When I thought up this campaign 3 years ago, we were still using EAW, so no pirates were planned for. Since, pirates have minimal effect on the campaign, almost all players always play one of the empire races even if Pirate slots are available. So, we could open up the pirate slots for all races, but I don't forsee more than an small percentage of the players using these slots.
More details on the proposed campaign, from 3 years ago, (ie. am I being drafted to do a campaign, BTW?) can be found at EEK-Scripts.com:
Here's the initial map. It's a reconciliation between SFB races and the canon Star Trek TV show sector maps. All that neutral areas are the yet-to-be discovered Tzkenthi, Ferengi and Cardassian empires.
Alliances: F/M/L/H vs. K/R/G/I
Start Date: Y2273
End Date: Y2293
Real-time Server length: 3 weeks.
Campaign Theme: Federation and its allies face it's greatest threat when the ISC unexpectantly joins with the Klingon and Romulans, and the Gorn co-erced to join, their quest to rule the Alpa Quadrant. All the best ships are coming out for all races so the battles should be fast and furious with lotsa PvP fireworks over target planets and SBs.

Historical Background URLs:
ISC Invasion Background Storyand
Battle Carrier Specs.All the other pages in EEK-Scripts.com regarding this campaign need to be brought up to date, so don't take them seriously, yet . . .
If we do this there are a lot of action items to look at:
- How much OOB? I am thinking AoTK2 style is good.
- Shiplist? I'm not a shiplist guy. I would out-source this job to someone who has a proven shiplist that is most popular in the community.
- Missions? I have a fundamental rule about missions which is thou shalt not CTD or thoroughly irritate too many customers (ie. the playerbase). Any missions that are robust and popular will be considered.
- SQL Server kit? It would be most cooleth to have.
- X-ships? Whatever the community wants.
- Able to change race account within your alliance. Sure, I like that a lot.