Topic: The Wayback Machine: What SFC is like 7 years ago.  (Read 1548 times)

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The Wayback Machine: What SFC is like 7 years ago.
« on: August 16, 2005, 01:07:24 am »
I just found a really neat site today. The Internet Archive: wayback machine.

Just for kicks, I tried searching one of the oldest SFC previews I knew and I actually found it!!

This is a preview/interview written for Cnet/Gamecenter (which was taken over by gamespot later) more than 7 years ago...

For historical interest only... Things have come a long way since then.

(BTW I keep kicking myself for not saving some of the "ultra" early development screenshots that appeared in this preview. If anyone happened to be anal enough to keep a copy, please email me... Only one picture was archived here... :()

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Re: The Wayback Machine: What SFC is like 7 years ago.
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2005, 08:11:01 am »
 8). I remember that pic with the bronze hued connie, don't have the article though, sorry.