Do your homework on American owned airlines and you will know why they are in danger, it's called MISMANAGEMENT and GREED. As one forum member pointed out they were never a solid investment to begin with.
UAL(United Airlines) - down because of 9-11, currently in bankruptcy - stock sucks
American airlines - down because of 9-11, currently out of bankruptcy - stock holding steady since coming out of bankruptcy airlines - only airline company posting a profit - has EPS but they really suck airlines - going down like a jet with no power - expect bankruptcy unless a miracle happens West airlines - seesawing between breakeven and bankruptcy airlines - hurt by 9-11, breakeven at best, in danger of bankruptcy airlines - main competitor to SWA - operating at a profit - stock was very highly valued even after 9-11 airlines - always a problem, enough said problems of American owned airlines IMO? Like GM, they were giving themselves too much in pension plans (United's was just thrown on the backs of American taxpayers) and living in la-la land. The old school corporate attitude must die, this giving out millions in pay, stock, and benefits to the boards is just insane. You mean to tell me you would not be CEO of an airline for 250k a yr plus free travel and corp. perks? I know I WOULD! Yet these guys get millions.
The unions are screwy as well. They try to say their people are underpaid, maybe they are, maybe not. Then someone PLEASE explain to me why SWA's pilots are the highest paid out of the American carriers AND the company still turns a profit?

I think we will see an unspoken general payscale for regular employees among the airlines, this will lead to which company is the best work environment to work in instead of which pays me a lot more?
Last but not least, lets look at the star of the show in the international spotlight, and to think it is a Latin American airline! Wow! SWA they use the dependable 737s. Look at those EPS! The whole company is singing "The only way is up"
I think it would behoove American airlines to look at their business model, much like our American auto manufacturers woke up and studied Japanese techniques.