Topic: Bartoks Basement  (Read 9678 times)

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Bartoks Basement
« on: August 12, 2005, 12:07:19 pm »
Greetings Folks -

As some of you know, I've been running a non-campaign "fun" server for a little while now.

Well,  I've recently completed my first forays into "mods" and have a very basic one running now.  Added about 30 ship geometries details and the files themselves can be found here:

Basically it's an X era funfest.  All races except Mirak, Lyran and pirates are playable (didn't get to make new stuff for them).   No races alligned..  will run if/as player interest supports....



Offline Dizzy

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2005, 01:39:57 pm »
Might want to coordinate wit the other admins on optimal gf settings. Good to have another server.

Offline Bonk

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2005, 07:09:08 pm »
Just got to your webpage for your mod...
Will take me a while to download... dying to check it out... looks like a good effort so far!  :thumbsup:

Check out NSIS (even just the zip to exe) will crush your models download down by more than half... (use lzma solid compression):
I'll do it up for you if you'd like.

Just let me know if you'd like any other help with your server/mod... I've been at this way too long and know it all too well...  And it is coming time to pass the torch. ;)

I can have you set up with the latest and greatest technology in the D2 in no time!

Anyway, I'm gonna go download yer models pack now... can't wait to login!  :thumbsup: :multi:

Offline Icehawk

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2005, 11:34:53 am »
just a suggestion i know its a fun server but you might adjust your dv values they drop to fast per mission two people if they wanted alone could wipe out your map pretty fast

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Offline Bonk

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2005, 12:18:42 pm »
just a suggestion i know its a fun server but you might adjust your dv values they drop to fast per mission two people if they wanted alone could wipe out your map pretty fast

To do so...

in set:
Code: [Select]


and in set:
Code: [Select]
WinThreshold =0.02

... and DVs will shift by one and pass through zero.

Offline Dfly

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2005, 12:52:56 pm »
tried getting on your server last night but kept getting errors in files missing.   the shiplist was wrong, but fighterlist was ok.  also seemed to be missing one other, something about maybe bases? cant remember the word, but it was about 10 letters long.  and Missing CRC.

 May try again later today, not sure.

Offline Icehawk

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2005, 01:39:42 pm »
for somereason i had the same trouble the main link was not updated with the ship list the mirror site had it and i got on fine after that

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Offline Bonk

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2005, 05:46:32 pm »
I found the same thing, only the mirror is updated with the shiplist in use...

This ought to get you on just fine though...  ;)

Bartok's Basement Installer:

Only 28 MB too!  :thumbsup: (ok, so maybe not less than half, but close!) It has the works (models and shiplist) as an installer. Just install it over OP+4 and uninstall it from the start menu when you're done on the server or want to use another mod, it will restore the shiplist that was present when you installed it.

I hope you don't mind that I took the liberty of creating an installer Bartok, thought it might help (smaller and easier). Just let me know if you'd like it updated. The NSIS script I used to create it is attached if you are interested in figuring out how to do it yourself. Just let me know if you have any questions.


Offline Dfly

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2005, 06:33:35 pm »
THX, dlding it now, will test it asap.

EDITED.   Tried installer, works beautifully except for one part.  That file I could not remember the name of, well it is still missing.  THis time i wrote it down.

Missing         met_starbaseconstruction.scr

it is the only one.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2005, 06:44:03 pm by Darth DeathFly »

Offline Raztax

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2005, 07:23:05 pm »
Strange, I can log on to the server, but I have had the fles for quite some time, and didnt use the installer or the mirrored files.
I would be happy to email you the scr file you need if you provide an email addy.

Offline Dfly

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2005, 07:26:05 pm »
ty, email to 

Offline Bonk

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2005, 08:05:41 pm »
THX, dlding it now, will test it asap.

EDITED.   Tried installer, works beautifully except for one part.  That file I could not remember the name of, well it is still missing.  THis time i wrote it down.

Missing         met_starbaseconstruction.scr

it is the only one.

The installer does not include any missions, as the server is using stock missions. The starbase construction mission you are missing is a stock mission.

Thanks Raztax for mailing it!

Offline Dfly

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #12 on: August 27, 2005, 08:10:30 pm »
I realize that Bonk, and thx, but it has not been mailed.

Offline Bartok

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #13 on: August 27, 2005, 08:46:35 pm »
I found the same thing, only the mirror is updated with the shiplist in use...

This ought to get you on just fine though...  ;)

Bartok's Basement Installer:

Only 28 MB too!  :thumbsup: (ok, so maybe not less than half, but close!) It has the works (models and shiplist) as an installer. Just install it over OP+4 and uninstall it from the start menu when you're done on the server or want to use another mod, it will restore the shiplist that was present when you installed it.

I hope you don't mind that I took the liberty of creating an installer Bartok, thought it might help (smaller and easier). Just let me know if you'd like it updated. The NSIS script I used to create it is attached if you are interested in figuring out how to do it yourself. Just let me know if you have any questions.


Greetings Bonk you Rock Man!!!!!

ThanX so much for taking this liberty, very much appreciated.  ThanX also for putting the file up on the dl section of our wonderful Dynaverse.Net site  :)  I haven't logged onto the forums but some of my buds (Raztax, LordGoo) were on TS just now and told me bout these new posts.

I've updated the links on my web-page at - both shiplist dl links are pointed correctly now. ThanX also for the pointers on dv in hexes.  I'll probably try those out soon.  I know the map can get blown through pretty quickly, s'why i set the dv's for planets to be pretty high - with accompanying economy:)

I'm sure I'll pick your brain over time - plus I have fireproof gloves, so you can pass the torch anytime man;)


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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #14 on: August 27, 2005, 08:47:23 pm »
just sent it to you dfly. starbase construction
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Offline Pojo92

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #15 on: August 27, 2005, 10:57:52 pm »
Signed on but noticed that in the Klink shipyard there is something called the "XNB" which does not show up when I click on it and I have to "Esc" out to get back to the shipyard.  I doanloaded the installer and everything else seems to work okay so far.  Is this just a ship file that I need to obtain somewhere and install?

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Offline Bartok

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #16 on: August 28, 2005, 12:59:25 am »
Signed on but noticed that in the Klink shipyard there is something called the "XNB" which does not show up when I click on it and I have to "Esc" out to get back to the shipyard.  I doanloaded the installer and everything else seems to work okay so far.  Is this just a ship file that I need to obtain somewhere and install?


Greetings Po,

The XNB is a new ship, it uses the "Bintak" ship mod which should be in your assets/models/bartoksbasement/ folder.  The Bintak is a cruiser of the Narn regime from Babylon 5.  Not sure about the shipyard viewing glitch but it sounds like it at least doesn't crash your machine.  One of several things I'm not skilled enough to address is the fact that all of the new ships usually display "???" for the ship name - one or two exceptions.

If you can afford one, I recommend it ;D -- if u buy one and then can't see the ship when the mission loads, you do have a problem with the model file.  I don't know if you've done this but that would confirm the problem. 

Keep us posted,


Offline Bonk

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #17 on: August 28, 2005, 07:46:03 am »
if u buy one and then can't see the ship when the mission loads, you do have a problem with the model file. I don't know if you've done this but that would confirm the problem.

The bintak model is in the correct location (I used the installer too, of course...).  Sounds like a bad UI but it is using the KCA UI which should be fine... Lemme run a few checks...

... One of several things I'm not skilled enough to address is the fact that all of the new ships usually display "???" for the ship name - one or two exceptions.

Assets\Strings\shipnames.txt   ;)
and Assets\Strings\strings.txt    ...which works in an odd way... look them over.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2005, 07:59:09 am by Bonk »

Offline Bonk

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #18 on: August 28, 2005, 08:05:26 am »
I ran Dave's shiplist checker on your list (it and the results for your current list are attached). To use it, just place the shiplistchecker.exe in the root of your OP install (where StarfleetOP.exe is) and double click it, it will save the results to ShiplistReport.txt in the same folder.

Offline Bonk

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #19 on: August 28, 2005, 09:46:43 am »
Ran Firesouls 1 race model checker (  under SFC:OP Models Tester) on the klingon list and it checks out fine. (results attached). I also tried out the K-XNB in a singleplayer skirmish, seemed fine... can't immediately see why it would bug out the shipyard on the dynaverse server... odd.