Probably THE last major server where we had literally thousands of registered players. Remember waiting HOURS sometimes to get on? 
Ah, yes, the joy and the irritation. I'd love to have nights where you had to wait to get online, even if it did cause me to write this once:
It was the cool of the evening on a Friday, and the enemy did crowd thick upon the shores of my people. The Gorn cried out for salvation, but I was prevented from coming to their aid. Over and over again the dynaverse did deliver its simple message: “Server Full. Please try again later. Loser”
I did despair.
Then a mighty figure appeared before me, and voices shook the sky. “Behold!” they cried without ceasing. “Behold the Lord Bug!”
“Who are you?” I demanded, though I did shake with fear at his mighty visage.
“I am the Great Targeting Bug,” he declared. “I am thy Lord and Master, and thy salvation from thine own iniquities. I am all that is good. Bow down and worship before me that you may be saved!”
“But how can this be?” I asked. “For you are hated by all and cursed throughout the land. Are you not the source of evil?”
And the Lord Bug did speak again, saying, “Not so! I am but misunderstood. Grant me your worship and I shall save you.”
Still, in this moment of my blessing, did I sin by showing doubt. But the Lord Bug was kind. He did forgive me and speak further, saying, “Look, Mac. Do you think any of these freaks are going to bed any time soon? I’m about the only chance in hel…. Umm….. about the only chance you have of ever getting onto that server tonight.
“In case you haven’t noticed, your precious Confederacy is under assault. I, source of evil? Not so! I am the friend of the gamer! I will dump thine enemy off of the server and give you room to play. How will you protect your worlds, except by my mercy? How will you replace your bases, except by my will? How will you push back the invader, except by my desire? Give me the worship and obedience that is my due and I shall bestow upon you blessings without measure. Am I not merciful? Am I not generous?”
Then did I, S’Cipio, throw myself upon his cloven feet and pledge my eternal service. “Oh great Lord Targeting Bug,” I did pray, “grant me access to your Dynaverse. Allow me to smite my enemy in your name and carry your word to the unwashed. Know you that I will declare all my actions are possible only through your Mercy and Power.”
And the Lord Bug did grin. Then did a cry of despair arise from the enemy in all his convoy raids, and the power of the Lord Targeting Bug did deposit them upon their desktop. It was now that the Lord Bug did reach into my chest and take something small, which he claimed was his by right. I did feel a sting. But I did then know joy as I was in the Dynaverse again.
“Now go forth and do great things in my name,” commanded the Lord Bug. “Let all you meet know whom you serve. Teach them of the power and glory of My Will. Instruct them to call upon me, that I might visit them and claim what is mine!”
Thus have I sworn and thus I now do.
OK, obligation met. Now if I could just get that smell of brimstone out of my carpet, everything would be fine again.
-S’Cipio the Servant