Topic: Whoz the oldest old fart in D2?  (Read 4260 times)

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Offline Kzinbane

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Whoz the oldest old fart in D2?
« on: August 12, 2005, 08:40:52 pm »
After 5 going on 6 years of D2ing Dizzy and I finally flew co-op.  You'd think with both of us being at this forever we'd have done so by now, but nope.  We have been on opposite sides several times (mostly I admit to my disfavor).  So here we are, canes madly clacking as we dash toward a poor couple of Klingon Ai ships.  Me in my trusty CWLP complete with a depends dispenser on the bridge, and ample polident and polygrip (the better to keep my fangs in place, and nice and clean) him in some Mirak ship (they all look the same to me - like targets) no doubt popping anti-alzheimers pills lime M&M's and wondering why the he can't fire drones my way.  Anyway the Klink's died (they were only 1's and zero's anyway).
It got me wondering... who IS the oldest fart still around here?  Dizzy and I have been around since D2 day one (actually I was around doing SFC1 but that doesn't count).  WHos the fartiest of the farts?  It would have to be someone that did SFC2 beta or D2 beta testing I'd guess. ???

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Re: Whoz the oldest old fart in D2?
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2005, 08:50:09 pm »
Been here since SFC1 has been out.  Received it as a gift from my best friend shortly after it came out.  Was not involved in the Dyna system till lately though.  I am sure there are many who are still here that started back in SFC1 days.

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Re: Whoz the oldest old fart in D2?
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2005, 09:17:00 pm »
Well, I came out with the 1st ever Borg mod for SFC1, if anyone remembers...

But I can precisely pinpoint my 1st entry into D2. The articfire campaign was my 1st.

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Re: Whoz the oldest old fart in D2?
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2005, 09:39:24 pm »
If you mean old as in time in SFC, I started with the Interpuke Demo.

If you mean age as in OLD (which I think you do) it is HOOCH, he is so freakin old that God asked his opinion on what color to make the sky.
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Offline OlBuzzard

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Re: Whoz the oldest old fart in D2?
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2005, 10:05:28 pm »
If you mean old as in time in SFC, I started with the Interpuke Demo.

If you mean age as in OLD (which I think you do) it is HOOCH, he is so freakin old that God asked his opinion on what color to make the sky.

Actually I'm considerably older than Hooch ..   and though I dont actively play SFC 24/7 ...   I do play on occasion ..  but mostly active in the SFC Modeling community.

I came on board at the conclusion of Rooks Tavern 1 ...   Rooks 2 was never finished (9/11) ...  it was not too long after that there was some knot head who came up with Slave Girl -1   ( Dizzy ..  I dont suppose you remember who that was do ya ?  )


  sorry one of those senior moments again !

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Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: Whoz the oldest old fart in D2?
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2005, 11:12:22 pm »
If you mean old as in time in SFC, I started with the Interpuke Demo.

If you mean age as in OLD (which I think you do) it is HOOCH, he is so freakin old that God asked his opinion on what color to make the sky.


Played SFC1 when it came out (bought a computer 3 days AFTER I bought the game), then to SFC2. Both of those I played 90% on Mplayer, then to the StarLance league, then the GZ league. Didn't get OP for a bit and when I did played it mostly on the D2, since most of the bugs had been worked out of the D2 by then.
And while I rarely play it anymore (the hefty rulebook doesn't exactly attract many players), started playing SFB back in the early 81 or 82...
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Re: Whoz the oldest old fart in D2?
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2005, 12:11:38 am »
Started with sfc1 demo (which I still have somewhere...). Played on Mplayer (mquake!), SL (never got above exp 3 tho... LOL), GSA (but no GZ).

My first D2 server was Interplay East :P But dropped D2 for some consideration period of time until now. (even now it's only a scheduling anomaly that left me without stuff to do...)

So in terms of SFC time, been a while, in terms of D2 time... not as much.

Hail to the old geezers

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Re: Whoz the oldest old fart in D2?
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2005, 01:45:35 am »
It's good to know that I'm not the only Old Fart here ;D

[img width=600 height=150]

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Re: Whoz the oldest old fart in D2?
« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2005, 05:42:56 am »
Iplay East was my first. Got heavy into it by CW4 after a hiatus.

Poor 'ol Hooch, still taking abuse and he's not even here anymore. (Though I recognise it is just good natured ribbing.) The KCW draft fiasco finished his days here as I recall. (I'm still ticked about that - players being unwilling to accept a draft...making actual threats, driving Hooch off, kicking off the SSCF exodus for Eve... >:()

Anyway, to stay positive, yeah, Soreyes is an Old Fart, I mean.. he still listens to Yes!  ;D  :thumbsup: (I'm no better - see my new sig ;))

Chuut is gettin up there too, he's told me stories of playtesting the Juggernaught for SFB... that's really old!

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Re: Whoz the oldest old fart in D2?
« Reply #9 on: August 13, 2005, 06:52:48 am »
Bought SFC1 Feb 2000, the others I bought as soon as they were released.

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Re: Whoz the oldest old fart in D2?
« Reply #10 on: August 13, 2005, 09:32:24 am »
Bought Vol I, II, III of SFB Commander's Edition in 1988 with money some money I earned the last few weeks that summer.  Avidly 'collected' SFB stuff through 1999 (my active gaming ended after I graduated HS in 1992). 

I forget how I stumbled on SFC 1's promo on the internet - it may have been off of SFB's website - but I remember I downloaded the trailer in August of 1999 and was very excited about the prospect of SFB on the PC.

I bought the game in September.  Played it single player for a month before I even had the concept of Multiplayer play.  Stumbled into that in October.  I've played it since, although I have seriously lagged in playing for the past 12 months.

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Re: Whoz the oldest old fart in D2?
« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2005, 09:59:25 am »
Well if you count SFB I been there since release of the origional pocket game.  As far as SFC I'm a relative newcomer only staarting online play since CW5


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Re: Whoz the oldest old fart in D2?
« Reply #12 on: August 13, 2005, 11:38:17 am »
I stumbled upon this community around CW5 as a Klingon. Was pretty bored of playing Klingon all the time in SFB, so I left.  Then, a few months later, I tried ISC out during IDSL and liked it.

Poor 'ol Hooch, still taking abuse and he's not even here anymore. (Though I recognise it is just good natured ribbing.) The KCW draft fiasco finished his days here as I recall. (I'm still ticked about that - players being unwilling to accept a draft...making actual threats, driving Hooch off, kicking off the SSCF exodus for Eve... )

With regards to players leaving for other newer games. That's inevitable and to be expected. I would not put too much stock into flame wars driving fleets off permanently. A permanent move always has better reasons that that.

However, the OP game needs to change with the times or it's really in big trouble. Before SFC3 came out it was OK to use stock missions and buggy customized missions cuz there were enough players around that would grin and bear it.  A year later, stock missions just won't cut it, and buggy customized missions were irritating but not really a dyna killer. Now, 2 and half year later, when you can go play games like EVE and SWG and basically never, ever CTD out, that pretty much says it all there in what is expected in any missions put on any dyna today. Next year the bar will be higher again. Probably SQL server kit needs to work or OP is done. Also, prolly needs some GAW stuff in robust missions scripts.

Offline Dfly

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Re: Whoz the oldest old fart in D2?
« Reply #13 on: August 13, 2005, 02:28:31 pm »
Never included my SFB days.  Started playing that way back in early 1980's while my best friend was in university.  He picked it up back then, while it was only SFB.  Shortly after SFB 2 Expansion came out, which he snagged, as well as #3.  WE played with those for what seemed like ages, but being in a community where a huge town is 10,000 peops, and nearest big center is hours away, we never had anyone else(other than a few we taught) to play against.  AS far as age is concerned, I am not the oldest, but am near the top in that category.

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Re: Whoz the oldest old fart in D2?
« Reply #14 on: August 13, 2005, 02:41:57 pm »
It's good to know that I'm not the only Old Fart here ;D

True.  Just the oldest.

Started playing D2 on IPlayEast and West ... then went to a bunch of GFL D2s.

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Re: Whoz the oldest old fart in D2?
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2005, 04:38:29 pm »
Started on IPLAY, saw but didn't play in Articfires.  Joined the first CW campaign and the rest is history.

As for SFB, I started in 1978 with the first paper game.  Before that there was a Larry Zolf game in which photons knocked a shield offline, and phasers did damage.

Offline OlBuzzard

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Re: Whoz the oldest old fart in D2?
« Reply #16 on: August 13, 2005, 05:45:53 pm »
Started on IPLAY, saw but didn't play in Articfires.  Joined the first CW campaign and the rest is history.

As for SFB, I started in 1978 with the first paper game.  Before that there was a Larry Zolf game in which photons knocked a shield offline, and phasers did damage.

Oh My goodness ..  someone who remembers where this stuff really started..

carefully about the photons and phasers on a Fed ship ..  that could be seen as hericy !

I stopped SFB about that time.  There were a few "die cast collectables"  ( some of them large )  that I wish I still had ...   but ....

Oh well.

Now I retexture computer generated ones .....  or carve them by hand

(here's one still wip)

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Offline Kzinbane

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Re: Whoz the oldest old fart in D2?
« Reply #17 on: August 13, 2005, 05:47:58 pm »
What about the Universit of Oregon server?  Wasn't there a Klingon server or something too?  Yeah Acticfire was great and that one that was stopped due to the 9/11 event was fantastic.  That was the only one I had a high command position in and (if I do say so myself) we were doing pretty good!  Dizzy was on the opposite side there (playing Hydran I think).
I was actually wondering about who had also been around D2 since it started, but if you count back to SFB then...yikes.  I started playing it when it came out in the little bags of coutners and a rule book.  19 seventy something?!!?  Also was playing Avalon Hill's Panzer blitz, Squad leader and Bismarck along with War at Sea and Victory in the Pacific.  Whoops, time for my Geritol (unlike Dizzy, no need for viagra)...


Offline Dfly

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Re: Whoz the oldest old fart in D2?
« Reply #18 on: August 13, 2005, 06:53:13 pm »
What about the Universit of Oregon server?  Wasn't there a Klingon server or something too?  Yeah Acticfire was great and that one that was stopped due to the 9/11 event was fantastic.  That was the only one I had a high command position in and (if I do say so myself) we were doing pretty good!  Dizzy was on the opposite side there (playing Hydran I think).
I was actually wondering about who had also been around D2 since it started, but if you count back to SFB then...yikes.  I started playing it when it came out in the little bags of coutners and a rule book.  19 seventy something?!!?  Also was playing Avalon Hill's Panzer blitz, Squad leader and Bismarck along with War at Sea and Victory in the Pacific.  Whoops, time for my Geritol (unlike Dizzy, no need for viagra)...


I remember thos games, Panzer Blitz etc..  Did you also play Tobruk?  Also used to play Mad Max which was a WW1 airplane battle on a board similar to SFB, made of paper that is, and hexed out.  Even played Wooden Ships and Iron Men, but that was a bit later, though the years way back then are just a tad foggy to me now.  Where was I? Oh ya, now I remember, the door bell rang so it was tme for bed.  Dang lack of memory.

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Re: Whoz the oldest old fart in D2?
« Reply #19 on: August 14, 2005, 12:43:27 pm »
Wow, I played Panzer Blitz....many, many moons ago...
I actually finally got rid of it not very long ago, when I realized the box was no longer keeping the counters in it due to seams splitting along 3 sides of the box...
Lord Krueg
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