OK heres the deal on the SFC3 conversions.. Our main malfunction is that we have no way to test them. I have SFC3 but ive neither the time nor patience (more the patience) to figure out how to import a model. Every attemt i tried ended in failure. So ill let you guys knock yerselves out, and convert away.
IF you do convert, and wish to post it, do so along side the models SFC2/OP release at Battleclinic. Example: If you convert the "Trekmods Romulan V-8 BoP" post it at battleclinic with a name like "Trekmods Romulan V-8 BoP for SFC3" along with a nice in game screenie. This will make sure that the SFC3 model is next to the SFC2/OP release. You can credit yourself for the conversion
Do NOT post any of the Trekmod models posted on Battleclinic at SFC3files.com.. When all of the battleclinic releases are done (this includes the sfc3 conversions from u guys), I will make 1 large mega pack, and post it at SFCfiles myself TIA