Topic: Bartoks Basement  (Read 9674 times)

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Bartoks Basement
« on: August 12, 2005, 12:07:19 pm »
Greetings Folks -

As some of you know, I've been running a non-campaign "fun" server for a little while now.

Well,  I've recently completed my first forays into "mods" and have a very basic one running now.  Added about 30 ship geometries details and the files themselves can be found here:

Basically it's an X era funfest.  All races except Mirak, Lyran and pirates are playable (didn't get to make new stuff for them).   No races alligned..  will run if/as player interest supports....



Offline Dizzy

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2005, 01:39:57 pm »
Might want to coordinate wit the other admins on optimal gf settings. Good to have another server.

Offline Bonk

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2005, 07:09:08 pm »
Just got to your webpage for your mod...
Will take me a while to download... dying to check it out... looks like a good effort so far!  :thumbsup:

Check out NSIS (even just the zip to exe) will crush your models download down by more than half... (use lzma solid compression):
I'll do it up for you if you'd like.

Just let me know if you'd like any other help with your server/mod... I've been at this way too long and know it all too well...  And it is coming time to pass the torch. ;)

I can have you set up with the latest and greatest technology in the D2 in no time!

Anyway, I'm gonna go download yer models pack now... can't wait to login!  :thumbsup: :multi:

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2005, 11:34:53 am »
just a suggestion i know its a fun server but you might adjust your dv values they drop to fast per mission two people if they wanted alone could wipe out your map pretty fast

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Offline Bonk

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2005, 12:18:42 pm »
just a suggestion i know its a fun server but you might adjust your dv values they drop to fast per mission two people if they wanted alone could wipe out your map pretty fast

To do so...

in set:
Code: [Select]


and in set:
Code: [Select]
WinThreshold =0.02

... and DVs will shift by one and pass through zero.

Offline Dfly

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2005, 12:52:56 pm »
tried getting on your server last night but kept getting errors in files missing.   the shiplist was wrong, but fighterlist was ok.  also seemed to be missing one other, something about maybe bases? cant remember the word, but it was about 10 letters long.  and Missing CRC.

 May try again later today, not sure.

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2005, 01:39:42 pm »
for somereason i had the same trouble the main link was not updated with the ship list the mirror site had it and i got on fine after that

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Offline Bonk

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2005, 05:46:32 pm »
I found the same thing, only the mirror is updated with the shiplist in use...

This ought to get you on just fine though...  ;)

Bartok's Basement Installer:

Only 28 MB too!  :thumbsup: (ok, so maybe not less than half, but close!) It has the works (models and shiplist) as an installer. Just install it over OP+4 and uninstall it from the start menu when you're done on the server or want to use another mod, it will restore the shiplist that was present when you installed it.

I hope you don't mind that I took the liberty of creating an installer Bartok, thought it might help (smaller and easier). Just let me know if you'd like it updated. The NSIS script I used to create it is attached if you are interested in figuring out how to do it yourself. Just let me know if you have any questions.


Offline Dfly

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2005, 06:33:35 pm »
THX, dlding it now, will test it asap.

EDITED.   Tried installer, works beautifully except for one part.  That file I could not remember the name of, well it is still missing.  THis time i wrote it down.

Missing         met_starbaseconstruction.scr

it is the only one.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2005, 06:44:03 pm by Darth DeathFly »

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2005, 07:23:05 pm »
Strange, I can log on to the server, but I have had the fles for quite some time, and didnt use the installer or the mirrored files.
I would be happy to email you the scr file you need if you provide an email addy.

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2005, 07:26:05 pm »
ty, email to 

Offline Bonk

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2005, 08:05:41 pm »
THX, dlding it now, will test it asap.

EDITED.   Tried installer, works beautifully except for one part.  That file I could not remember the name of, well it is still missing.  THis time i wrote it down.

Missing         met_starbaseconstruction.scr

it is the only one.

The installer does not include any missions, as the server is using stock missions. The starbase construction mission you are missing is a stock mission.

Thanks Raztax for mailing it!

Offline Dfly

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #12 on: August 27, 2005, 08:10:30 pm »
I realize that Bonk, and thx, but it has not been mailed.

Offline Bartok

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #13 on: August 27, 2005, 08:46:35 pm »
I found the same thing, only the mirror is updated with the shiplist in use...

This ought to get you on just fine though...  ;)

Bartok's Basement Installer:

Only 28 MB too!  :thumbsup: (ok, so maybe not less than half, but close!) It has the works (models and shiplist) as an installer. Just install it over OP+4 and uninstall it from the start menu when you're done on the server or want to use another mod, it will restore the shiplist that was present when you installed it.

I hope you don't mind that I took the liberty of creating an installer Bartok, thought it might help (smaller and easier). Just let me know if you'd like it updated. The NSIS script I used to create it is attached if you are interested in figuring out how to do it yourself. Just let me know if you have any questions.


Greetings Bonk you Rock Man!!!!!

ThanX so much for taking this liberty, very much appreciated.  ThanX also for putting the file up on the dl section of our wonderful Dynaverse.Net site  :)  I haven't logged onto the forums but some of my buds (Raztax, LordGoo) were on TS just now and told me bout these new posts.

I've updated the links on my web-page at - both shiplist dl links are pointed correctly now. ThanX also for the pointers on dv in hexes.  I'll probably try those out soon.  I know the map can get blown through pretty quickly, s'why i set the dv's for planets to be pretty high - with accompanying economy:)

I'm sure I'll pick your brain over time - plus I have fireproof gloves, so you can pass the torch anytime man;)


Offline FPF-Tobin Dax

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #14 on: August 27, 2005, 08:47:23 pm »
just sent it to you dfly. starbase construction
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Offline Pojo92

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #15 on: August 27, 2005, 10:57:52 pm »
Signed on but noticed that in the Klink shipyard there is something called the "XNB" which does not show up when I click on it and I have to "Esc" out to get back to the shipyard.  I doanloaded the installer and everything else seems to work okay so far.  Is this just a ship file that I need to obtain somewhere and install?

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Offline Bartok

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #16 on: August 28, 2005, 12:59:25 am »
Signed on but noticed that in the Klink shipyard there is something called the "XNB" which does not show up when I click on it and I have to "Esc" out to get back to the shipyard.  I doanloaded the installer and everything else seems to work okay so far.  Is this just a ship file that I need to obtain somewhere and install?


Greetings Po,

The XNB is a new ship, it uses the "Bintak" ship mod which should be in your assets/models/bartoksbasement/ folder.  The Bintak is a cruiser of the Narn regime from Babylon 5.  Not sure about the shipyard viewing glitch but it sounds like it at least doesn't crash your machine.  One of several things I'm not skilled enough to address is the fact that all of the new ships usually display "???" for the ship name - one or two exceptions.

If you can afford one, I recommend it ;D -- if u buy one and then can't see the ship when the mission loads, you do have a problem with the model file.  I don't know if you've done this but that would confirm the problem. 

Keep us posted,


Offline Bonk

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #17 on: August 28, 2005, 07:46:03 am »
if u buy one and then can't see the ship when the mission loads, you do have a problem with the model file. I don't know if you've done this but that would confirm the problem.

The bintak model is in the correct location (I used the installer too, of course...).  Sounds like a bad UI but it is using the KCA UI which should be fine... Lemme run a few checks...

... One of several things I'm not skilled enough to address is the fact that all of the new ships usually display "???" for the ship name - one or two exceptions.

Assets\Strings\shipnames.txt   ;)
and Assets\Strings\strings.txt    ...which works in an odd way... look them over.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2005, 07:59:09 am by Bonk »

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #18 on: August 28, 2005, 08:05:26 am »
I ran Dave's shiplist checker on your list (it and the results for your current list are attached). To use it, just place the shiplistchecker.exe in the root of your OP install (where StarfleetOP.exe is) and double click it, it will save the results to ShiplistReport.txt in the same folder.

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #19 on: August 28, 2005, 09:46:43 am »
Ran Firesouls 1 race model checker (  under SFC:OP Models Tester) on the klingon list and it checks out fine. (results attached). I also tried out the K-XNB in a singleplayer skirmish, seemed fine... can't immediately see why it would bug out the shipyard on the dynaverse server... odd.

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #20 on: August 29, 2005, 08:47:37 am »
I ran Dave's shiplist checker on your list (it and the results for your current list are attached). To use it, just place the shiplistchecker.exe in the root of your OP install (where StarfleetOP.exe is) and double click it, it will save the results to ShiplistReport.txt in the same folder.


ThanX for all that you're doing to troubleshoot my server.  These utilities are GREAT.  I looked at the output of the shiplist checker and saw a few things that might explain why certain ships aren't being built.  The "Single space found in column 6" particularly.  I removed this from a few of the suspect ships (R-XROCF etc.)  I imagine they'd probably be built now if I replaced the shiplist.  The other (majority) of the messages had to do with the absence of _brk models for the new ships.  That's just the way they came sadly.  Kind of funny when one gets destroyed, it truly goes "poof" and siappears altogether. 



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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #21 on: August 29, 2005, 08:56:55 am »
You can replace the serverside shiplist (in the "Spec" folder only) and it will affect builds without requiring a clientside update (within reasonable limits...). The missing break models should not be a problem, as you describe, they just go poof! But it is best to validate the entire list with Firesouls model checker to avoid those nasty CTDs because of model errors. (not that I'm getting any on your mod... :thumbsup:)

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #22 on: August 29, 2005, 09:01:49 am »
You can replace the serverside shiplist (in the "Spec" folder only) and it will affect builds without requiring a clientside update (within reasonable limits...). The missing break models should not be a problem, as you describe, they just go poof! But it is best to validate the entire list with Firesouls model checker to avoid those nasty CTDs because of model errors.

Cool - I knew there were some things you could do that wouldn't require a new dl.  I added PF's to the Rom XCB on my last server/map.  I'm going to use this utility everytime I work on a shiplist now, SOOoooo useful.

If I might be an acronym dummy, what are CTDs?

Many thanX

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #23 on: August 29, 2005, 09:03:56 am »
CTD = crash to desktop   Sorry, got lazy, excessive acronyms bother me too and are exclusionary...

Yes, you can modify fighter loadouts serverside, along with a number of things, most commonly spares are adjusted under the "Damage Control" column on the serverside list.

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #24 on: August 31, 2005, 12:32:56 pm »
I enjoyed having the galactica as an ally last night in one mission.  8)
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Offline Pojo92

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #25 on: August 31, 2005, 04:57:25 pm »
I enjoyed having the galactica as an ally last night in one mission.  8)

How about having the Cylon Basestars to fight?  Those things are damned near impossible to kill.  Finally figured out that you (counterintuitively) have to be able to survive long enough to get in close and administer a point blank kill shot.  Those G2 Phasers are murder.
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Offline [KBF]MuadDib

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #26 on: August 31, 2005, 11:25:03 pm »
server down  :huh:
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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #27 on: September 01, 2005, 03:50:45 am »
I enjoyed having the galactica as an ally last night in one mission.  8)

How about having the Cylon Basestars to fight?  Those things are damned near impossible to kill.  Finally figured out that you (counterintuitively) have to be able to survive long enough to get in close and administer a point blank kill shot.  Those G2 Phasers are murder.

Unfortunately the G-2 phasers are broken and do way more damage than they are supposed to. They should be removed whenever possible.    :(
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Offline Bartok

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #28 on: September 01, 2005, 08:26:21 am »
I enjoyed having the galactica as an ally last night in one mission.  8)

How about having the Cylon Basestars to fight?  Those things are damned near impossible to kill.  Finally figured out that you (counterintuitively) have to be able to survive long enough to get in close and administer a point blank kill shot.  Those G2 Phasers are murder.

Unfortunately the G-2 phasers are broken and do way more damage than they are supposed to. They should be removed whenever possible.    :(

Greetings TobinDax,

Do you mean the G-2's are broken on the Basestar, or across the board???  I must admit, I haven't faced one (or run from one) since before I officially launched the server.  I don't know about removing them at this point - would require a new dl and perhaps a wipe of the db, though  I'm not 100% sure about that last part. 

Several races have the basestar ISC is the only playable race that can get it.  I put a flavor of it in both Mirak and Lyran yards so that the server would have it as a possible ai once folks are flying the big cheese ships.  Hey - they need to defend what little they have left LOL.....

Not sure how long I'll have this one run, I'd like to implement several tweaks suggested by Bonk but most would have to wait until the next map gets made etc...



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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #29 on: September 01, 2005, 11:26:51 am »
Don't worry for now about changes, but yes the G-2 phasers are broken across the board. I don't recall how far out of whack they are, (it's possible to bring down a shield from over range 20 away) but because of it, it is considered to be bad form to fly a g-2 ship in ladder play.
I got gang banged by 2 hydrans the last week on gsa by a couple of guys who thought it was "fun". My wing dropped and 1 hydran stayed range 20 to 25 on one side and the other on the other side at a similar distance gutting me, knowing my x-phasers and plasma could not touch them.
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Offline Bartok

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #30 on: September 02, 2005, 01:52:59 pm »
Greetings All,

I've edited the server side shiplist to affect some fixes to it.  ThanX AGAIN Bonk for the shiplist checker output and everyting else.  I've just logged on as every playable race (cept roms) and checked.  Several of the ships which hadn't been built to date are now in the yards!!!!!! YAY  a Fed BBC+ and a Gorn XSHDW (the big version:)  --- it's a cheezefest folks.... the BBC+ particularly.

I've not flown either of these, the problems w/the shiplist had existed since I was "testing".  Soooo.... how they fly is a mystery to me. 

Log on and have a nice slice of Stilton on me;)

Cheers and Happy Labor Day Weekend to all that are celebrating!


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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #31 on: September 02, 2005, 01:56:34 pm »
Log on and have a nice slice of Stilton on me;)

Yum!  8)

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #32 on: September 02, 2005, 08:01:46 pm »
down 8(
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Offline Kzinbane

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #33 on: September 05, 2005, 06:45:57 pm »
Decided to give this server a shot.  Everything seems fine but when certain fighters launch I go back to visit my desktop.  Not sure which fighters right off hand, but I know one ISC versin (it's a new type not typical in OP - CP? CR?). The other I believe is Klingon or Orion.  Got into a mission with Dax and about the time fighters would be launching - POOF - Desktop.
Since the server let's me in the fighterlist isn't at fault, my only guess is that I am missing some models?  Where are the fighter models at anyway, and how can I check for what I need?  FInally if I AM missing some, where do I get them?


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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #34 on: September 06, 2005, 06:26:04 am »
You can use Dave's shiplist checker posted earlier in this thread to check to see that all your models are there. I posted a report generated wtih that tool, from my install after using the installer. If all the models are there then it could be a problem with the fighterlist?

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #35 on: September 06, 2005, 02:08:32 pm »
Correct me if I am wrong, but typically I'd get a CRC error fighterlist if it's screwed up, wouldn't I?  I notice that whenever I encounter a B10V I get a crash when it launches.  I suspect Klingon fighters there, but I earlier ran into a D7U with 3 squadrons of fighters and they worked normally.  I will try replacing the fighter list with a freshly DLed one just in case - see if that helps.


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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #36 on: September 06, 2005, 02:52:51 pm »
Where are the fighter models at anyway, and how can I check for what I need?  FInally if I AM missing some, where do I get them?


Whether or not the sever will let you on with a bad ftlist depends upon whether or not Bartok put the ftrlist in his ValidatedClients folder.  But this definitley sounds like a models problem. 

Open your fighterlist in Excel and scroll over the the right.  Every fighter has a directory path to the directory that should hold the model.  Go to that directory and see if a model is inside.

If the directory is empty, you can pretty much put any model you want in there.   For starters, copy some other fighter and put that model in.  (Be sure you change the name of the MOD file to match what is in the dirctory path listed in the ftrlist.  The texture file(s) don't need their name(s) changed )

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #37 on: September 06, 2005, 09:16:01 pm »
the shiplist checker gives me a whole page of crap about the main list (looks rather like the one posted earlier).  WHen it gets to the fighter list however it finds more crap.  I DLed the one from the basement web page again and plopped it into my assets folder.   Maybe this one'll work!

As for models - looking at them they all seem to be there (and then some).


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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #38 on: September 06, 2005, 09:18:29 pm »
Correct me if I am wrong, but typically I'd get a CRC error fighterlist if it's screwed up, wouldn't I?  I notice that whenever I encounter a B10V I get a crash when it launches.  I suspect Klingon fighters there, but I earlier ran into a D7U with 3 squadrons of fighters and they worked normally.  I will try replacing the fighter list with a freshly DLed one just in case - see if that helps.


i think this fighter issue has to do with how you open the properties something or other...

"?:\Program Files\Taldren Software Inc\Starfleet Command Orion Pirates\StarFleetOP.exe"

start in:
"?:\Program Files\Taldren Software Inc\Starfleet Command Orion Pirates"

if that doesnt work i dunno...theres always uninstall...delete the taldren folder...and start again...but i think this is your problem if you're only crashing on fighter/pf release...whether its you or a wing or an enemy...but ive been known to be wrong...hope this helps...
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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #39 on: September 06, 2005, 09:22:45 pm »
the shiplist checker gives me a whole page of crap about the main list (looks rather like the one posted earlier).  WHen it gets to the fighter list however it finds more crap.  I DLed the one from the basement web page again and plopped it into my assets folder.   Maybe this one'll work!

As for models - looking at them they all seem to be there (and then some).


and as long as you downloaded bonk's installer and used that...all should be in the right place...been flying for a couple weeks now with no issues...
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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #40 on: September 06, 2005, 09:32:30 pm »

i think this fighter issue has to do with how you open the properties something or other...

Doh!!!!! I completely forgot about that bug!

Yeah, I bet 'Dib has nailed it.  There is/was a bug in OP where if you open the game with the wrong (i.e. with the default) executable, your fighters don't appear.  You have to open it with the executable that does not give you the opening movie.

Look at the two executables in your OP folder and make sure you use the bigger one to start the game with.

I hope that's it for you, Kyle.

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #41 on: September 07, 2005, 12:47:03 am »
I wish I had a copy of the movie from SFC2...

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #42 on: September 07, 2005, 08:04:25 pm »
I am using the same OP start as used in the general war - Romulan/Gorn/Federation conflict - and AOTK.  Fighters consistantly worked OK in both of those.  Indeed fighters work SOMETIMES in the current game, but at other times crash me.  The shiplist checker thing provides no help at all - gives dozens of things as problems in both the fighter and ship list.  DLing and re-installing the fighterlist did not help, crashed again last night due to an enemy fighter launch.
One thing I notice when looking at the fighters in the shipEdit program - I think the ones that are crashing me are the new ones such as the ISC CR and the Klingon Fencer X.  The file extensions to these look like this: assets/models/bartoksbasement/frazi/nftr.mod.  "Normal" fighter model extensions look like this: assets/models/kft/kft.mod. 
Since I can't seem to play anyway perhaps I can just use the "regular" model extensions - though I may well get a bad fighterlist CRC error if I do.  At this point I have nothing to loose though!

« Last Edit: September 07, 2005, 08:14:35 pm by Kzinbane »

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #43 on: September 07, 2005, 08:30:29 pm »
AHA!  In single play I made the ISC CR fighter the same model as the other ISC fighters.  Worked NP.  I then tried to run Klingon Lancer X fighters and had a quick desktop visit.  I think I'm onto something!  Apparently the program won't dig up the models it's supposed to (such as the starfury model).
I may get in on this cheesefest after all!


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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #44 on: September 08, 2005, 07:56:57 am »
Find the copy of StarfleetOP.exe that you are running. Right click and copy it. Right click the desktop and "Paste as shortcut". Use this shortcut to start the game. Does this solve your problem?  (this is another way to achieve the shortcut edits desribed in the 2552 patch readme).

Did you use my installer?  (backs up your current files on install - so reset to OP+4 before installing - the mod requires that OP+4 is installed.)

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #45 on: September 08, 2005, 02:24:42 pm »
I am using the correct start up - no movie, etc. 
When I last checked there wasn't an installer - rather there was a zip file with ship models in it and a second one - I think anyway (I'm at work).  I can easily go back to original standard 4.0 and try the installer, worth a try anyhow.


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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #46 on: September 08, 2005, 05:35:30 pm »
One thing I notice when looking at the fighters in the shipEdit program - I think the ones that are crashing me are the new ones such as the ISC CR and the Klingon Fencer X.  The file extensions to these look like this: assets/models/bartoksbasement/frazi/nftr.mod.  "Normal" fighter model extensions look like this: assets/models/kft/kft.mod. 

Yep, the new fighters.  You are on to something.  Now you need to:

Look in your directories and see:

1) Do you have a folder on your machine named C:/Program Filess/Taldren Software/Starfleet Command Orion Pirates/assets/models/bartoksbasement?  If not, then make one

2) Look inside this folder.  Do you have another folder named frazi?  If not, then make one.

3) Look inside this folder.  Do you see a file called nftr.mod?  If not, copy of of the standard fighters into this folder and rename the mod file to nftr.mod

That should fix it.

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #47 on: September 08, 2005, 07:07:36 pm »
That sounds like WORK you silly lizard! (thanks though  ;) ).  I think I will try the installer first, see if that gets me rolling.  If that doesn't work I will consider putzing with the files more.  I tried simply directing the new fighters to standard models.  This worked just fine in single play wehre as before even that was crashing.  The problem is the security setting on the Dyna give me a fighter list CRC error when I try to log on.  >:(

I was playing ISC.  By the time I get things working the Freaking Klingons will have taken all our space!  Durn Klinks - pick on the Feds - that's what you are there for!


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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #48 on: September 08, 2005, 09:13:45 pm »
Greetings Guys -

I thought I'd drop in a quick note, looks like folks have been on the server and posting quite a bit here.....  I've been away with some real life issues, damm pesky buggers....

Reading through the thread it sounds like there've been some problemos with fighters etc.,  but most everyone has had them resolved at this point... ?

Sorry - I'm drop dead tired and shouldn't have tried to catch up right now.....  hope everyone's still enjoying the cheezefest :D


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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #49 on: September 29, 2005, 12:38:58 pm »

I hope you don't mind that I took the liberty of creating an installer Bartok, thought it might help (smaller and easier). Just let me know if you'd like it updated. The NSIS script I used to create it is attached if you are interested in figuring out how to do it yourself. Just let me know if you have any questions.


Greetings Bonk -

I can see by other posts etc. that you're quite busy.  I LOVE the webmap utility btw -  :rwoot:

I'm honestly not as hardcore as most of you I think, didn't play SFB too much and I get a little overwhelmed with some of the rules.  Don't get me wrong, I respect them and know they add dimension to campaign servers, but I'm almost too intimidated to fly on em....

Anyhow - my real question, and reason for replying to this earlier post is that I've started to fiddle again.  Bartoks Basement version 2.0?... anyhow - only taking notes right now on what I'd like to eliminate (bugged ppd shadow ships etc.).  I dl'd the nsis script you attached here and when I tried to open it with NSIS I got an error message.  I dl'd to my desktop - perhaps it needs to be in a specific scripts folder, I'm not sure.  Anyhow - the NSIS app looks a little beyond my abilities, but I'm willing to trudge through.  I dl'd another piece of software (ClickTeams Install Creator) and it looks a little more user friendly for a noob like myself.  Have you used or have an opinion on this one?

Any light you could shed - as usual, is most appreciated

Kind Regards,


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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #50 on: September 29, 2005, 01:42:15 pm »
Yes, you will get errors if you try to compile that script without the folders it references. Just open it in notepad to have a look at the script. It should be mostly self explanatory.

Clickteam? Yes, Karnak, Pestalence and Chris Jones have used it and it works fine. I have not used it myself as the free version is limited, so I went directly to NSIS.

Glad to hear your're working on a new version, sounds cool!  :thumbsup:  Let me know if you get stuck creating an installer yourself, if so, I can do up a new one for you once you post the files needed. Just give me about a week's warning.

Don't worry about all the rules if you want to participate on other servers. To be honest I ignore most of them myself.. ;) You know what they say about rules...  Seriously though, if you're on teamspeak the other guys will help out, you need only ask.

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #51 on: September 29, 2005, 02:55:44 pm »
Yes, you will get errors if you try to compile that script without the folders it references. Just open it in notepad to have a look at the script. It should be mostly self explanatory.

Gotcha - will check it out w/notepad.

Quote from: Bonk (Lord of the Cluster Flies)
Clickteam? Yes, Karnak, Pestalence and Chris Jones have used it and it works fine. I have not used it myself as the free version is limited, so I went directly to NSIS.

Glad to hear your're working on a new version, sounds cool!  :thumbsup:  Let me know if you get stuck creating an installer yourself, if so, I can do up a new one for you once you post the files needed. Just give me about a week's warning.

Don't worry about all the rules if you want to participate on other servers. To be honest I ignore most of them myself.. ;) You know what they say about rules...  Seriously though, if you're on teamspeak the other guys will help out, you need only ask.

Cool - good to know others have used it successfully.  Only checked it out briefly, but will probably try my hand w/both perhaps.  Still a ways away - need/want to hunt down some more models ;D  I can't say enuf how much I appreciate your help and insight man.  I'll keep you posted :)   

I think I have the TS address, Frey posted a lot of useful info, I'll check to make sure I've got it entered and come up some time.  I've been a little absent, both from my server and my TS (have a room for Bartoks basement on the GOC TS server - clan I've played w/over the years.  But I usually hang out there when I'm on. 


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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #52 on: December 22, 2005, 09:01:41 am »
Unstickied, as it appears the Basement is closed for now. Just let me know when you start er up for another run and I can re-sticky this thread or a new one for the next run! Good work Bartok, keep at it!  :thumbsup:

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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #53 on: January 05, 2006, 09:38:51 pm »
Unstickied, as it appears the Basement is closed for now. Just let me know when you start er up for another run and I can re-sticky this thread or a new one for the next run! Good work Bartok, keep at it!  :thumbsup:

Hey Bonk -

ThanX man - sorry I didn't read this earlier.  I did take down the basement, mostly cuz I've been flyin on the Forge in prep for KCW (sort of)  Just needed to fly some stock ships for a bit.  The computer really enjoyed cooling down after being on 24/7 since...... July? ...

cheers man - will keep you posted when I bring er back up


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Re: Bartoks Basement
« Reply #54 on: January 05, 2006, 11:19:44 pm »
And we'll be seeing the D77 too right?

*nudge nudge...wink wink*...say no more... ;)