Just getting back into this game after 2 years but plan to fly ISC and or Lyran. Wont be able to play for a little bit though as I had to order a copy of OP on ebay as I only had EAW. Can I get access to the ISC sfc2.net forum though just so I can keep up with whats going on? Also, is Pharoah still around? I saw that he was listed as a moderator for the ISC sfc2.net forum and we used to fly together back in the day.
Hey Wiley,
No Pharoah has been missing for years now. I think the last time I heard from him was about 18 months ago and he was playing EVE. The first ISC RM I met, Dagger, has not been heard from for eons, like pre-2003. Actually, out of the original ISC leadership team that Pharoah set up in the fall of 2002 when he was last active (ie. Blade, me and himself), I'm the only one left, and I only very recently came back after taking a year off. Julin has been pretty much holding fort for the ISC. Direwolf is playing a little on this dyna though. Most of the GFL ISC guys are busy playing SWG to this day. They seem pretty happy there.
Thats a real bummer. I really enjoyed flying and chatting with him. We were 2 ISC representatives on the original "Shiplist council" that turned into a flame war

. I even remember when we made him the head ISC rep so to speak. I think I remember your name as well but its been a while. Ah well, its not like I've been around for 2 years either. Still, I hope to get on here every once in a while when my copy OP comes in. I have 3 small children and a wife so my time is limited.
Oh and I forgot that I havent registered over at sfc2.net yet. I will do that today under the same name.