I'll show you FRO
http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=FROOk, I buy FRO at 42.75 a share. It has a dividend yield of 21.79, meanbing I'm beating the market and bank bad. BUT, if you look at history, the share price stays between 40 to 65 for example, sometimes you get killler dividends, sometimes not, you also have to look at a stock's appreciation potential. FRO is a stable stock, but I like dividends.
Now let's look at VLO
Can we say crap div yield? But wait! Look at the year to year history!
http://finance.yahoo.com/q/bc?s=VLO&t=5yHmmmm, 11 bucks a share near beginning of 03, plus a SPLIT, and now is almost 100 a share! So at that rate of appreciation and a split, screw dividends! Yeah guys and gals, I noticed VLO in summer of 04, and have regretted not buying any back then since because now it's an expensive stock. They are also buying out PremCor thus making Valero Oil THE largest refiner in the U.S.
That my friends is called POWER!