »

Numba one on the list of top picks, FRO!  ;)

Of course VLO and PCO are the great ones right now. Especially after their merger will make the Valero boys numba one in U.S. refining capacity.

BTW, did you know that when you buy Citgo gas you are supporting Chavez? I laughed when I drove by a station and saw people filling up. If they only knew, or cared... Me, myself and I like Chavez, he is doing wonders with the infrastructure of Venezuela. Too bad he, Bush, and Rice got into a pissing contest which drove our former ally into bed with China.  :(