We can talk after AoTK2 is over. 

Hey, what happened to your webmap? I always was proud that you first developed it for ISC Inv. dyna SQL dyna. You should bring it back.
http://www.dynaverse.net/webmap_op_sql/ Development has begun anew.. (Tracey's newly introduced terrian types need to be added it will show some errors till I get that done, a battle reporting interface based on the current automatic "Destroyed ships" page (needs human confirmations), An OoB interface (already in the early stages), and SMF forums integration! Phew, I gotta lot of work to do.
The latest flatfile map I'm quite proud of as well, (not currently connected to AOTK2 , last used on SG4 and the GFZ) - it will need some updating for the new terrain types too - and Dizzy keeps sending me color scheme suggestions..

(uses php's unpack function creatively - partial flatfile structure taken from EDDBEDIT source.) Took DieHards suggestion for optional planet and base display too...
in late 2003, I made a variant of your webmap code for the registration module in Islandwars at www.islandwars.net, hit "Registration" buttion. See, yer famous. 

BTW, look what Frey did for me => www.eek-scripts.com
Awesome - Frey is the man! ISC invasion lives!

I need to fill it in a lot. Including the first "campaign map slot" where your webmap originally was. Mb, it could be our first SQL Dyna like I first always intended for ISC Inv. in 2003. 
Hopefully we'll get the groundwork done on The Forge in the next few months. I'd love to see the ISC Invasion finally run.