I've looked at the model and why many features appaear the same , the individual blobs have different poly arangments, so while he may have copied DD's cube he didn't steal the mesh. and Darkdrone, you've always told me all you require for BC ports is credit, so why are you trying to have russel burned at the stake for not asking when you don't require permission? You've even said as much to me I don't know how many times? Who you trying to kid? Not only that but russel has not released anything of yours yet anyways, and he said he fully intended to credit you for the textures (apparently just some armor?) he used in the readme, but since there was no release and thus no readme as of yet, publicly bashing as a thief was totaly off the wall. I think the 2 of you need to hook up over PM, sort this sh*t out in private where it belongs and get back to the business of making mods.