So, where is that model you had halfway made? Do you ever intend on modelling any of these? I told you about people's responses; I told you a few times already that you could make a lot of arrows, each pointing to a part and briefly describing what it does. To post such radical concepts, undescribed, then as usual do nothing with them, is going to give you nothing but grief because no one has any idea what those things are.
Just stop yourself, and think how you would dileniate a drawing of the Connie to a person whose never seen Star Trek.... "whats the long things? A warp what? A saucer?" so on would be their questions, so take this concept and transfer it to your drawings; point, describe, and elaborate.
Yes, and do try to start modelling again; for non-artists like me, nothing is more frustrating than seeing a picture of half-made model (the lifeless wierd random lines had LIFE, and made SENSE), then the guy posting more pictures again.
There are free modelling programs out there, inexpensive ones also. Get it together, because those drawing make no sense whatsoever without a 3D representation- you said so yourself.